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Harzilein hi11:56.11 
mubot Welcome to #mupdf, the channel for MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.11:56.11 
Harzilein was giving the (x11) viewer utility the ability to switch to a "next pdf" specified on the command line ever considered?12:05.32 
  given how lightweight mupdf is i feel it's pretty much like "less for pdfs", and not having :n is a bit clumsy for this use case12:06.30 
Robin_Watts Harzilein: If you want less for pdfs then you ant malc's thing....12:09.15 
  I forget the name of it though.12:10.32 
tor8 Harzilein: http://repo.or.cz/w/llpp.git12:10.35 
Harzilein i'll look at it, thanks12:22.51 
  it seems that it only allows just one file argument as well12:45.36 
  frantic ocaml style :D13:17.21 
sebras tor8: third got a few new warnings recently:15:04.13 
  CC build/debug/thirdparty/harfbuzz/hb-common.o15:04.14 
  cc1plus: warning: command line option ‘-Wdeclaration-after-statement’ is valid for C/ObjC but not for C++15:04.14 
tor8 sebras: ugh. :(15:04.35 
sebras tor8: would it be allowed to do $(subst ) on CFLAGS for those files?15:05.00 
  tor8: that affected glfw too.15:07.10 
tor8 we probably should set both CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS separately in Makerules and use only CXXFLAGS for C++15:08.07 
sebras oh! we do have a CXX_CMD!15:09.58 
tor8 sebras: glfw is strange, that shouldn't be using C++15:10.54 
sebras ok, but it complains when I'm tyring to compile it..?!15:11.22 
  if that's the case, how has robin been able to compile it?15:11.43 
  in _glfwPlatformSetWindowIcon in thirdparty/glfw/src/x11_window.c line 1681 e.g.15:12.10 
tor8 sebras: glfw complains because of ISO C90 not C++15:12.50 
sebras oh, I'm blind... that's great!15:13.12 
  tor8: regardless, how has this not affected robin?15:13.31 
tor8 sebras: probably because we compile it as C++ for windows to get around that problem15:13.32 
  like we do/did with some other thirdparty libraries15:13.45 
  jpegxr comes to mind15:13.55 
sebras tor8: oh... now I see it, those errors are only in the x11-files in glfw...15:14.04 
tor8 sebras: oh yeah, that too15:14.18 
sebras tor8: ehm. why haven't we included origin/mupdf-fixes-test of thirdparty/glfw in mupdf?15:15.11 
  also, because we're on origin/mupdf-fixes we haven't got _any_ of the newer changes. is that intentional?15:15.46 
tor8 sebras: because we haven't tested it properly15:16.09 
sebras tor8: ok, so it is intentional, alright.15:16.22 
tor8 sebras: and origin/mudpf-fixes is sitting on a tag15:16.38 
  upstream changes fast15:16.42 
sebras tor8: what about the fix for MSVC earlier than 2010? I assume you added it because you needed it?15:19.02 
tor8 that's the one we haven't tested properly15:19.18 
sebras oh, I that you meant the later commits from upstream on the entire glfw.15:19.46 
  I see.15:19.49 
Harzilein malc_: hi20:17.42 
malc_ Harzilein: hello20:18.01 
Harzilein malc_: i understand there is already a history for the documents in llpp, but what i'd really need is something like :n and :p in less, where i specify multiple documents on the commandline and switch to the previous and next one. would this need a hash as well or could i use a mutable array?20:19.43 
malc_ Harzilein: not sure what you mean by hash here20:24.11 
Harzilein malc_: the history is a hashtbl. i tried persuading llpp to kind of do what i want by faking a history, but i haven't implemented movement keys for it20:25.19 
  (faking a history in the config file that is)20:25.29 
  i also noticed that there's kind of a "history stack" when following links to external named destinations, but i assume that this kind of list has its tail destroyed as the stack is popped, so not suitable for my use case20:26.57 
malc_ Harzilein: yeah, if you need to cycle between two documents something else is needed20:27.43 
  Harzilein: poor man's hack would be:20:29.00 
  <map in='f10' out='H down ret'/>20:29.01 
  <map in='f9' out='H ret'/>20:29.01 
  proper solution would need some coding (not a whole lot I imagine though)20:30.00 
Harzilein hmm... i tried and failed to utsl to find out where to put those map elements. it seems those are per doc?!?20:38.06 
malc_ Harzilein: misc/keys.txt has an example20:39.35 
Harzilein it seems i have to press those keys twice20:42.28 
malc_ Harzilein: it's a hack :(20:44.04 
Harzilein history is lru-sorted every time?20:44.05 
malc_ Most likely, proper solution would need some directer aproach :(20:45.39 
Harzilein are those error messages for the "gotor" etc. remote commands about "not implemented yet" in any way?20:47.54 
malc_ Harzilein: eh? gotor is implemented20:49.24 
  Harzilein: you mean failwiths?20:50.33 
Harzilein yes20:51.08 
  so they are about me not getting the syntax right?20:51.22 
  i tried echo 'gotor "file:///home/harzi/main1.pdf" 1' > /tmp/llpp.remote20:52.07 
malc_ Harzilein: nope, it's about me doing something funny and not quite remembering the rationale behind it20:52.30 
  gimme a moment20:52.35 
  okay, i think this is the fallout of mupdf changing the internals a while back and me only partially converting to it20:54.31 
  gotor[d] ought to feed gotounder the "new-style" link uris, i can look at it tomorrow20:55.57 
Harzilein i'm not too familiar with ocaml, is let enteroutlinemode, enterbookmarkmode, enterhistmode the same function multiple times?20:58.41 
  ah, no, i think i got it now21:00.16 
  ( mkenter `outlines "document has no outline"21:00.30 
  , mkenter `bookmarks "document has no bookmarks (yet)"21:00.30 
  , mkenter `history "history is empty" )21:00.30 
  those are the functions21:00.36 
malc_ yep21:00.41 
  all 3 of them21:00.54 
  basically this is a tuple asignment21:01.38 
  Harzilein: boblycat.org/~malc/gotor.patch switches gotor to accept mupdf uris and removes gotord altogether21:09.48 
  Harzilein: time for sleep, write me if you have any further question/suggestions21:21.37 
Harzilein yay21:23.21 
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