Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/05/31)20170601 
avih tor8: congrats on the new mujs page. i'm guessing you're aware that there's no license link, and the docs/examples are 404?10:25.51 
Robin_Watts avih: It's under development, bear with us.10:30.19 
  we're having some issues with the site architecture.10:30.35 
  specifically, why dev.mujs.com points to the same place as mujs.com does :(10:31.05 
avih oh, i didn't realize it's that new :)10:34.46 
  Robin_Watts: regardless though, i think the license should be advertised at the main page too - just mention it (i.e. without needing to follow a link to figure out which license is used)10:39.39 
kens The web site isn't entirely under the control of engineering....10:40.06 
  Though I guess maybe that one still is at the moment10:40.43 
Robin_Watts kens: No. mujs.com is the one we're testing with :)10:40.59 
kens Ah!10:41.09 
Robin_Watts gsview.com works (cos it's all simple)10:41.14 
avih kens: if it's as liberal as it is, it's actually a selling point, pardon the pun :)10:41.20 
kens Right10:41.21 
Robin_Watts mujs.com is the first one that has content split over marketting/engineering.10:41.32 
  But Ron can't wrangle the DNS to make dev.mujs.com point back to casper.10:41.56 
kens Right. gsview.com still seems to redirect to artifex.com10:42.01 
Robin_Watts gsview.com shouldn't be "redirecting" to artifex.com10:42.36 
  it should be being served by artifex.com, but still appearing as "gsview.com"10:42.53 
avih Robin_Watts: mujs specifically is the most liberal license you have i think, so you're not really selling it as a produce, i think. which makes me think it should turn to engineers more than to "customers"10:43.36 
Robin_Watts avih: Yes, but as I say this is a work in progress.10:43.55 
avih sure10:44.00 
Robin_Watts Give us a couple of weeks to get it all shaken out.10:44.14 
avih you're quick :)10:44.31 
Robin_Watts I'll try to find time to spend with ron at the staff meeting this weekend to sort the DNS out.10:44.43 
  or to beg help from someone else who can.10:44.53 
avih hhe10:45.33 
  that was an awkward laughter10:45.46 
Robin_Watts convhehe10:46.05 
  covhehe, even.10:46.15 
avih :)10:46.45 
Harzilein malc_: thanks for the patch :)10:50.09 
malc_ Harzilein: you are welcome10:50.35 
knielsen c88941ab removed the last docs/*.txt it seems, so now `make install` fails (for me) with: install: cannot stat ‘docs/*.txt’: No such file or directory11:16.24 
  (trivial to fix, of course, just mentioning it, ... or I can supply a patch for it, probably)11:17.03 
tor8 knielsen: oops. I'll fix it.12:38.02 
knielsen tor8: thanks!12:38.28 
  (https://github.com/knielsen/mupdf/commit/eb4b1344f370f8a0309371a3e5a1eba6d17b3f0a , but it's probably faster just to fix it locally(12:38.41 
tor8 http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/tor/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=99ae26caabce0ff78b8694ac5a7e8c6926d56f12;hp=80d517b757e2a97003138d8bd226621312b33d2d12:39.25 
chrisl tor8: you get the new fonts from URW a couple of weeks ago?14:06.38 
tor8 chrisl: I did not14:06.51 
chrisl Do you want them?14:07.00 
tor8 I do, but I'll forget by the time I get back from the trip :)14:07.11 
chrisl Well, as far as I can see, they only address one of the issues we reported :-(14:07.36 
tor8 as expected :(14:07.58 
  and I'm sure they've added a few bonus issues...14:08.08 
chrisl Probably. On that basis, I'm leaving until after the staff meeting - so I'll remind you when I get back to them again14:08.38 
tor8 Thanks.14:12.14 
kens Ah, hunt the new buggy font :-(14:22.12 
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