Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/06/06)20170607 
dunderproto is there a signature or a hash for verifying integrity of a download of the mupdf apk?04:33.49 
  I'm pulling this straight off the website and not an app store04:34.13 
__monty__ How does mupdf determine page order for comic book archives?07:24.36 
avih Robin_Watts: mujs doesn't have a pkgconfig file, right?17:02.57 
Robin_Watts Not as we ship it, no, AIUI17:03.15 
marrenarre Hello. Why does nothing happen when I try to launch presentation mode by pressing `p`?17:05.02 
avih k, thx.17:09.31 
marrenarre Never mind, it does work; I just didn’t know what it did. Sorry.17:10.50 
 Forward 1 day (to 2017/06/08)>>> 
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