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tor8 sebras: ping.13:27.16 
  I've looked over your -mini and -old commits13:28.02 
  'adb shell pm clear' is not good. it zaps all settings, including saved bookmarks.13:28.23 
  there are a few string resources you can remove in -old to match the cleanup (strings that are no longer used)13:28.59 
  and the applicationVariants stuff looks weird13:30.07 
  is the namespace really android.android.applicationVariants?13:30.16 
sebras tor8: what are the strings you mention?13:36.09 
  I tested without pm clear and it works ok.13:36.31 
tor8 R.string.picker_title_App_Ver_Dir, and maybe R.string.app_name, R.string.version13:36.40 
  yes, pm clear just deletes all the settings and locally saved files13:36.53 
  it has nothing to do with 'power management' or restarting the app13:37.06 
  we talked about this a few weeks ago :)13:37.17 
sebras tor8: hm.. app-13:41.33 
  app_name is used in AndroidManifest.xml13:41.45 
  tor8: I added pm clear because I wanted a way to kill the app back when I started looking at -nui13:42.24 
  tor8: long before I barely knew what I was doing.13:42.46 
  tor8: regarding the android namespace... I'm not sure how to deduce the namespace from the android DSL reference: https://google.github.io/android-gradle-dsl/current/com.android.build.gradle.AppExtension.html13:47.56 
tor8 sebras: from that it looks like it should be android.applicationVariants (and not android.android.applicationVariants)13:53.07 
  you've got the other stuff like android.sourceSets and android.splits at that level13:53.31 
  does the code currently on your branch do what is intended?13:53.54 
sebras tor8: ok, I just tested without the android. prefix to applicationVariants and it seems to work fine too.13:58.00 
tor8 odd that it works with double prefixes13:58.11 
sebras tor8: I decompiled the resulting .apks and checked the versionCode/versionName and it seems to work.13:58.15 
  tor8: yeah, no errors!13:58.27 
  tor8: what code were you referring to that might not work as intended?13:58.55 
tor8 I wonder how they really intend to do with multiple apks and versionCode13:58.55 
  because there's a 'universalApk' setting, etc13:59.03 
  for doing split apk:s13:59.10 
  the versionCode numbering scheme differs between -mini and -old13:59.46 
sebras https://developer.android.com/studio/build/configure-apk-splits.html#configure-APK-versions13:59.49 
tor8 -mini has 11100 where -old has 11113:59.54 
sebras tor8: it is multiplied by 100 in the override at the end of build.gradle14:01.08 
tor8 ah, you multiply in the output.versionCodeOverride14:01.14 
sebras yes.14:01.16 
  I contemplated having stating that multiplication explicitly in defaultConfig and then simply summing the two in the output.versionCodeOverride14:01.42 
tor8 I worry that this stuff is going to break in the future, and be cocked up by customers14:01.45 
sebras tor8: absolutely!14:01.53 
  tor8: but it replaces release.sh14:02.01 
  tor8: which is just another way to state the same mess.14:02.21 
tor8 is there a way to make all variants hard coded in the build.gradle file, like a section for each apk?14:02.22 
sebras tor8: I haven't found a way.14:02.46 
tor8 sebras: yes, I understand the reasoning behind it and removing the dependency on a bunch of shell scripts and sed is nice.14:02.47 
  google "helpfully" has a sentence like "To distribute your app using Multiple APK Support in Google Play, assign the same applicationId value to all variants and give each variant a different versionCode." in its build-variants page14:03.22 
  with no further instructions14:03.27 
sebras tor8: I primarily tried to write it using gradle so that I can later move the documentations of how to compile for android from libmupdf to mupdf-android-viewer-{old,mini,nui}14:03.46 
tor8 android.productFlavors maybe?14:03.46 
sebras tor8: naah.. productflavors are separate.14:04.10 
  tor8: that's the demo vs full version of an app.14:04.22 
  tor8: we want to assign versionCodes based on ABI, which is not the same thing.14:04.46 
tor8 couldn't we (ab)use it for intel vs arm vs mips versions of an app?14:05.11 
  agh, it *feels* like there should be a way ... given that you can tell it to generate one apk per abi, how on earth do they intend us to use that?14:05.53 
sebras semantic error in symbol on line 1: intend14:06.39 
tor8 indeed.14:07.00 
  I would be a bit happier with the * 100 being in the versionCode line14:07.16 
  and just add the offset to the versionCode in the versionCodeOverride14:07.30 
sebras tor8: is it ok for me to say that gradle is not necessarily working _with_ me, but rather against me?14:11.12 
  tor8: wrt versionCode I have something on -old:sebras/master that seems to work.14:12.19 
  tor8: how did you know that you can use abi in a splits block?14:13.55 
  tor8: oh. I'm daft, nvm.14:16.18 
tor8 any particular reason you write 111 * 100 instead of 11100?14:20.01 
sebras tor8: because I want to stress that the 100 are there just to save space for the ABIs.14:20.47 
tor8 111 is just a magic number too...14:20.58 
  unless you parse and crack the equation below it for formatting the versionName14:21.12 
sebras tor8: I guess we could give the versionName such as 1.11 and then compute the versionCode based on that..?14:21.15 
tor8 I sort of liked having the versionName be "1.11 git" for non-release builds14:21.40 
  but I guess it's too hard to get it to do a $(shell git describe --tags) for the versionName?14:21.59 
sebras tor8: I haven't even attempted that.14:22.10 
tor8 it would fail for building from a tarball14:22.30 
  that is also something the release.sh script did (remove the " git" suffix to the versionName)14:22.50 
sebras tor8: right, I missed that part.14:23.09 
  also I didn't see it being very valuable given that we don't really see the versionname being that valuable14:23.50 
  how did release.sh work in a tarball?14:29.03 
tor8 sebras: that looks like a nice option14:30.40 
  maybe with a fallback for when it fails14:30.48 
  release.sh was not intended to be used from a tarball :)14:31.09 
sebras tor8: I'm thinking that maybe we should fishout FZ_VERSION from libmupdf/include/mupdf/fitz/version.h?14:31.10 
  unless we have a .git directory in which case we use the result of git describe --tags14:31.55 
tor8 sebras: the app version does not necessarily match the library version14:32.26 
  we may want to let them diverge eventually14:32.34 
  so no, let's not use FZ_VERSION14:32.50 
sebras tor8: ok, by using if ((new File('.git')).exists()) { } we know we are in a git repo and so can safely run git describe -tags14:33.24 
  tor8: what do I do if there is no .git?14:33.32 
  i.e. we are being compiled from a tarball.14:33.41 
  tor8: we could conceivably create a version.properties containing VERSION="1.11" when being built in a git repo and this is then included in the tarball?14:34.36 
tor8 versionName = getVersionName("1.11") and use the default if no .git?14:35.10 
sebras tor8: ok, so basically we moved the version number from res/values/strings.xml to build.gradle.14:35.49 
tor8 I suspect we're digging too deep here just to save a bit of typing :)14:35.50 
sebras no, no. I enjoy looking a build system files for weeks at end.14:36.10 
tor8 I would just settle for hardwiring the versionCode and versionName in the build.gradle and not confuse our future selves and customers :)14:36.27 
sebras tor8: so I remove the ABI-versionnumering too?14:36.56 
tor8 losing the " git" version name suffix is a hit I'm willing to take to not complicate matters14:37.02 
  I think that complexity is needed though, at least until google gets their act together14:37.24 
sebras tor8: if we use universalApks then we wouldn't need that compilcation, at the expense of users having to download unnecessarily big apps perhaps.14:38.09 
tor8 sebras: yes. we want to avoid that (huge app bloat)14:38.27 
sebras maybe google play allows devices to download partial apks..?14:38.33 
tor8 sebras: I wonder, can we add *all* known ABIs to the abiVersionOffsets list, and list the used ABIs separately in ndk.abiFilters?14:39.06 
  that should work with the versionCodeOverride, and doesn't mean clueless customers ask questions about the offsets hash-map14:39.44 
sebras tor8: I had it that way originally but opted against that because then the two lists would have to match.14:40.10 
tor8 sebras: would they really?14:40.20 
sebras tor8: that's why I did the keySet() trick.14:40.22 
tor8 you just look up the offset based on the OutputFile.ABI string near the end14:40.49 
sebras tor8: I believe so, because com.android.build.OutputFile.ABI evaluates to one of the ABIS.14:40.55 
  so whatever the OutputFile.ABI is it has to be a key in the map.14:41.29 
tor8 yes. I don't see the problem.14:41.39 
sebras what I'm trying to say is that the elements in ndk.abiFilters ought to match the keys in the map.14:42.08 
tor8 if we have abiVersionOffsets = ["x86":1, "armeabi":2, "armeabi-v7":3, "mips":4, "x86_64":5, "mips64":6]14:42.26 
sebras and it felt silly to list them twice.14:42.27 
tor8 then whatever combination of abi:s listed for the final build in the ndk.abiFilter we can find them in the set14:42.49 
  and clueless customers can change the APIs they build for using bog standard gradle stackoverflow answers14:43.59 
  or is this something more than just a hash table mapping abi-name strings to integers?14:44.47 
sebras no.14:44.58 
tor8 I certainly like to tweak the list of ABIs to build. for debugging and development I only want to build for one ABI14:49.29 
  but for releases I need them all14:49.36 
  so making edits to the list of ABIs more work makes me unhappier14:50.10 
sebras tor8: fortunately you will need to edit build.gradle to do that.14:50.15 
tor8 yes, I don't mind doing that14:50.25 
  but I would appreciate not having to edit a full hash table mapping :)14:50.42 
  hm. is it possible to have separate ndk.abiFilters for release and debug builds?14:51.15 
  I guess you want both arm and x86 for debugging on emulator and phone, whereas I only really do debugging on the emulator14:51.35 
sebras that's alos something I looked into a while back and I couldn't find a way to do that.14:51.47 
tor8 then let's ignore it, and get this stuff commited so you can get back to more exciting things like SSL... :P14:52.22 
sebras tor8: not in an intended way at least.14:52.23 
tor8 mbed TLS (formerly known as PolarSSL) was the last thing we talked about looking into using, IIRC14:53.12 
sebras tor8: how does -old:sebras/master look now?14:53.26 
tor8 good, except maybe we should double check the list of ABIs available (and sort the list?)14:54.43 
sebras tor8: do we care about how they are numbered?14:55.04 
tor8 not in the least14:55.14 
sebras tor8: as I read https://developer.android.com/google/play/publishing/multiple-apks.html#Rules that is not the case.14:55.22 
tor8 there's an arm64-v8 architecture as well14:55.46 
sebras tor8: do we want to get the full list programmatically, sort it and simply enumerate them?14:56.15 
  tor8: even if a new arch is introduced then it wouldn't matter.14:56.47 
tor8 is it possible to get them programmatically?14:57.00 
  they don't even need to be sorted (I just suggested that for ease of future additions)14:57.19 
sebras I think so, this why you need to reset14:58.06 
tor8 AbiSplitOptions.applicableFilters?14:58.13 
sebras before doing include in the split.abi-block14:58.16 
tor8 split.abi.applicableFilters() maybe?14:58.42 
  nah, let's just hard code the list14:59.14 
sebras that list is empty.14:59.54 
tor8 huh. oh well, guess we don't really have that option then.15:01.25 
sebras tor8: from the implementation (thanks procyon) it looks like the android gradle plugin's getApplicableFilters() should result the default list.15:05.39 
tor8 do we want to rely on undocumented functions though?15:06.15 
sebras tor8: no, I'm just trying to understand how this works.15:06.47 
  tor8: the DSL documentation isn't really helpful.15:07.01 
  tor8: I mean "Returns a list of all applicable filters for this dimension." what is dimension here?15:07.38 
tor8 splits.abi or splits.density, I reckon15:08.17 
  so splits.density.applicableFilters() would return the set of "hdpi", "mdpi", etc15:08.44 
  or that was what I expect, the documentation is not very forthcoming15:08.57 
sebras ah, or language.15:08.58 
  I guess simply listing them all and hardcoding the numbers is the easiest way forward.15:09.31 
  sebras/master updated again.15:10.09 
tor8 sebras: fab. LGTM.15:10.36 
sebras tor8: how about -mini:sebras/master?15:16.33 
  tor8: I also have a question about source/pdf/pdf-op-run.c::begin_softmask()15:19.47 
tor8 -mini is also LGTM15:20.13 
  ask and I shall confuse you (and myself)15:20.42 
sebras if fz_begin_mask() throws should we call fz_end_mask()?15:21.27 
  OTOH fz_begin_mask() seems like it cannot throw.15:22.24 
  in which case it really shouldn't be inside that fz_try().15:22.40 
tor8 do you mean fz_begin_mask or the code between fz_begin_mask and fz_end_mask?15:22.47 
sebras fz_begin_mask() itself to start with.15:23.02 
tor8 if fz_begin_mask itself throws, I would expect that the mask was never pushed and therefore we shouldn't be calling fz_end_mask15:23.12 
sebras ok.15:23.21 
tor8 but if the stuff in between throws, it would be safest to call end_mask anyway15:23.25 
sebras but we do call end_mask.15:23.34 
tor8 in case we try to recover we shouldn't be leaving the clip/mask stack unbalanced15:23.37 
  yes, that is probably incorrect15:23.53 
sebras so in tht case end_mask reallt should be inside the fz_try()?15:24.14 
tor8 a lot of this complexity is down to FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER15:24.21 
  for progressive rendering15:24.24 
sebras now, what if pdf_run_xobject() throws?15:24.33 
  in that case we should call fz_end_mask.15:24.42 
tor8 yeah15:24.51 
sebras how would we know if fz_begin_mask() succeeded?15:25.02 
tor8 so putting it in the try-block is going to fail in the latter case15:25.04 
sebras unless we also put one in fz_catch()...?15:25.20 
tor8 I can't remember how robust our error recovery is and where/if we try to do any15:25.46 
sebras tor8: so error handling was one of the things I was adressing on my old branches.15:26.08 
  this is the reason for me asking about this.15:26.12 
tor8 but I suspect we can get away with doing whatever we want in the case of errors15:26.24 
  but calling end_mask if begin_mask fails is definitely wrong15:26.33 
  so putting both begin_mask, run_xobject, and end_mask in the try-block sounds reasonable to me15:26.47 
sebras tor8: if fz_begin_mask() returned a sucess/fail value15:28.34 
  tor8: then that coudl be used to determine if fz_end_mask should be called in fz_always().15:28.48 
tor8 if fz_begin_mask fails, it throws...15:29.28 
  if you want to determing such things, I think you'll need two try-blocks15:29.48 
  right, so I've dug through the interpreter looking for how we handle exceptions15:30.29 
sebras tor8: I need more context to understand what you are writing about.15:31.08 
tor8 and there is a possibility we get ourselves into a bit of a twist IFF we have a cookie and cookie->incomplete_ok is set15:31.22 
  in the interpreter we call a bunch of pdf_processor callbacks for each operator15:31.39 
  if one of these operators throws, what do we do?15:31.49 
  what if the 'q' (gsave) operator throws, for instance15:32.00 
  how do we continue from there, do we pop back to a normal state and try to resume interpreting15:32.17 
  or do we abort and stop drawing on the page15:32.26 
sebras I would assume we pop back to normal state.15:32.34 
tor8 this code is a bit of a mess, I would be surprised if anyone knows what exactly it is we do :(15:32.55 
  in the big fat fz_catch block at the bottom of the function15:33.35 
  depending on the type of error we do different things15:33.54 
  anyway, if we get a random error we abort interpreting the page15:34.15 
  it's only in the case of syntax and trylater errors we try to carry on15:34.35 
  and fz_begin_mask would throw neither of those15:34.53 
sebras tor8: only the test device throws FZ_ERROR_ABORT.15:35.01 
tor8 it would probably throw an out of memory or generic error15:35.02 
  yes, that's one for a device asking for an early abortion of interpreting15:35.27 
  the problem is one of what happens when run_xobject fails15:36.24 
  that could throw due to a TRYLATER error (such as an image not being found yet)15:36.34 
  where we would try to carry on rendering the rest of the page as much as we can15:36.49 
  in that case we would want to match up the begin/endmask calls15:37.04 
  but I suspect there are a lot of places where we don't cope very gracefully with this15:37.16 
  it's not very extensively tested15:37.26 
  we only use it in mupdf-curl15:38.25 
  and I'm not convinced it's a useful feature15:38.45 
sebras TRYLATER?15:39.23 
tor8 y.15:39.30 
  it's the progressive loading code15:39.38 
sebras tor8: I know.15:39.42 
  so on sebras/wip I have 20 or so potentially fz_throw() issues.15:40.02 
  this is one that I have yet to fxi.15:40.21 
  basically I'm askin fz_push_try() to fake throw once it has been called a certain number of times.15:40.45 
  and then look for memory leaks.15:40.59 
  I have found a few...15:41.03 
  though in this base when fz_begin_mask() was triggered to throw I got a message about begin/end not being in synch.15:42.20 
tor8 I'm not in the least surprised :)15:42.26 
  yeah, the code looks definitely wrong in that it calls end_mask if begin_mask fails15:43.16 
sebras tor8: I'll move the end_mask into the fz_try.15:43.30 
tor8 that's break the trylater case. i'd do two fz_try statements15:44.42 
  one with begin_mask that if it throws, unconditionally rethrows15:44.50 
  and a second one for the run_xobject with the end_mask in fz_always15:45.01 
sebras tor8: how do you feel about origin:sebras/master?16:00.29 
  I attempted to fix a few problems in the commits you prepared.16:00.43 
  I verified that the installation commands work as described so I think it is an improvement.16:02.42 
  need to sleep.16:09.37 
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