Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/06/16)20170617 
dabu Hi14:45.37 
mubot Welcome to #mupdf, the channel for MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.14:45.37 
dabu @sebras, you wanted to do some testing with the Mac Clang?14:46.30 
kens dabu its 22:47 in Taiwan right now, I wouldn't be surprised if sebras is away from keyboard at present.14:48.13 
dabu Oh14:48.28 
  Sorry about that :)14:48.34 
  That would explain why we can't meet each other on the channel14:48.47 
kens Not a problem, just didn't want you waiting around hopefully :-)14:48.55 
  If you want to say something to him feel free to write it, he'll read the logs14:49.27 
dabu Well, I had a problem with building MuPDF on MacOS and from what I understood sebras made some changes and wanted to test them out but has no access to this OS14:50.20 
  But I'm not sure if it's still the case14:50.30 
  It's been couple of days14:50.33 
kens I'm sorry, its not my area. Hopefully he'll let you know when he gets back online14:50.55 
  Or back at keyboard :-)14:51.05 
dabu He can just write it here mentioning my nick and I'll try to search the logs if it comes up14:51.29 
  So thank you and have a nice day (good night?)14:51.50 
kens Its mid afternoon for me, but thanks, you have a good day too14:52.03 
sebras dabu (for the logs): yeah, sorry about being unavailable. so I think I might have fixed your issue in commit 31a87a1da which is now merged on mupdf git master. do you mind fetching the latest sources and retesting?15:46.56 
  dabu (for the logs): I gambled on that I understood what the problem is, but it would be good to know that I really fixed it.15:47.22 
dabu sebras, is there a special repo I need to pull the files from?19:02.40 
  I assumed that when I'll "git clone --recursive git://git.ghostscript.com/mupdf-android-viewer-mini.git" it will load a MuPDF submodule that is from master, right?19:03.10 
  If that's the case, then the error persists19:03.19 
  I if I should clone something else, please tell19:03.29 
nbjoerg https://www.netbsd.org/~joerg/patch-scripts_hexdump.c19:47.10 
  can someone apply that please?19:47.14 
  it would be nicer to compilers in general if that script didn't create a char array literal, but a set of strings19:48.05 
  since it is quite abusive in terms of build memory right now19:48.16 
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