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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/06/17)20170618 
Robin_Watts nbjoerg: I'm not sure I follow how a set of strings would a) work, or b) be better for the compiler.22:28.07 
nbjoerg Robin_Watts: with a character array literal, the compiler will have to keep track of every single element22:37.26 
  e.g. the position in the input stream22:37.35 
  that's easily a factor of 40 compared to the raw bytes22:38.02 
  with a string literal on the other hand, this overhead exists only once (or once per line when splitting the string up)22:38.41 
  e.g. for SourceHanSansCN-Regular.c:22:40.01 
  Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 139570822:40.01 
  when not using the .incbin path22:40.10 
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