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tor8 Robin_Watts: fz_ensure_pixmap_is_additive should only affect CMYK with an alpha channel (that has values other than 0 or 1)09:25.31 
  I fully expect our test file coverage for such cases to approach zero09:25.51 
  and reading further down the logs, I am now curious to see what you found with the is_subtractive colorspace thing with CMYK ICC colorspaces09:31.31 
Robin_Watts tor8: so, mvrhel had cmyk set to have is_subtractive=010:40.24 
  If I set it to 1, I do indeed see fz_ensure_pixmap_blah called.10:40.48 
  but I'm not convinced it gives progressions.10:41.18 
tor8 I can't remember how we do AA-compositing with CMYK pixmaps and colors11:08.08 
  all I remember is we use premultiplied alpha for gray and rgb11:08.28 
Ed___ Hi ! Guys can I annotate a pdf using mupdf library on my own android app ?11:34.31 
kens Ed___ : I believe the answer is yes but you'll need one of the MuPDF developers to say for sure11:39.44 
  Robin_Watts : is probably best placed to answer but he may be at lunch right now11:40.04 
Ed___ I'll wait thanks11:41.34 
malc_ Ed___: yes you can, include/mupdf/pdf/annot.h contains prototypes of functions that deal with annotations11:53.55 
Ed___ malc_: Thanks, I'll give a try on android11:54.35 
tor8 Ed___: the new JNI/Java library for mupdf supports creating annotations and can be used to write your own viewer12:23.24 
  Ed___: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=mupdf-android-viewer-mini.git;a=summary for a minimalist viewer example12:24.20 
Ed___ tor8: Thanks I'll read it. I'm looking for some examples and this one will help12:27.19 
kens Ed___ : Normally Robin asks this question, but since he seems to be afk.... You are aware of the fact that MuPDF is licensed under teh AGPL, and you are happy with the restrictions in that license ?12:28.33 
Ed___ No, I'm not12:39.47 
tor8 You have two options. One: use the AGPL and follow its restrictions (you must give away the source to ALL of your app)12:40.38 
  Two: acquire a commercial license from Artifex (which lets you keep your source code secret, but costs money)12:40.58 
  We suggest you ask for a commercial license before you start any serious amount of work. You may not like the license or pricing, and we'd hate for you to have wasted your time.12:41.54 
  Ed___: http://artifex.com/licensing/ for more details.12:42.19 
Ed___ Thanks for the information, tor8 I didn't know about it and I can't provide access to the source code of this app so I'll look for other option12:42.44 
tor8 Ed___: it sounds like you'll want the commercial license then.12:45.54 
Ed___ Well I show this for my boss and he ask me to look for another option but if we dont find I suggest to him to pay12:46.35 
avih tor8: having noticed several of those already, don't you find it at least somewhat surprising that most devs seem to assume it's for free, without checking the license/options first?13:00.19 
  like, if i'm about to use someone's else code, the first thing i'd do is check what kinds of strings it has attached13:01.10 
  (which isn't necessarily failsafe, as i proved with the initial integration of mujs with mpv 2 years ago when it was agpl, but that was my fault for not understanding exactly what its compatibility with the GPL means)13:03.09 
kens It amazes me that people don't check before they go and use code13:03.13 
avih imagine how many used it without needing technical help here13:05.21 
kens We already have some idea on that one13:06.41 
  A number of organisations have been approached already13:07.04 
avih some, i bet, but still.. amazing it happens. that's not some minor utility. it's a big library with obviously considerable effort behind it. how could one just assume they can just use it?13:07.57 
kens "I found it on the 'Net, so it must be free, right ?"13:08.31 
  Combined with downright dishonestyt in a few cases13:09.17 
  And parasitism in a few others (are you listening Oracle ?)13:09.39 
avih well.. i don't agree with, but i can understand dishonesty. the part that amazes me is the obliviousness13:10.21 
  right. gl fighting oracle :/13:11.30 
kens We aren't fighting them... FOr years they added 'PDF reporting' capability by telling their users to download Ghostscritp.13:12.21 
avih OTOH, you do distribute it as AGPL, and it's available on different distros. people could easily assume it can be used freely in open source13:12.31 
kens THen when their users have problems they tell them to contact us.13:12.38 
avih you could consider them sending you clients. hey, you should pay them for the redirections!13:14.08 
Ed___ Guys thanks for all I'll leave now and don't worry the give up to build/edit pdf on mobile and we'll do it on the webserver13:21.31 
RobinWattsLenovo tor8: 2 commits in robin/master then.13:21.44 
  Ed___: What will you use instead?13:21.50 
Ed___ I think it'll jasper13:22.12 
RobinWattsLenovo The GNU AGPL covers SaaS, so you can't use gs or mupdf on the webserver.13:22.18 
Ed___ The server side isn't with me13:22.53 
  but I know the use jasper13:23.04 
RobinWattsLenovo tor8: 2 commits on robin/master. You've looked at both before, but I've tweaked the harfbuzz one according to your comments.13:27.14 
  tor8: The answer is that the current code makes a mess of plotting to cmyk :(13:36.56 
  tor8: ping14:35.33 
  mvrhel_laptop: Morning14:52.52 
mvrhel_laptop RobinWattsLenovo: good morning14:53.03 
  So I have been looking at the transparency stuff some14:53.13 
RobinWattsLenovo ok...14:53.34 
  I've been looking into this subtractive space with alpha stuff.14:53.59 
mvrhel_laptop So the way gs works, is that cmyk blending is done by inverting the colors and then blending14:54.04 
RobinWattsLenovo mvrhel_laptop: Right.14:54.15 
  tor8 mentioned the idea of holding subtractive colors inverted yesterday.14:54.51 
mvrhel_laptop Yes. I am thinking that may be beneficial performance wise due to the way these groups are pushed for each path drawing14:55.27 
RobinWattsLenovo so spots are subtractive, right?14:55.55 
mvrhel_laptop otherwise we are inverting two source groups, blending and then inverting the results14:55.57 
  spots would get inverted too14:56.11 
RobinWattsLenovo right.14:56.17 
  How nightmarish does that make the lcms stuff ?14:56.31 
mvrhel_laptop but having inverted data may be problematic for lcms14:56.35 
  I need to look at that today14:56.45 
RobinWattsLenovo It's "just" another formatter.14:56.51 
mvrhel_laptop hehe14:56.55 
  it may already be there14:57.12 
  look at bgr....14:57.17 
  that was pretty simple14:57.25 
  ok. I will continue investigating this approach14:57.44 
RobinWattsLenovo I've found a problem in the old code (pre-lcms).14:58.08 
  If we get a CMYK+alpha image, and plot it to a CMYK screen, stuff goes wrong.14:58.22 
  We decode the CMYK+alpha image, we run 'ensure_additive' and convert it to rgb+alpha, then premultiply.14:58.49 
  Then we call fz_convert_pixmap to get it back to cmyk for plotting, and that fails to take account of the premultiplication.14:59.10 
mvrhel_laptop ah14:59.16 
  I think we need to do away with the ensure additive business14:59.34 
RobinWattsLenovo I think we'd get the same problem with an rgba pixmap plotted to a cmyk device.14:59.41 
  mvrhel_laptop: Yes, but if we get the same problem with rgba -> cmyk device, then we'll hit it even without losing that.15:00.09 
  so I'm trying to fix one bit at a time :)15:00.16 
  must feed puppy. brb.15:00.38 
mvrhel_laptop RobinWattsLenovo: right now I have added the color space information to the group pushes and during the pops, the current pixmap is getting color transformed to the next level down (if needed)15:01.02 
  I hope we are not going to step on one another's feet15:01.24 
  maybe I should go work on devicen15:01.32 
RobinWattsLenovo mvrhel_laptop: That sounds like you're working in the draw device.15:03.50 
mvrhel_laptop yes15:04.02 
  most of the changes are there15:04.08 
RobinWattsLenovo I'll be working in draw-paint.c and pixmap.c etc.15:04.24 
mvrhel_laptop ah ok15:04.27 
RobinWattsLenovo so I think we'll be nicely orthogonal.15:04.32 
mvrhel_laptop ok good deal15:04.36 
RobinWattsLenovo I'm pondering whether to add a flag to pixmaps to say they are premultiplied.15:05.14 
  But maybe I can just 'know' that by where I'm calling in the code.15:06.24 
mvrhel_laptop I would add flag...15:07.01 
RobinWattsLenovo Currently alpha = 0 means no alpha, 1 means 1 channel of alpha.15:08.29 
  I could have 2 to mean premultiplied alpha.15:08.39 
  That would mean knock on changes everywhere that does n-alpha to be n-!!alpha15:08.55 
  Do we ever forsee ourselves wanting to cope with multiple alpha channels ?15:09.24 
  (jpeg2000 has that concept apparently)15:09.43 
mvrhel_laptop really?15:10.04 
RobinWattsLenovo yeah, AIUI, each channel can be tagged alpha or not.15:10.20 
  so you can have multiple alpha channels in the decoded image. Not got a clue what that actual physical use that is.15:10.44 
  I wish tor8 were here, he would have an opinion on all this.15:11.38 
  lcms has a FLAVOR_SH bit.15:14.56 
mvrhel_laptop oh nice15:15.06 
RobinWattsLenovo 0 = MinIsBlack, 1 = MinisWhite15:15.15 
  so that's not so bad.15:15.34 
mvrhel_laptop right15:15.58 
RobinWattsLenovo Urm... in the code that allows for premultipled alpha with lcms... I can see where we unpremultiply when we pass the data in.15:19.29 
  I can't see where we repremultiply it when we get it out.15:19.46 
  Does gs not use premultiplied data?15:20.01 
mvrhel_laptop no15:21.38 
RobinWattsLenovo Cor, there is wibbling in the top of draw-paint.c about why we use premultiplied data.15:22.14 
mvrhel_laptop brb15:23.06 
  ok back15:27.49 
  reading the comment....15:29.23 
RobinWattsLenovo I'm sure that made sense to me when I wrote it :(15:29.35 
mvrhel_laptop To me, non-premultiplied seems to make a lot of sense when dealing with the various pdf transparency stuff. but I could be wrong. I should sit down like you did here and do an analysis15:30.52 
  Let me spend a few moments wrapping my head around this15:31.34 
  spend a little time looking at pdf spec yet again and transparency15:39.33 
RobinWattsLenovo mvrhel_laptop: I always assumed that non-premultiplied was easier, but then I heard that RenderMan (is that the name? The thing used by companies like ILM and LucasFilm) works exclusively in premultiplied data because it makes everything easier.15:51.35 
mvrhel_laptop RobinWattsLenova: It may. I am working on it right now15:52.08 
RobinWattsLenovo And it avoids having to do divisions during blending, which seems like a win, especially on ARMs.15:52.11 
mvrhel_laptop yes15:52.13 
  I think that is the upside15:52.24 
RobinWattsLenovo Taking non-premultiplied in is easy, it's the getting non premultiplied out that hurts. I'll shut up and let you look.15:52.55 
mvrhel_laptop working off of pdf spec compositing stuff now to see...15:52.56 
  actually pdf spec shows the formulation15:55.25 
  page 526. Which is much nicer15:55.36 
  so that is the pre-multiplied case.15:56.26 
  RobinWattsLenovo: so lets stick with premultiplied15:56.55 
RobinWattsLenovo ok.15:57.05 
  so reversing the sense of CMYK should make all this much easier.15:57.29 
mvrhel_laptop yes15:57.35 
  so let me ask you this15:57.39 
  when we are doing a drawing of a cmyk source color into a pixmap for a cmyk device, where would the cmyk value get inverted?15:59.33 
  i.e. when its not being color managed15:59.39 
RobinWattsLenovo if we reverse the sense of cmyk, I can lose ensure_additive, which will be much nicer. I'll need to change all the output routines that take CMYK to reverse them, including the halftoning code. And I'll still need to make the pixmap converter cope with premultiplied input some of the time.15:59.45 
  let me think...15:59.51 
mvrhel_laptop incoming RGB to CMYK will be converted by lcms (we hope)16:00.14 
RobinWattsLenovo So if the PDF document handler gets told "0 0.1 0.2 0.3 k", say.16:00.41 
mvrhel_laptop hmm and we have to think for a bit about cmyk source images....16:02.10 
  going to RGB pixmaps16:02.24 
  as we will want to treat those not inverted16:02.46 
RobinWattsLenovo the interpreter could spot the colorspace->is_subtractive and then invert the values before calling fz_clamp_color16:02.50 
  cmyk source images which are converted to rgb in the loading code won't have any changes (but we shouldn't be doing that).16:03.31 
  cmyk source images that get decoded to pixmaps will need the decoder to invert the color values as they decode.16:03.51 
mvrhel_laptop oh ok16:04.08 
  that was the case I was worried about16:04.22 
  it will be up to the decoder then16:04.29 
  that will work out then. lcms will *always* treat cmyk inverted16:04.56 
RobinWattsLenovo Essentially any pixmaps or colors we see over the device interface must have the values already inverted by the caller if we are using subtractive spaces.16:05.15 
  similarly for spots.16:05.22 
  (as all spots are assumed to be subtractive)16:05.35 
  Is that going to fit with DevN etc?16:05.57 
mvrhel_laptop great. I think this will work nicely16:05.58 
  one issue16:06.13 
  we have to be careful about16:06.25 
  it may not be an issue, but if we are using the alternate tint transform for sep or devicen we want to make sure the values going into the transform are not inverted16:07.04 
  I forget if that happens on the device side or the interp side16:07.27 
  that will be something to watch for as we move forward16:07.47 
RobinWattsLenovo yeah.16:07.52 
  I think we convert from byte -> float form and back there anyway.16:08.23 
mvrhel_laptop yes16:08.29 
  so how should be approach this16:08.37 
RobinWattsLenovo so it's just a tweak to that conversion - but well remembered.16:08.43 
  Well, I can have a crack at it, or you can. Up to you.16:09.27 
  I think this is something which will probably bounce between us a few times.16:09.41 
  I'll give it a go now if you want.16:10.06 
mvrhel_laptop ok that would be fine16:10.13 
RobinWattsLenovo ok. wish me luck :)16:10.25 
mvrhel_laptop good luck.... I guess I will work on a couple things that Ted wanted me to do16:10.57 
  RobinWattsLenovo: Let me know if you need me16:12.07 
RobinWattsLenovo mvrhel_laptop: ok, so if I have an rgb + spots pixmap...16:22.17 
  I'll have a=0, s=2 (say), n=5, colorspace= fz_devicergb ?16:22.46 
  or would I need colorspace=fz_devicergb_plus_2_spots ?16:23.14 
  Color management is based on the colorspace - are spots unmanaged, or does the colorspace need to have an appropriate profile to cope with them too ?16:24.22 
mvrhel_laptop RobinWattsLenovo: So spots will be unmanaged. I actually think the information about the number of spots should be in the colorspace16:32.55 
  As the cmm will need to know how many to skip16:33.12 
  in its processing16:33.16 
RobinWattsLenovo mvrhel_laptop: So that would mean we'd need some mechanism for asking for "fz_device_rgb but with 3 spots"16:33.41 
  Playing devils advocate for a moment...16:34.06 
mvrhel_laptop RobinWattsLenovo: The only place we will run into this is in pushes of groups in transparency16:34.20 
RobinWattsLenovo When we go to transform a pixmap, the pixmap will know the number of spots.16:34.36 
  so that can be fed to lcms then.16:34.59 
mvrhel_laptop yes16:35.05 
RobinWattsLenovo without the colorspace needing to know.16:35.14 
mvrhel_laptop So I think we will be fine with it just in the pixmap16:35.15 
  The color space would just be fz_devicergb16:35.32 
  or and icc RGB color space etc16:35.46 
RobinWattsLenovo Does the link depend on the format ?16:35.47 
mvrhel_laptop So yes. This is something I could work ono16:36.00 
  let me explain one thing16:36.18 
  Right now lcms set the formater when you create the link. We can't really change it as that would break thread safety if the link is shared. The heavy part of creating a link is the creation of the table. This is the same regardless of the formater. It would be nice to be able to take an existing link copy the non-format parts and create a new link with the desired formater.16:38.14 
  So for example if we had a RGB to CMYK already created16:38.28 
  from ealier16:38.31 
RobinWattsLenovo I understand.16:38.37 
mvrhel_laptop ok I will stop.16:38.44 
RobinWattsLenovo So we'll no longer have a colorspace -> single link mapping any more.16:39.06 
  perhaps we'll end up with a colorspace->link[FZ_MAX_SPOTS] list of links ?16:39.31 
mvrhel_laptop Here is my thought16:39.49 
RobinWattsLenovo and if we can find some way to have those links share the big tables, that'd be great.16:40.05 
  go on.16:40.11 
mvrhel_laptop oh16:40.23 
  good idea about sharing the tables16:40.40 
  I was thinking about copying them16:40.46 
  right now we are creating them each time16:40.53 
  which is very bad16:41.00 
RobinWattsLenovo A 'master' link and various 'slaves' that differ just in formatting?16:41.19 
  No idea how much of a git that will be to do with lcms.16:41.37 
mvrhel_laptop Gosh this will require a little thought16:44.59 
RobinWattsLenovo I would imagine that spots don't come and go during rendering.16:45.41 
  So it's not like as we're doing a single render, and the draw device is pushing and popping groups that the number of spots present in the system is going to change, right?16:46.34 
mvrhel_laptop No they should stay constant16:46.50 
RobinWattsLenovo So we don't actually gain anything by sharing tables.16:47.04 
  cos we'll only ever have 1 link for a given colorspace.16:47.27 
  (actually, we might be doing multiple renders at the same time, on different pages that share the same colorspaces, with different numbers of spots)16:48.16 
mvrhel_laptop oh16:48.26 
  we also currently have to worry about with and without alpha. So if we do a link without alpha and then a link with alpha it creates two transforms16:49.06 
  That is when I became aware of the problem16:49.20 
  oh also this16:49.23 
  color fills use 16 bit formating16:49.34 
  images use 8 bit formatting16:49.42 
  so they no longer share a table that they should share16:49.50 
RobinWattsLenovo (but that's an edge case. I think we need to cope with the idea that we *might* get the same colorspace used with differing numbers of spots, but it'd be on a different page, and so if we end up making a second copy that uses more memory in that odd case, tough).16:50.09 
  So does a colorspace have a pointer to a link? or is it found through the store ?16:50.24 
mvrhel_laptop In gs we just change the formator16:50.26 
RobinWattsLenovo mvrhel_laptop: yeah, but that has limitations, AIUI.16:50.39 
mvrhel_laptop found in the store. But it has to match the bit depth, and has_alpha16:50.41 
RobinWattsLenovo yeah.16:50.47 
mvrhel_laptop if we could eliminate the bit depth and alpha and "add another formater"16:51.07 
RobinWattsLenovo mvrhel_laptop: OK, so I reckon we just add the number of spots to the store key, and we're sorted.16:51.09 
mvrhel_laptop if we dont have it that would be good16:51.19 
  RobinWattsLenovo: yes16:51.23 
  add number of spots to store key would solve the short term issue16:51.41 
RobinWattsLenovo no need to perform surgery on lcms. Phew.16:51.41 
mvrhel_laptop we may want to later though16:51.49 
RobinWattsLenovo I don't believe it'd be inefficient in any case we really care about.16:52.19 
mvrhel_laptop ok16:52.25 
RobinWattsLenovo ok. I will bash on. Thanks.16:52.32 
mvrhel_laptop np16:52.37 
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