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Guest86017 Hello guys, Mupdf is crashing in Android Nougat version, logcat shows error "couldn't find "libmupdf_java32.so" and "com.artifex.mupdfdemo.MuPDFCore.<clinit> (MuPDFCore.java:22)" is there any solution or workaround for this?09:03.24 
  Any mupdf developer here?09:08.51 
tor8 Guest86017: did you install it from the google play store, the release apk or build it yourself?09:09.27 
Guest86017 i am using mupdf library in my android project09:10.03 
  It is working on other devices but the app crashes on Nougat and crash report indicates the crash from mupdf library09:11.16 
  I got a copy from here https://www.mupdf.com/docs/android-build-viewer.html09:11.31 
tor8 Guest86017: does the apk from https://mupdf.com/downloads/ also crash?09:14.03 
Guest86017 No i did not check these apk but i downloaded one from Playstore for testing and that one also crash on Android Nougat09:16.14 
tor8 Guest86017: odd. I use Android N on my device with no crashes.09:17.29 
  which device is it?09:18.03 
Guest86017 Its Galaxy s609:18.45 
  also on Nexus 5x09:19.37 
tor8 my phone is a nexus 5x...09:20.02 
Guest86017 The one from Playstore is working on your device?09:20.40 
tor8 and it does not crash on the samsung s6 that I have available to test on09:20.50 
  yes, the one from play store09:20.54 
Guest86017 strange! In crash it says it could not find .so file09:21.22 
tor8 that's often a problem when people build from the source and either miss a step in the build instructions or use the wrong NDK for their target09:22.03 
Guest86017 On documentation of Android Nougat they are saying that private NDK libraries wont be supported in Nougat so we have to use library which uses public NDK.09:22.27 
tor8 but since the play store version doesn't work either, I'm at a loss what to say09:22.48 
Guest86017 Even MUPDF from playstore crashes.09:23.10 
tor8 Guest86017: could you try out the "MuPDF mini" app on the play store, see if that one also crashes?09:23.16 
Guest86017 ok let me check.09:23.28 
tor8 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.artifex.mupdf.mini09:23.32 
Guest86017 Is there any difference in mini version?09:29.11 
  This one dose not crash but it shows 0 page when i open a pdf.09:30.05 
tor8 it uses a different JNI library.09:30.27 
  does adb logcat show any messages?09:30.42 
Guest86017 com.artifex.mupdf.mini I/art: Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<com.artifex.mupdf.fitz.Document>: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.artifex.mupdf.mini-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.artifex.mupdf.mini-1/lib/arm, /system/fake-libs, /data/app/com.artifex.mupdf.mini-1/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]]]09:35.19 
  Seems like same error but it didn't crash app09:36.25 
tor8 yes, mupdf mini is a bit more robust against crashing09:36.44 
Guest86017 Do you think it is related to these ? https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2016/06/android-changes-for-ndk-developers.html09:38.50 
tor8 no, I checked those and (a) we use API 16 and 21 only, so backwards compatibility mode should be in effect09:39.26 
  and (b) I use android 7 myself, and have seen no problems in that regard09:39.41 
  I really have no idea where to start09:39.52 
Guest86017 oh ok09:40.17 
tor8 and we only link against the jnigraphics, log, and math libraries (all of which are in the public API)09:44.01 
Guest86017 ok thank you for your efforts.09:49.54 
tor8 Guest86017: if you find out what's wrong, please let us know09:52.57 
Guest86017 sure.09:53.38 
avih tor8: do you still plan to use some implementation for Number.toString? i think this could be used as a base for some C code https://0x0.st/Uv8.txt unless you have some more "proper" algorithm?11:33.04 
tor8 avih: yes.11:47.29 
avih what algorithm you plan to use?11:47.46 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: Morning. So my repos has a commit to pass in the color space with the group pushes, adjust the color space of the group pixmap, and do a transform during the pop if needed. This obviously will only work in conjunction with your subtractive cmyk fixes. How is that going?17:03.03 
  I wonder if we need to work on a branch for this17:03.12 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: I'm still bashing at the subtractive cmyk stuff.17:42.25 
  It's being tricksy.17:42.30 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok. I am not sure what I should work on with respect to any of this without getting in the way17:42.57 
  I will wait I guess until you have this in place17:43.17 
Robin_Watts I'll yell as soon as I get something close to usable.17:43.47 
dcaro hello18:48.53 
mubot Welcome to #mupdf, the channel for MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.18:48.53 
dcaro i have used a mupdf function to search text18:50.01 
  but is it possible to get the words just before and after th searched text ?18:50.33 
  i want to implement something similar to what the evince viewer does when searching text18:51.06 
Robin_Watts dcaro: MuPDF is a C lib, from which various tools are built.18:56.14 
  The C lib provides a mechanism for getting the text from a page as a structure that can be used at will.18:56.44 
  The tools just dump that structure as text.18:56.58 
dcaro which function/structure should I use ?18:57.09 
Robin_Watts So it all depends at what level you are calling MuPDF.18:57.14 
dcaro ha18:57.15 
  i use what is in include/mupdf/18:57.38 
  more precidely I use fz_search_page_number18:58.21 
Robin_Watts OK, so that wraps up various things into a nice form.18:59.10 
  if you look at fz_search_page you'll see what it actually does.18:59.28 
dcaro Robin_Watts: the source code ?18:59.38 
Robin_Watts Yes.18:59.42 
  It loads the page, it creates an fz_stext_sheet, and fz_stext_page and it runs the page to fill in those structures.19:00.48 
  Then it calls fz_search_stext_page to search them.19:01.00 
dcaro fz_new_stext_page_from_page() ?19:01.19 
Robin_Watts That's the thing that does the complicated running of the page, and fills in the data structures, yes.19:01.45 
  fz_search_stext_page then searches within that data structure.19:02.03 
dcaro is fz_stext_page a tree, a lits ?19:02.46 
Robin_Watts It's basically a list, yes.19:03.00 
  It's a list of fz_page_blocks19:03.29 
  each fz_page_block is either text or an image.19:03.39 
  The data structure is defined in include/mupdf/fitz/structured-text.h19:04.18 
dcaro yes, the page_block def is just below19:04.35 
Robin_Watts dcaro: You are aware of the license terms for MuPDF, right?19:06.30 
  That it's GNU AGPL licensed, and so any code you distribute will have to be GNU APGL licensed too ?19:06.51 
dcaro agpl v3 ?19:12.31 
Robin_Watts yes.19:12.39 
dcaro i know that19:12.49 
  agpl v3 or later19:12.57 
  it seems also that mupdf runs on bsd*19:14.21 
  though openbsd provides shared lib while all other os/distro provide static lib19:14.53 
  it's a friend who told me that19:15.16 
  Robin_Watts: thank you19:16.59 
Robin_Watts dcaro: No worries. good luck.19:18.28 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok sounds good19:20.36 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: there are still some issues with shadings and cmyk+alpha images, but most of the files seem ok.19:21.22 
mvrhel_laptop oh great19:21.32 
ray_laptop I wonder about dcaro's comment: it seems also that mupdf runs on bsd* hough openbsd provides shared lib while all other os/distro provide static lib -- I hope there is no confusion that NO version of mupdf is licensed under the BSD license, even if it "works" on some BSD unix port.23:12.14 
  kate has enough people to track down23:13.11 
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