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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/06/29)20170630 
Robin_Watts tor8: First 3 commits on robin/master should be good to go.13:30.18 
  (you may have looked at some of them before)13:30.27 
tor8 Robin_Watts: those 3 LGTM13:32.34 
Robin_Watts tor8: Thanks.13:33.38 
mvrhel_laptop Morning Robin_Watts14:49.52 
  Quick question for you14:50.25 
  with your flipping of cmyk flavor, is pkmraw coming out inverted?14:50.50 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Urm... the halftoning probably needs fixing, yes.14:52.52 
mvrhel_laptop ah ok14:52.57 
  can you point me to that? Regression testing was a little difficult to judge. Thanks14:53.48 
Robin_Watts halftone.c14:54.37 
mvrhel_laptop ok thank you14:54.43 
Robin_Watts see the note at line 343.14:54.52 
  it should be an easy fix.14:54.57 
  But if you do take it on, please put a FIXME in to remind me to fix the ARM code :)14:55.13 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: if it is something you can do in quickly I will let you do it :)14:56.19 
  I suspect there is < that changes to a >14:57.14 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: It's exactly that14:57.25 
  Well, >= to <14:57.35 
  in do_threshold_414:57.49 
mvrhel_laptop :)14:57.55 
  ok I see14:58.08 
  I can do that14:58.13 
Robin_Watts in the ARM code block all the orrle's change to orrgt :)14:58.15 
mvrhel_laptop ah ok14:58.31 
Robin_Watts I'm trying to fix the reference counting problems with colorspaces :(14:59.36 
mvrhel_laptop sorry. At the time, I did not see any issues with that15:00.00 
Robin_Watts no, they were all masked before.15:00.10 
mvrhel_laptop ah ok15:00.15 
Robin_Watts by removing the is_static stuff, we get crashes, and it exposes a lot of leaks.15:00.28 
  I'll get there.15:00.35 
mvrhel_laptop ok. let me know if I can help15:00.44 
baskerv I can't compile the current master branch using lcms2 2.8: https://gist.github.com/baskerville/30cc6b5725daed176a960587ab572e5618:27.16 
avih tor8: your modified code has errors on some cases. for instance (0.5).toString(36) is "0". also, it has some trailing 0 after the fraction part, e.g. with (-1.1).toString(2) . also, is there a reason you took the algorithm but not the patch (even if you fix it up a bit)? i did come up with the algo on my own, not that i care too much, but i think thr better thing to do would be to ask me to fix stuff and then take my patch... wouldn't it be?18:30.25 
Robin_Watts baskerv: No.18:30.49 
  You can't.18:30.52 
  You need to use *our* version of lcms2.18:31.00 
  git submodule update --init and that'll pull it in.18:31.20 
avih tor8: also, it uses less resolution than it could. for instance (359999999999999.9).toString(36) or (359999999999999.9).toString(8) could have a useful (and accurate) fractional part, but your code makes it an int. TBH though, i'm not quite sure why my limit works better exactly, but it definitely does on every edge case i tested18:47.31 
  OTOH, i think that regardless if choosing 53 or 54, you need to test against the limit after multiplying it by radix to get closer to the limit (on either side). if you first test and then multiply, and e.g. there's 1 fraction _bit_ but radix is much bigger than 2, then you take a digit even from a number which is several bits past the limit18:50.38 
mvrhel_laptop ok ghent RGB ICC blend mode test working now20:15.35 
  as is the CMYK ICC blend mode test20:15.53 
  There was a bug in soft light20:16.03 
  and the non-separation cases needed to handle CMYK20:16.19 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Hi.20:20.15 
  There are 5 commits on robin/master. The first 2 are ready to go in.20:21.01 
  The second one is yours, the first is mine. If you could review it, I can get it in.20:21.26 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts; ok looking21:12.11 
  Robin_Watts: which ones am I looking at?21:14.58 
  I see 2 from you then one from me21:19.56 
  I don't see any issues with the Invert subtractive color values commit21:28.51 
  and the separations commit looks ok. The java I am so so at reviewing...21:46.37 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Oldest reviews are earliest right? So it's the "Remove is_static..." and "Make sure CMYK ICC color spaces are subtractive"22:55.00 
  Specifically it's the "Remove is_static..." that I need reviewed.22:55.23 
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