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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/07/02)20170703 
tor8 avih: some new code on tor/master that may or may not work better than before for toString(radix)10:16.16 
avih tor8: feel free to use this test and compare your output to firefox/chrome https://0x0.st/0L-.txt10:22.26 
  (this doesn't work in mujs REPL because strict. i really think it shouldn't be strict by default)10:24.18 
  (and i'm also not sure it can be done in strict mode without global this)10:24.55 
tor8 if (typeof console === 'undefined') console = {log:print}10:26.23 
  one of the quirks of javascript, the 'typeof' operator doesn't dereference the expression so undefined variables there are safe10:27.10 
  but you are right in that mujs default shell being strict may be a bit awkward10:28.39 
avih tor8: that wouldn't work because console would be undeclared, which is prohibited in strict mode10:38.45 
  (the assignment obviously. the check is simple and doesn't need strict)10:41.22 
  tor8: unrelated issue, that one.c is annoying for several reasons: 1. it's hard to debug syntax errors. 2. you can't compile units in parallel. 3. it compiles the entire code base for every minor code change.10:50.40 
  i think one.c could be useful on some cases, but it shouldn't take away from the "normal" way to build it10:51.06 
  while it's not a big codebase, it can still take few seconds instead of few ms, especially on non top end systems10:52.03 
  there also appears to be a weird issue where the number -1e-30 is displayed (normally, base 10) as -9.999999999999999e-3110:53.39 
  (only in mujs, that is)10:53.51 
tor8 avih: I noticed that too... that's the grisu2 code :(10:54.07 
avih yeah10:54.14 
  if (num == -1e-30) js_pushliteral(J, "-1e-30"); :p10:55.03 
  (i also noticed you're inconsistent between pushstring and pushliteral. e.g. your last patch uses pushstring, but other code which pushes these same exact strings uses literal. i'm also not sure if the compiler guarantees to keep that string at the same place after that function exits with such usage)10:56.30 
  (personally i'd probably have put them in some static strings array to use with push literal)10:57.37 
tor8 I should be using pushliteral in this commit for the literal C strings11:00.34 
  that's what it's for but I'm rusty11:00.40 
  pushliteral means you guarantee the pointer passed will never change (as is the case for literal C strings) so it just stores a raw pointer to it11:01.26 
  no need to make a copy or garbage collect11:01.32 
avih yeah, i understand what js_pushliteral does, but i wasn't convinced a c compiler guarantees a c string stays after the function which references it exits11:02.22 
  c string literal*11:02.37 
RobinWattsLenovo tor8: ping14:00.47 
  so I'm just fixing up some refernce counting w.r.t colorspaces.14:01.03 
  When we load the default colorspaces, we do:14:01.15 
  fz_set_default_cmyk(ctx, default_cs, pdf_load_colorspace(ctx, cs_obj));14:01.29 
  pdf_load_colorspace returns a reference to a colorspace (not a borrowed reference)14:01.45 
  This means that fz_set_default_cmyk needs to take ownership of the reference.14:02.02 
  which it currently doesn't14:02.16 
  Should I add fz_set_default_cmyk_drop ?14:02.28 
tor8 RobinWattsLenovo: I'd rather rewrite the three call sites than add three wrapper functions like that14:06.05 
RobinWattsLenovo tor8: OK.14:06.19 
tor8 especially since the code already has a try/catch block around each call14:06.21 
RobinWattsLenovo don't need a try catch for that bit.14:06.39 
  will fix.14:06.43 
tor8 yeah, I guess we can rely on fz_set_default_cmyk not throwing14:07.02 
RobinWattsLenovo I'm trying a hack whereby if we exit mudraw with memory unfreed it SEGVs.14:14.43 
  Just to see how many times the cluster run fails.14:14.57 
  Every epub will fail for a start (Thanks harfbuzz)14:15.19 
sebras Robin_Watts: when I tried your memento backtrace patch I do get backtraces but the they are all just addresses.15:06.21 
  Robin_Watts: got it working. on Debian (at least) libbacktrace is a static library, but I cannot seem to find a pkg-config file to detect it.16:03.27 
Robin_Watts sebras: Any patches gratefully received.16:35.45 
sebras Robin_Watts: in your case would installing libgcc-6-dev add libbacktrace.a to your /usr/lib?16:40.23 
  Robin_Watts: in Debian there is but no pkg-config to use for detecting att compile time, and there is no dynamic library to detect at run time.16:41.04 
  one wonders why libbacktrace is not the default. I guess due to lack of architecture and debug format support. :-/16:44.19 
sebras needs to sleep.16:44.32 
avih tor8: your current code is bigger, apparently less accurate and possibly slower (guessing - lots of pow, but OTOH less calcs with lots of 0's) than my initial version. what's your main goal of trying more approaches?17:24.12 
  (also, i don't you recall referring to my patch even once, is that accidental? are you not looking at it intentionally to not taint your copyright?)17:25.37 
  don't recall you*17:27.10 
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