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avih tor8: i didn't try to follow the algorithm, but it seems less accurate than the simpler approach even when using uint64_t and higher limit (tried both UINT64_MAX and pow(2, 53) )09:29.58 
tor8 avih: it's very simple. it figures out a power of radix which will scale the original number to as large an integer as will fit comfortably in the integer.09:31.44 
avih it's not that part which is inaccurate. it's the LSDs which are09:32.34 
tor8 in the end that should results in all the bits of the mantissa put into the integer in one multiplication09:32.43 
avih but something fails with it as it's clearly less accurate. try my test program09:33.12 
tor8 I am using your test program09:34.39 
  any particular case where you're seeing the inaccuracy as compared with firefox?09:35.00 
avih sec09:36.25 
tor8 grisu2 failing with -1e-30 is more worrying :(09:38.01 
  but that *could* be our strtod rather than the dtoa operation09:38.22 
avih yes, iirc it also fails with other similar (non 30) exponents09:38.26 
  tor8: can't reproduce the issue, but maybe it only happens with limit of pow(2, 53). with 54 it's ok. i'm getting this with the double approach: (359999999999999.9).toString(36) --> 3jlxpt2prz09:46.19 
tor8 avih: I also test with for (var i=2;i<=36;++i) print("pi in", i, Math.PI.toString(i));09:46.23 
avih what?09:46.52 
tor8 lots of guaranteed bits of mantissa in that sample number :)09:47.26 
avih lots indeed :)09:47.46 
  though not more than double can hold :p09:47.58 
tor8 avih: ...ps0 vs ...prz is easily explained by rounding09:48.36 
  same with z.zzzzzzzzzz vs 1009:49.03 
avih anyway, new code with limit of pow(2,53) gives this 3jlxpt2ps0 while 54 gives 3jlxpt2prz.w (which is the same result as the double approach with same limit)09:49.07 
  yes, but i expected 53 bits limit to not be worse than can be produced with double, which also has 53 bits significand09:49.50 
  but yes, it can be explained by rounding.09:50.48 
  anyway, i really think you should use 64 bits values and not lose more resolution. or at least 54 bits values :)09:51.21 
tor8 my floating point voodoo is too weak, but could it be that scaling by a number > 2^53 would round off the lower bits09:51.49 
avih speed wise, on my set it's similar to the simpler double approach, just with more code :)09:51.55 
tor8 yes, I'm going to use uint64_t09:52.00 
  64-bit version is on tor/master09:53.01 
  using 2^53 as the limit09:53.07 
avih with uin64 it's ~40% slower09:53.11 
  (the 32 bits version has a similar speed as the simple double approach)09:54.37 
tor8 what cpu?09:54.56 
  I totally expected the bottleneck to be the pow() function calls09:55.33 
avih native and vm of haswell i7 -xxxxU09:55.39 
tor8 which could be optimized by use of a lookup table at the cost of bloating the binary09:55.49 
  and then I'd rather have a slow implementation for this hopefully never used function09:56.07 
avih nah, possibly just multiply and divide by radix instead09:56.08 
tor8 or division and modulo math for uint64 being 40% slower than the equivalent for uint32, I could believe that09:56.59 
avih but it's just considerably more code i think. and harder to follow than the simple double approach. and it's tricky with rounding and choosing the fraction point position09:57.03 
  with the simple approach you just multiply by radix and take the LSD of the int part09:57.50 
tor8 that approach uses two separate ways of dealing with the integer and fractional part, and needs to reverse the integer string to concatenate them at the end10:00.46 
avih regardless, i didn't test your latest patch, but if you only changed it to uint6t_t then i think a limit of pow(2, 54) is better than 53. and it doesn't lose nor add precision10:01.07 
tor8 with the integer and knowing the point position it's just one loop with the same scaling on both ends10:01.15 
avih i know. i had such code too, and i do roughly follow what your code does. it's just more tricky10:01.52 
  eventually i decided on the simpler approach as the "fixups" of the integer approach ended up bigger than a whole section dedicated to the fraction part, and it wasn't slower either10:02.53 
  re 53 vs 54, possibly it just uses the limit differently, but 54 matches closer to the simpler approach with 53 bits and never taking a digits with less than full bits precision10:05.24 
tor8 the simple approach doesn't round the final digit, does it?10:06.31 
avih correct, your approach rounds the remaining bits which don't cover a full digit, while the double approach crops them10:07.56 
  but the specific example i gave seems to lose bits with the new approach and 53 limit10:08.35 
tor8 or does the other approach introduce new wrong bits?10:10.54 
avih it doesn't. it crops the bits which don't cover a digit10:11.12 
tor8 if I bump the limit to 2^60 I get garbage at the end10:11.18 
  (0.5).toString(9) is emitted as "0.4444444444444444385" if using 60 bits10:12.01 
  which is just plain bad10:12.05 
avih if the double approach uses 54, then it ends in ...prz.w . if it uses 53 then it becomes just prz and no fraction. the accurate conversion is pwz.weeeee.....10:12.24 
  i didn't say use 60. i was discussing between 53 and 5410:12.42 
tor8 with 52 bits and +0.5 rounding when converting to the integer, it becomes "0.4444444444444445"10:12.46 
  with 53 bits the +0.5 rounding has no effect that I can see10:13.05 
avih sorry, prz.weee...10:13.08 
tor8 so with 53 bits we get "0.4444...4"10:13.37 
avih not sure what you mean by "no effect".10:13.47 
tor8 I get the same results with or without it10:13.58 
avih the rouding does work well as far as i can tell. it's a good thing. the limit is just too low with the new approach and 5310:14.23 
  for this specific value, correct, but for other values it does make a useful diff10:14.47 
tor8 prz.w is wrong though, if we take mozilla's implementation as canon10:17.59 
  3jlxpt2prz.v is what mozilla returns10:18.09 
avih it's wrong, according to https://baseconvert.com/high-precision10:19.32 
  (which could be buggy, but i think it's not)10:20.17 
tor8 wolframalpha agrees, it should be prz.weeeeeeee10:21.06 
avih however, prz.w does round to prs010:21.34 
  sorry, to ps010:22.43 
tor8 and it's the BSD strtod that doesn't quite cope with 1e-3010:23.50 
  which isn't super surprising, given its simplicity10:24.18 
avih so upgrade it, and call it a day with the numbers fixes. for now :)10:24.46 
tor8 yeah... but I like these small diversions from mupdf work :)10:25.30 
  if only system strtod didn't have this crap locale-dependency :(10:25.52 
avih i don't think i got the mupdf reference.. you mean mupdf already uses this code? and you prefer to not change the mupdf code?10:28.15 
  besides, isn't the locale system just choosing between comma and period for the fraction separator?10:29.09 
  (and thousands separator, which we don't need)10:29.27 
tor8 it is. and we've been bitten by that in mupdf's pdf parsing.10:29.59 
avih interesting10:30.46 
tor8 but mupdf only uses float precision, so doesn't use the same functions10:31.53 
  IIRC it was a german locale and libc that parsed '10.000' as 10000 rather than 10.10:32.59 
  but it was a long time ago10:33.07 
avih for "code" parsing it should set the locate to C, right?10:33.55 
tor8 it should, but a library shouldn't mess with that, for obvious reasons.10:37.13 
avih right10:37.56 
sebras Robin_Watts: I think I found a bug in the cmm context cloning.19:01.42 
  Robin_Watts: and also I belive that threading has never really been enabled in mudraw? at least in linux.19:02.13 
  Robin_Watts: I'm not entirely sure my pthread patch is correct, but atleast it will trigger disucssion.19:02.35 
  oh, but it is fairly late over there, then I'll not wait around for comments tonight.19:07.13 
sebras sleeps.19:07.22 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I know its late there but are you available for a sec?21:46.26 
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