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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/07/13)20170714 
mvrhel_laptop This damn D is pissing me off. Some how we are missing an exclusion blend.01:23.32 
  damn I should have seen this01:48.04 
  Group was not isolated and in that case we should ignore the color space entry01:48.38 
  nice comment about this in ghostscript as I stepped through the file01:48.56 
  will wrap this up in the morning then. At least now I can sleep. This would have kept me up for a bit01:49.18 
  thinking about01:49.25 
Robin_Watts Hi tor8. Any luck with the non-inverted stuff ?10:38.15 
tor8 bashing on it now10:38.25 
  Robin_Watts: okay, so if I want a bmpcmp between robin/mvrhel_master and tor/mvrhel_master what's the magic incatations I need to do?11:13.28 
Robin_Watts bmpcmp only ever tests again master.11:16.33 
  bmpcmp only ever tests against master.11:16.42 
tor8 so, I've looked at the files mentioned in the commits and most other ones I could think of and inverting or not it all seems to come out the same11:18.19 
Robin_Watts tor8: So is your branch robin/mvrhel_master with the inversion stuff removed ?11:19.12 
tor8 I guess I'll just do a regular bmpcmp and look at that then11:19.15 
  yes, only a few very minor conflicts to resolve by just removing the inversion commit11:19.38 
Robin_Watts tor8: Interesting.11:19.47 
  and surprising.11:19.56 
tor8 robin/mvrhel_master writes inverted cmyk .ps files11:20.10 
Robin_Watts probably, yes.11:20.22 
tor8 our TIFF writer can't do CMYK output :/11:20.44 
  mupdf can't open our own PAM files, and imagemagick inverts the colors11:22.11 
  I suspect imagemagick is using the data as RGB and ignoring the fourth channel11:22.42 
  so the only way I could look at our cmyk output is with gs :)11:23.04 
Robin_Watts tor8: output to pam ?11:33.52 
  Then use http://ghostscript.com/~robin/pamview.htm11:34.15 
  Then use http://ghostscript.com/~robin/pamview.html11:34.36 
  That lets you view components individually.11:35.09 
tor8 oh, we have PSD output. that works with imagemagick11:35.35 
Robin_Watts tor8: We do indeed have PSD.11:36.06 
  latest version outputs spots too.11:36.14 
tor8 Robin_Watts: okay, so the alpha compositing seems to work, but fz_blend_pixmap using the blendmodes doesn't12:07.43 
Robin_Watts tor8: right.12:10.26 
  so the tradeoff in inverting the colors is that it means we don't need 2 different sets of blend_pixmap code.12:11.11 
  Urgh. /DeviceN is a pain.12:12.20 
tor8 oh crap. makefile dependencies are broken by having source/pdf/*.c files include "../fitz/*.h"12:12.47 
  cross-module private headers? ugh.12:13.37 
Robin_Watts colorspace-imp.h is source/fitz/*.c, not source/pdf/*.h12:13.45 
  colorspace-imp.h is source/fitz/*.c, not source/pdf/*.c12:13.48 
tor8 yes, but source/pdf/colorspace.c includes source/fitz/colorspace-imp.h12:14.00 
Robin_Watts oh, ignore me.12:14.02 
  I follow.12:14.04 
  include/mupdf/fitz/imp/ ?12:14.26 
  Don't really like that.12:15.52 
tor8 I'll make a note in the TODO to clean this up12:16.00 
Robin_Watts source/imp/ ?12:16.04 
  Ah, no. I know how to do it.12:16.25 
  The CC commands should do -Isource12:16.49 
  that way stuff in pdf can #include "fitz/colorspace-imp.h" safely.12:17.08 
tor8 the makefile needs an explicity dependency12:17.48 
  I was getting broken builds12:17.52 
Robin_Watts mind you, I don't see why "../fitz/colorspace-imp.h" causes problems (though I do see that it's nasty)12:18.01 
tor8 because the pdf source files were not rebuilding because source/fitz/*.h weren't part of their dependencies12:18.16 
Robin_Watts Oh, I see.12:18.26 
tor8 I have a makefile fix locally now12:18.38 
Robin_Watts Maybe pdf/xps/etc should all have fitz/*.h has explicit dependencies.12:18.52 
tor8 but first I need to dig through this inverted color stuff to see if I can understand just how and what needs to be done12:18.57 
Robin_Watts s/has/as/12:18.58 
tor8 and then I need to find that issue with tiling patterns12:19.07 
  I don't think they should be digging through fitz internals12:19.22 
  if they need to, then the api should be public, and live in include/ not source/fitz/12:19.44 
  right, pdfref17.pdf page 51912:20.45 
  the blend functions assume the range for each component is 0.0 to 1.0 and that the color space is additive12:21.00 
  so the data should be complemented, blended, and complemented back12:21.22 
Robin_Watts Right, so by keeping it complemented all the time, we save ourselves effort.12:21.46 
tor8 I think doing that in the fz_blend_pixmap function is going to be more pleasant than making colors weirdly inverted *everywhere* else12:21.49 
  because that has knock-on effects on loading and saving CMYK data, and the public device graphics apis, etc, etc.12:22.08 
Robin_Watts tor8: Those seem like small prices to pay for the simplicity, frankly.12:23.32 
  So I have the fz_separations structure having a list of spot names, plus an fz_colorspace for each.12:27.14 
  So we can find the "equivalent" color for each separation by mapping '1' to the required space.12:28.01 
  Unfortunately, for /DeviceN stuff that falls down.12:28.13 
  Altona has a [ /DeviceN [ /Black /Orange /None /None /None ] ...] space.12:30.47 
  so /Orange should be one of the separations, but I don't have an fz_colorspace I can easily add.12:31.08 
  (actually, in Altona, there IS a separation space for Orange, but that may not always be the case, AIUI).12:32.14 
tor8 Robin_Watts: why do we need an equivalent color for each component in a devicen?12:54.38 
  if we have a devicen input color, and the output pixmap only has a subset of the devicen channels?12:55.35 
Robin_Watts tor8: Suppose we want to do a CMYK rendering with overprint simulation.12:56.00 
tor8 in that case, we could probably get by using the alternatetint transform with the components handled by the pixmap zeroed12:56.23 
Robin_Watts We render the whole damn lot as CMYK+spots, then we map the results down to CMYK at the end.12:56.50 
  Right, but it's not quite as simple as it was for separations.12:57.16 
tor8 even then, with CMYK+separation how would you blend the results?13:00.50 
Robin_Watts Simple addition with clamping.13:01.15 
tor8 or subtraction if in an additive space?13:01.39 
Robin_Watts no additive spaces in my branch, but yes.13:01.50 
  Or rather, all spaces in my branch are additive.15:21.28 
tor8 Robin_Watts: okay, I've got two more branches for you to look at (and shriek in horror)15:24.22 
  tor/mvrhel_master2 is a rework to hold colors in fz_pixmap additive15:25.34 
  colors in the device interface are still business as usual15:25.34 
  tor/mvrhel_master3 has a rework to complement the colors before and after applying blend modes15:25.35 
  mvrhel_master3 has the benefit of being non-intrusive15:25.37 
Robin_Watts tor8: It'll also make spot rendering much slower.15:25.54 
  or rather...15:26.09 
  It'll also make overprint or spot rendering of files that include transparency much slower.15:26.39 
tor8 if you use spot colors *and* transparency you deserve what you get... ;)15:26.58 
  our code is massively unready for additive colors in pixmaps. none of the output formats we do cope with it.15:27.41 
  ps, pwg, pcl, pdfwrite, psd, etc.15:27.50 
nilsont Hi everyone, I tried to make creation of highlights with .epub files, but doesn't work.. There is a possibility to handle this creation for this type of file? Thanks in advance15:30.47 
Robin_Watts psd copes with spots just fine (in my branch).15:31.01 
  pcl only does mono or rgb.15:31.14 
  tor8: I really dislike the idea of changing source pixmaps when blending.15:32.02 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes. I just wanted to see if this approach had any hope of working at all.15:32.39 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_master2 will conflict horribly with my current work :(15:33.30 
  And mvrhel_master3 will be interesting when we have process + spot colors.15:34.54 
  cos spot colors are naturally subtractive.15:35.14 
  (and hence are held inverted in my branch)15:35.26 
  tor8: I think you've convinced me it's worth considering.15:45.21 
  When I get to a stable point, I'll have a play.15:46.08 
tor8 mvrhel_master3 is updated to do the complementing inside the loop and not touch the source pixmap15:49.21 
Robin_Watts tor8: Nice.15:49.34 
  tor8: I think I'd unroll it: if (complement) ... else ...15:50.50 
  that way the static inlines do the optimisation for you.15:51.02 
tor8 yeah, that's the next step (exploding the number of functions)15:51.14 
  or just have a top if (complement) that doesn't have the optimization tree15:51.29 
Robin_Watts tor8: But that is indeed much more palettable.15:52.18 
  Except.... when we start doing rgb+spots etc...15:52.44 
nilsont Hi everyone, I tried to make creation of highlights with .epub files, but doesn't work.. There is a possibility to handle this creation for this type of file? Thanks in advance15:52.57 
Robin_Watts that'll have the first 3 not wanting inverting, and the next ones wanting inverting.15:53.05 
  nilsont: Indeed, highlight annotations are PDF specific.15:53.22 
tor8 yeah, but that shouldn't be too hard to work around.15:53.25 
  Robin_Watts: okay, new tweaked mvrhel_master3 with some static inline optimization15:56.31 
mvrhel_laptop So when will the subtractive colors be inverted then? Right at blend time like in gs?15:57.30 
  and then inverted again after blend15:57.48 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: right.15:57.58 
mvrhel_laptop ok15:58.17 
  I am fine either way. You can't get away without inversion. I had thought tor8 was trying to do that15:58.46 
  Well, we could figure out some different equations perhaps for the subtractive cases to see if something falls out for some of the modes15:59.33 
  It would have been nice to make this decision a little earlier before you did all that work16:00.24 
tor8 mvrhel_laptop: IIRC the compositing math (the basic porter-duff over operation used to blend color and backdrop) should work out the same whether we hold the colors inverted or not, right?16:00.33 
mvrhel_laptop no16:00.44 
  I don't think so16:01.16 
  well not the blend mode calculation16:01.39 
Robin_Watts The simple: output = src*alpha + backdrop*(1-alpha) is the same.16:01.47 
mvrhel_laptop certainly the alpha will be the same16:01.52 
  that is find16:01.55 
tor8 not the blend mode calculations, the ones that happen after to apply the alpha value16:01.59 
mvrhel_laptop yes the alpha computation blend is fine16:02.12 
Robin_Watts And how do we escape the premultiplied alpha trap for images?16:02.24 
tor8 then I am fairly confident that what I have on tor/mvhrel_master3 should work16:02.31 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: what trap is that?16:03.01 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the blend loop un-multiplies the alpha before applying the blend mode. it's an icky hack.16:03.02 
  the "ugh, division to get non-premul components" comments in draw-blend.c16:03.29 
Robin_Watts tor8: Right, but that's the price of working with pre-mul alpha.16:03.43 
tor8 if it weren't for image interpolation failing miserably with non-premul alpha I'd be willing to consider moving to disassociated alpha16:04.19 
Robin_Watts tor8: There is some analysis in comments in one of the files that shows that working with premul alpha is better.16:05.22 
tor8 and the basic plotters/painting functions are simpler with premul alpha too16:05.43 
  Robin_Watts: for your earlier question about rgb+spot, I'd imagine the pixmap would hold an array of flags for each component, whether to complement for blending or not16:10.54 
  and pass the array rather than a single flag to the blend function16:11.07 
Robin_Watts tor8: bletch.16:11.16 
tor8 hmm, how do we do colorspaces pixmaps with rgb+spot?16:11.48 
Robin_Watts currently, we have 'n' colorants for a pixmap. 'alpha' alpha ones at the end, 's' spots ones before them, and the rest are process ones.16:12.04 
tor8 Robin_Watts: or a guard value, N components are not complemented16:12.11 
Robin_Watts pix->colorspace->n = gives the number of process ones.16:12.23 
  or pix->n-pix->s-pix->alpha16:12.35 
tor8 right, so the 'complement' value could just be pix->s and we check if k > s in the blend16:12.37 
Robin_Watts tor8: yeah, we can tell. The question is what's the fastest way to tell :)16:13.12 
  I'm doing the premature optimisation thing ;)16:13.31 
tor8 as long as the non-spot case is fast, I don't care about the other one :)16:13.33 
  Robin_Watts: so, mvrhel_master3 looks like a decent approach to you?16:14.25 
  I should be winding down for the weekend, but if there's anything else we should discuss I've got a few moments16:14.46 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yeah. I'm going to look at rebasing my current work on top of that now.16:15.03 
  mvrhel_laptop: are you happy to adopt tor/mvrhel_master3 (or something very like it) and work from there?16:15.29 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I snuck in a commit to give the colorspaces better names (that make sense in the trace device)16:15.55 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I am fine doing the inversion at blend time16:16.10 
tor8 Robin_Watts: question is, do we want the fz_device_rgb colorspace to be named "DeviceRGB" when it's based on the ICC profile too?16:16.58 
  or something different (like in my commit) so we can easily tell16:17.17 
  it could have implications for the pdfwrite device, etc, as well16:17.39 
  but that's not a question you need to answer now16:17.53 
Robin_Watts Why could it have implications in other devices?16:18.09 
  No devices should be looking at names, should they?16:18.37 
tor8 how we name colors and if they try to detect ICC colors or devicergb16:18.41 
  I think we've moved most of the places that looked at the names away from doing so16:18.55 
Robin_Watts I would have been happy with rgb-icc etc, rather than DeviceRGB-ICCBased etc.16:19.25 
  but basically I like your commit, I think.16:19.39 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: so there are two small commits on my repos16:20.12 
Robin_Watts Though, if we are going to have some of the names #defined, I wonder if we shouldn't have them ALL #defined.16:20.17 
mvrhel_laptop If we can get that worked in, then I can switch to tor/mvrhel_master3 and then continue working from there16:20.48 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Gimme a mo, and I'll pull them all in.16:22.09 
mvrhel_laptop ok. Let me know when you have it all sorted out. Then I will do a bit of testing16:22.36 
  The altona D is finally fixed.16:22.45 
  I need to look at those pgm output files for the fts tests16:23.01 
  that was ugly16:23.09 
  and they are still ugly. I will figure this out this morning16:31.26 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: I like your first commit. I dislike your second.16:34.41 
  You're cloning the entire pixmap to a new one, then copying it.16:34.50 
  then dropping the clone.16:34.55 
  We can do better than that using fz_lookup_pixmap_converter.16:35.05 
  I'll do that now.16:35.08 
mvrhel_laptop ok sounds good16:35.16 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: OK, I've got an mvrhel_master up that I think I'm happy with.18:04.08 
  Just going to test it now.18:04.21 
mvrhel_laptop ok.18:04.24 
  still working on the pgm issue. got it down to a single fill that is drawing nothing. should be able to figure this out18:04.55 
Robin_Watts hmm. tests/Ghent_V5.0/GWG162_Transp_Basic_BM_DeviceCMYK_Isolate_X4.pdf.ppmraw.72.0 is broken with my revised mvrhel_master :(18:16.10 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: if that is the only one, in a bit, I might be able to figure out the issue18:22.01 
Robin_Watts I suspect there is more than one :(18:22.14 
mvrhel_laptop I think I finally found one of the issues in the pgm18:22.25 
  Robin_Watts: ok. well I can probably find those issues pretty quickly18:22.56 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: If you wouldn't mind, that'd be great.18:23.14 
mvrhel_laptop give me a couple moments to wrap up this one thing, then I can have a look18:23.19 
Robin_Watts I'm struggling to move my stuff onto the end of tors new stuff.18:23.27 
mvrhel_laptop yes. you work on the gittery stuff18:23.37 
  I am sure we are going to break a few things in the process18:23.52 
  and we will just have to sort them out18:24.05 
  oh shoot. I had made a mistake. ok. I am going to switch to working off of mvrhel_master18:27.36 
  and I will fix the low hanging fruit first18:27.46 
Robin_Watts it is entirely possible that I broke the fz_copy_pixmap_rect stuff of course :(18:36.18 
mvrhel_laptop No18:40.17 
  this is clearly a screw up some place in the separable stuff18:40.29 
  should have a fix shortly18:40.36 
  non-separable I mean18:40.41 
Robin_Watts oh, cool.18:40.45 
mvrhel_laptop by the way, you know you and tor8 were asking about the lines around the x's in these blend tests. Adobe shows the same lines18:45.26 
  That is acceptable18:45.39 
  ok that was easy18:50.10 
  Robin_Watts: so at the top of my blend_color branch18:52.22 
  on my repos18:52.29 
  Now let me see if I can figure out the pgm issue18:53.00 
  Robin_Watts: let me know if you see anything elsee18:53.06 
Robin_Watts Thanks.19:02.28 
  That test should really be n-src->alpha, and then it would be correct, right?19:03.58 
  no, cos we've already done n-=sa.19:04.23 
  how can we be hitting that throw ?19:04.28 
  That throw was in the old version too.19:08.25 
  mvrhel_laptop: OK, I see where that THROW was introduced.19:11.46 
  What I don't understand is why we're hitting it.19:11.52 
  What is invalid about what the throw is saying?19:12.00 
mvrhel_laptop uh we can handle cmyk separable blending?19:12.37 
  so we should go ahead and do it and not throw19:12.58 
Robin_Watts blendmode >= FZ_BLEND_HUE => non-separable, right?19:12.59 
mvrhel_laptop yes19:13.33 
Robin_Watts So the code says: "If we're attempting to use a non-separable blend mode on something that isn't greyscale or rgb, we have a problem"19:14.02 
  Which seems reasonable to me.19:14.12 
mvrhel_laptop no19:14.17 
  we can handle cmyk non-separable blending19:14.31 
  I added that19:14.42 
Robin_Watts Ah!19:14.44 
  So tors renaming of that function is wrong too.19:14.57 
mvrhel_laptop right19:15.09 
  I see the rgb19:15.12 
  that should not be there19:15.16 
  I did not notice that at the time19:15.23 
  we had this discussion earlier this week or last week didn't we?19:15.59 
  regarding rgb and cmyk and non-separable19:16.12 
Robin_Watts Yeah, but goldfish memory, me.19:16.21 
  So if this code is supposed to cope with CMYK too, does it need inversion stuff ?19:16.43 
mvrhel_laptop well that should have already been done?19:16.57 
  where is stuff inverted now19:17.04 
Robin_Watts stuff is inverted *in* these routines now.19:17.15 
  but stuff ISN'T inverted in the non-separable routines, cos Tor didn't realise that they were handling spaces other than g and rgb.19:17.58 
mvrhel_laptop oh.19:18.17 
  well this is going to get interesting19:18.29 
Robin_Watts It's "just" a matter of adding the complement flag into that function.19:18.50 
  which I will do - but not today.19:19.04 
mvrhel_laptop ok19:19.27 
Robin_Watts ok, I have to run, or Helen will kill me.19:19.46 
  Are you Ok to carry on from here?19:19.52 
mvrhel_laptop I will hopefully have a fix for this pgm stuff I think its in the lightness blending when we are in gray19:20.01 
  Robin_Watts: yes I am good19:20.08 
Robin_Watts cool. I'll check back later for it.19:20.10 
mvrhel_laptop Please keep Helen happy19:20.16 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: so I've got a few minutes and I'm looking at it now.19:49.53 
mvrhel_laptop ok.19:50.04 
Robin_Watts I need to invert all the values before feeding them into hue_rgb etc.19:50.10 
  how does this fit with premultiplied alpha... let's look at another function...19:50.27 
  unpremultiply, THEN invert.19:50.53 
mvrhel_laptop yes. If you want to save a little time, you only need to invert CMY...19:52.11 
  K is not inverted, but you will need to unmultiply19:52.37 
  probably easier just to treat it the same19:52.46 
Robin_Watts K is not inverted?19:52.51 
mvrhel_laptop well K is not really used in calculations19:53.12 
  uses backdrop K for Hue, Saturation and Color19:53.35 
  and sourc K for Luminosity19:53.43 
  ok something odd goiing on when we stroke the path here in the gray case19:54.59 
  filling was fine. stroking was not fine19:55.17 
  seems a little odd19:56.39 
  does that ring any bells for you Robin_Watts ?19:56.51 
Robin_Watts not offhand.19:57.01 
  probably points to a typo in fz_draw_stroke_path :)19:57.20 
mvrhel_laptop yes....19:57.31 
Robin_Watts or in the list device.19:57.37 
  does running with -D change it ?19:57.42 
  -D disables the list device.19:57.53 
mvrhel_laptop let me try that20:01.51 
  no. that had no effect. thanks though20:02.40 
Robin_Watts worth ruling it out though.20:03.09 
  mvrhel_laptop: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=4a1aeb17a3d3e772d119549d5b01393c301e270320:08.01 
  That's on the tip of robin/mvrhel_master now.20:08.14 
  Tests running now. If it looks plausible, we can squash it back.20:08.29 
mvrhel_laptop ok. Once we pull you DeviceN stuff in we will want to rethink some of this20:09.18 
Robin_Watts Yeah, I'll need to rework that in lieu of spots.20:09.36 
mvrhel_laptop but looks reasonable to me20:09.49 
Robin_Watts The bmpcmp is still looking rough though.20:14.52 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok I have a fix20:17.03 
  for the pgm stuff20:17.06 
  let me push that to you20:17.19 
  you can review and hack it ;)20:17.26 
Robin_Watts ooh, I see a difference in pdf-op-run.c between tor's branch and mine.20:17.28 
  oh, but that's a fix you added.20:18.03 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: so on my repos20:22.55 
  in the blend_color branch20:23.33 
  That commit fixes issues that were coming up in the pgm output20:23.48 
  Robin_Watts: so what should I look at next? I need to go get Ethan at bus stop in a bit20:26.19 
  hmm are the bmpcmp results of yours the most recent?20:27.32 
  or is that your DevN stuff?20:27.38 
  I am hoping its your DevN stuff20:27.56 
  have to step out. bbiaw20:34.04 
Robin_Watts no, it's not the DevN stuff :(22:56.24 
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