Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/07/16)20170717 
Robin_Watts tor8, mvrhel_laptop: Morning.11:39.00 
  I've fixed the 'complement blend' commit on robin/mvrhel_master, and folded all the fixes back into it.11:39.40 
  The bmpcmp now looks much better.11:39.47 
  I have just run a paranoid check to see that we don't get any premultiplied values out of range, and there are 4 files that trigger that.11:40.18 
  so I'm looking into that now.11:40.24 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yep, I saw. the robin/mvrhel_master commits look good to me11:41.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: Ta.11:41.34 
tor8 I missed the n==4 case in the nonseparable blending so I thought it only did RGB11:44.45 
Robin_Watts tor8: yeah, easy to do, simple fix.11:45.13 
  I had to move the complement calls out slightly to include the uncomposite/recomposite stuff too.11:45.47 
  tor8: In pdf_show_image there is a line: /* apply blend group even though we skip the soft mask */13:30.54 
  That sounds wrong to me.13:32.38 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I don't know13:33.37 
Robin_Watts it looks to appear back in 4dfa69f388b5eaccc5afe87d368f9b30a8f1047513:45.21 
  The code in question is:13:45.25 
  +if (image->mask)13:45.38 
  +/* apply blend group even though we skip the softmask */13:45.41 
  +if (gstate->blendmode)13:45.43 
  +fz_begin_group(csi->dev, bbox, 0, 0, gstate->blendmode, 1);13:45.44 
  +fz_clip_image_mask(csi->dev, image->mask, gstate->ctm);13:45.46 
  Surely the call to fz_clip_image_mask is not "skipping" the softmask?13:46.10 
tor8 it's older than that13:47.37 
Robin_Watts it is. tracking it now...13:47.52 
tor8 5ee34c75db2752a656f56c7bbeeb67f67f15851913:49.01 
Robin_Watts yeah, I just made it to the same place.13:50.00 
  in what way are we skipping the softmask there?13:50.26 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we're calling fz_begin_group directly in the if(image->mask) case13:51.27 
  but pdf_begin_group with the &softmask in the else13:51.35 
Robin_Watts oh, we take the blend mode from the gstate, but we skip any gstate->softmask.13:51.50 
  So should we REALLY be doing both gstate->softmask AND image->mask ?13:52.12 
tor8 Robin_Watts: page 341 in pdfref1714:02.43 
  an image SMask entry overrides the softmask in the gstate14:03.57 
Robin_Watts tor8: right.14:04.50 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: That is good news15:48.17 
kens mvrhel_lapto: p I can't remember if it was you ro Chris who did hte WinRT build and wrote hte instructions in the documentation ?15:49.22 
  mvrhel_laptop : ^^#15:49.42 
mvrhel_laptop kens: I had nothing to do with winRT for ghostscript15:50.04 
  only mupdf15:50.06 
kens I guess it was chrisl then15:50.17 
mvrhel_laptop It was either chrisl or Robin_Watts15:50.29 
Robin_Watts I did the initial "METRO" stuff, but never anything more than getting a library that claimed to work.15:51.19 
  I believe chrisl took it further.15:51.32 
kens I'm cl;ueless about the terminology, is 'METRO' the same as 'WinRT' ?15:51.42 
Robin_Watts Me too.15:52.12 
  When I say "METRO" I mean the #ifdef METRO stuff.15:52.23 
  The "colorful block UI" that MS introduced in Windows 8 was to be called METRO at one point.15:53.11 
  To code for that you had to use a 'different' API (i.e. not win32).15:53.30 
  so that was what I did (mostly by chopping stuff out).15:53.45 
kens I think I'll leave it to chrisl....15:54.03 
Robin_Watts They then dropped the METRO name, cos some German company called Metro AG (IIRC) complained.15:54.13 
  AIUI, WinRT shared some, but not all of that 'different' API.15:54.42 
  It was a horrible mess.15:54.45 
kens I htink tha'ts probably where I lost the thread15:54.51 
mvrhel_laptop Metro was the early term for WinRT15:56.31 
  I think it was called that before the official release of windows 815:56.44 
Robin_Watts I know that "Metro apps" were suddenly supposed to be called "Windows Store apps" or something. It all stank of a horrible last minute panic.15:57.36 
  The register referred to them as TIFKAM apps. (The Interface Formerly Known As Metro)15:58.04 
mvrhel_laptop ok. got my dna testing results...16:20.54 
  turns out I am a European mutt for the most part. With 31 % British, 28 % western Europe and 24 % Eastern Europe16:22.17 
  Stephanie was surprisingly mostly British16:22.32 
  Robin_Watts: So what should I focus on today? Where there any obvious issues in the bmcmp?16:27.15 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: It's the tea affecting her DNA.16:27.59 
  mvrhel_laptop: So, I'm bashing my head against a problem with premultiplication.16:28.34 
mvrhel_laptop Perhaps. She always thought she was German but turns out she was 65 percent British and 9 percent scandanavian16:28.38 
  Robin_Watts: if you want me to take it over I can and you can work on devicen and overprint16:29.09 
Robin_Watts Gawd knows what I'd be. Some obscure percentage Mauritian.16:29.13 
mvrhel_laptop Well I did have one crazy thing in my results16:29.27 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Give me 5 mins to get what I've got into some sort of sane order, then I'll show you the problem.16:29.50 
mvrhel_laptop less than 1 percent African. Now I know we are all from Africa but apparently there was some DNA there that was a bit more recent.16:30.55 
  Robin_Watts: ok. I will grab some breakfast16:33.57 
Robin_Watts ok, new robin/mvrhel_master, and a file in my homedir on casper called 'blend3.pdf'.16:34.34 
  yell when you're back.16:35.46 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok. I am back. I have the file and your repo16:50.47 
Robin_Watts So, I wrote some code to check that the premultiplied values were always <= alpha.16:51.20 
  If they weren't, I SEGV.16:51.29 
  and I cluster tested, and I got this list back: https://ghostscript.com/regression/cgi-bin/clustermonitor.cgi?report=robin16:51.47 
  so I made a cut down version of tests_private/pdf/sumatra/.... as blend3.pdf to show the problem16:52.14 
mvrhel_laptop ok16:52.33 
Robin_Watts If you run mutool draw -D -r72 -o out.pgm blend3.pdf you'll see the problem.16:53.10 
  There is a rectangle with a star blended on top of it.16:54.28 
  You can see the errors along the bottom of the rectangle.16:54.40 
  If you enable PARANOID_PREMULTIPLY at the top of draw-blend.c, it'll trip in the code.16:55.12 
mvrhel_laptop ok here is what I see16:55.14 
  If I run with with -A 0 it looks fine. If I include AA then I see a black square appear.16:55.39 
  at the left lower intersection of star and rectangle16:56.02 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Yeah, it's to do with the way we're clipping through softmasks.16:56.05 
  If you enable DUMP_GROUP_BLENDS in the top of draw-device.c, and rerun, we'll get some PNGs dumped out that we can examine.16:56.50 
  It's to do with our handling of the shape plane.16:58.08 
  We're getting a shape plane with an unexpected value in, and when we uncomposite, that's causing the grey value to be larger than the alpha.16:58.42 
mvrhel_laptop Is the shape plane able to cope properly with AA?16:59.11 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: It's certainly supposed to.16:59.26 
mvrhel_laptop It looks to me like it is not16:59.31 
Robin_Watts But I think something is broken w.r.t. shape planes and softmasks.16:59.53 
  If you look at fz_draw_clip_image_mask...17:00.20 
  I think we're drawing to the wrong shape plane, but even if I fix that, it still goes wrong.17:00.38 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I have to get Ethan out the door and to the bus (he is still sleeping). I am going to have to come back to this shortly17:03.39 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: No worries.17:03.50 
  tor8: I am tempted to suggest we should push everything up to the point I showed you this morning. Certainly we have no massive regressions in there now. I think this premultiplied thing I'm working on now has been there for ages.17:28.37 
  Any objections?17:28.40 
  It also means that bmpcmps from this point on become useful :)17:29.10 
mvrhel_laptop I vote for a push18:12.25 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Have a quick look at my bmpcmp. I reckon these are progressions.18:25.39 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts:18:25.47 
  Robin_Watts: yes. They look good.18:29.20 
Robin_Watts That's this change: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=ef43aa8826d3f1bcbb5ad79018c3648a9c41bd2a18:29.32 
  basically we were rendering to the previous shape plane, rather than to the new shape plane.18:29.53 
mvrhel_laptop ah18:30.01 
  as you mentioned above about the wrong shape18:30.15 
Robin_Watts That doesn't solve the problem, unfortunately, but I think it's part of it.18:30.20 
  I think based on tor's comments from this morning, that we can assume he's happy.18:30.51 
mvrhel_laptop So the altona test with the overlapping groups has an issue. I may look at that. It took me a while to get that one working in gs18:30.52 
  Robin_Watts: Yes. We need to commit and push on I feel18:31.10 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Yeah, the 2 altona files are crapping out in my SEGV test.18:31.19 
mvrhel_laptop if we have any hope of getting this done before you go18:31.19 
Robin_Watts Ok. so if you're happy with that change, I'll push the lot.18:31.33 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: yes please18:31.39 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Could you review the top 3 commits here too please?18:34.10 
  oops, not the very top one.18:34.29 
  but the 2 previous ones.18:34.42 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: They look reasonable to me18:35.53 
Robin_Watts Ta.18:36.04 
  That'll keep the cluster busy for a bit.18:39.49 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok I may work on taking apart the overlapping groups image from altona and isolate that issue18:44.13 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Go for it.18:44.25 
mvrhel_laptop page 1418:44.28 
Robin_Watts I still have shape issues to solve here, so I shouldn't interfere with you.18:44.48 
mvrhel_laptop ok sounds good18:44.57 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Oh, that fix *did* solve the issue.18:48.41 
mvrhel_laptop awesome!18:48.47 
Robin_Watts So I'm happy.18:48.48 
  no, it didn't solve it :(18:50.04 
mvrhel_laptop :(18:50.09 
  Robin_Watts: let me ask you this18:50.22 
Robin_Watts When we push a group, if we don't have a shape plane, and we're either using alpha, or a non-zero blendmode, or it's an isolated group, we make ourselves a new shape plane.18:50.51 
  Hmm. Let me rephrase that.18:51.29 
  When we push a group, we always make ourselves a new shape plane, unless we are using normal blendmode, with solid alpha, and isolated plotting, in which case we don't bother.18:52.15 
mvrhel_laptop The fact that I am seeing issues on the edges when using AA makes me a little suspicious that the shape plane is not accounting for any growth. I don't know enough about how mupdf is doing AA but it just looks suspicious. Realize this is me talking without knowing anything....18:52.23 
Robin_Watts 'growth' ?18:52.31 
mvrhel_laptop well yes. Let me rephrase that18:52.40 
  do a run with AA and without AA18:52.50 
  compare the bitmaps on blend3.pdf18:52.54 
  you will see the bottom line where the mask is18:53.06 
Robin_Watts the shape plane should have the same alpha values around the edges of a shape that the shape does.18:53.13 
  If you turn on DUMP_GROUP_BLENDS in draw-device and do the run, it'll save out pngs so you can examine exactly what we are blending with what.18:54.17 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok. Just a sec. Had to remigrate projects to vs 2017 which takes a bit of time18:54.59 
  Robin_Watts: so how does AA work with the alpha plane and the shape plane in mupdf? I know what happens in gs but mupdf AA is much different18:56.05 
Robin_Watts The same code that writes values into the alpha plane writes 'em into the shape plane.18:56.29 
  pixmaps hold rgba, right? I *did* ponder about making pixmaps hold rgbah (where h = shape)18:57.44 
avih Robin_Watts: tor8: did you get a chance to play with mpv with js support?18:58.03 
mvrhel_laptop you are supposed to have a separate shape for proper handling of knockout groups18:58.08 
Robin_Watts but then 'inventing' a whole new pixmap seemed harder, so we keep a completely separate pixmap which just holds the shape plane.18:58.45 
  mvrhel_laptop: Right, and we have that.18:58.51 
mvrhel_laptop cool18:58.54 
  ok. projects converted. Robin_Watts would you prefer I help on this problem or work on the altona page?18:59.15 
  I don't want to get in the way18:59.22 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Let me run you through this, cos you might spot something immediately dumb that I'm doing.18:59.35 
mvrhel_laptop ok18:59.40 
Robin_Watts so in draw-device.c enable DUMP_GROUP_BLENDS18:59.54 
  (this might be worth doing anyway, cos it's potentially useful to you as a debug tool)19:00.19 
mvrhel_laptop ok building...19:00.37 
Robin_Watts Then rebuild, and run: mutool -D -r72 -o out.pgm blend3.pdf19:00.58 
  As well as producing out.pgm that'll put a load of dumpXX.png's in your current dir.19:01.35 
  And the output on stdout tells you what each of those is.19:01.48 
mvrhel_laptop ok so that last row19:01.58 
  of the mask19:02.02 
  just humor me for one sec19:02.10 
Robin_Watts sure.19:02.14 
mvrhel_laptop that row has no mask effect when AA is off19:02.27 
  doesn't that seem a little suspicious as a possible issue19:02.54 
Robin_Watts "no mask effect".19:03.00 
mvrhel_laptop so save that pgm and do a run with -A 019:03.16 
Robin_Watts the rectangle that is drawn doesn't cross the midpoint of the pixel.19:03.17 
  so with -A 0 it doesn't get rendered.19:03.40 
  That's the sole difference.19:03.44 
  That's just the way the 'old' mupdf renderer works.19:04.02 
mvrhel_laptop ok. maybe I am stuck in thinking like gs. When I see something like this in gs, it has always been an issue with copy_alpha into the pdf14 device19:04.27 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: look at dump07.png19:04.42 
mvrhel_laptop but I guess mupdf is so different that there is no such thing19:04.49 
  hold on19:04.52 
Robin_Watts That's the image of that rectangle rendered.19:04.58 
mvrhel_laptop ok that looks reasonable19:05.46 
Robin_Watts ok, so let's walk through the output...19:05.57 
mvrhel_laptop ok19:06.10 
Robin_Watts The first time we have to do any group blending etc is when we create the imagemask.19:06.24 
  (this is rendering the softmask)19:06.29 
  If you do 'start dump00.png' it opens in Windows bitmap viewer for me, and I can then use left and right to easily step through the different output.19:07.16 
  so, dump00.png is the image that we have to plot.19:08.37 
  dump01.png is the empty destination that it's being plotted onto19:09.01 
  and dump02.png is the empty shape plane.19:09.12 
  (When the output says 00/01 that's always 'destination/shape')19:09.39 
  (Oh, it says 00(%x)/01(%x) now, doesn't it.)19:10.01 
  The %x is the address of the pixmap - useful for when looking in the debugger.19:10.21 
  Does this make sense?19:10.52 
  This is all akin to the DUMP_RAW stuff you have in pdf14 in gs.19:11.21 
mvrhel_laptop mine says plotting 00 onto 01/0219:11.42 
Robin_Watts hmm. I worry that you don't have the latest version then, but that might not matter.19:12.22 
mvrhel_laptop no I updated with a hard reset19:12.34 
  to golden after your push19:12.44 
Robin_Watts what SHA?19:12.45 
mvrhel_laptop SHA-1: 244f297e9a0d0a7a3ff712cbbb21b7795ae64fab19:13.10 
Robin_Watts Same as me.19:13.19 
mvrhel_laptop Group begin19:13.42 
  Clip (image mask) begin19:13.44 
  Creating imagemask: plotting 00(03DD6110) onto 01(03DD5CB0)/02(03DF35C8) to get 03(03DD5CB0)/04(03DF35C8)19:13.45 
  Clipping 05(03DD6178)/06(03DF35C8) onto 07(03DECEF8)/08(03DE9ED0) with 09(03DD5CB0) to get 10(03DECEF8)/11(03DE9ED0)19:13.47 
  Group end: blending 12(03DECEF8)/13(03DE9ED0) onto 14(03DDD7F0) (blend 15) to get 15(03DDD7F0)19:13.48 
  Group end: blending 16(03DDD7F0) onto 17(03DD8C78) (isolated) to get 18(03DD8C78)19:13.50 
Robin_Watts Ah, perfect.19:13.54 
  plotting 00(address) onto 01(address)/02(address) to get 03(address)/04(address)19:14.27 
mvrhel_laptop yes. you had said (Oh, it says 00(%x)/01(%x) now, doesn't it.)19:14.49 
  I don't see that19:14.58 
Robin_Watts yeah, sorry, irc probably swallowed the percentage thing.19:15.09 
mvrhel_laptop oh ok19:15.23 
Robin_Watts Ah, no, I meant that previously it used to say things like: 09/1019:15.28 
  and now it says 09(address)/10(address)19:15.37 
  sorry, being unclear.19:15.54 
mvrhel_laptop hold on I am lining up the images so that I can follow19:16.16 
Robin_Watts so dump03 and dump04 are the resulting destination/shape planes from creating the imagemask.19:16.39 
mvrhel_laptop makes sense19:16.48 
Robin_Watts Next line is where we've drawn the star, and are clipping it back.19:17.12 
  so 05/06 is the result of the image plot.19:17.43 
  and 07/08 are the background onto which it needs to be clipped.19:17.59 
  07 shows the rectangle, and 08 is entirely empty for me.19:18.17 
  09 is the mask we are using (which you can see from the address is the same as 03).19:18.53 
  and 10/11 is the result.19:18.59 
  The next line is the "end of group" blend, and this is where you can see the error.19:20.20 
mvrhel_laptop so lets walk through the 12/13 onto 1419:22.22 
Robin_Watts If you add some asserts to check what's going on in the blend, you never see 15 produced.19:22.42 
  because the uncomposition that is done in this step gives grey values > alpha.19:23.08 
  which makes me suspect that the shape value has gone wrong somewhere.19:23.25 
  sure, let's walk through.19:23.41 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: before we do that19:23.58 
Robin_Watts 12/13 should be the product of rendering the group contents.19:24.02 
  go on.19:24.04 
mvrhel_laptop So on dump15, the black pixels on the right side of the star are the issue here?19:24.21 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: The black pixels on the right side of the star are wrong.19:24.38 
mvrhel_laptop yes ok19:24.43 
Robin_Watts They are caused by the blending step going wrong.19:24.52 
  the maths goes haywire because the input pixmap has larger grey values than alpha values once the uncomposition has been done.19:25.29 
  so, I don't believe the problem is in the blending maths. I believe it's in the inputs we are feeding to the blending maths.19:26.46 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: so a couple silly questions19:27.05 
  I see the blending is Luminosity19:27.13 
  So the whole math for uncomposition is a little unclear to me. I have not really ever needed to dig into it. Does it assume any sort of blending mode or is uncomposition unrelated to blending. I guess my question is best answered by looking at the spec to understand where and why uncomposition is needed. IIRC it was needed to avoid having the backdrop worked in twice19:29.49 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: AIUI, it's exactly that.19:30.11 
  As best I could work out...19:30.21 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: so a silly question19:30.25 
  If the backdrop was blended at one point with blending type A should the decomposition not account for that?19:30.51 
  I don't know the answer to this, just throwing it out there.19:31.05 
  I am going to need to read to understand this better19:31.16 
Robin_Watts we come to the end of the group, and we say "we've blended a whole load of stuff onto a background B. Let's UNDO that blending, and to do that we assume that it's been simple B' = B*(1-a) + Ca blending.19:31.22 
  gs does not account for it like that.19:31.41 
  gs assumes simple blending throughout.19:31.51 
mvrhel_laptop ok19:31.58 
Robin_Watts (at least, such is my understanding from staring at the code in pdf14.c - I would welcome a double check).19:32.24 
  The whole 'decomposition' thing really offends me. I would *so* much prefer to hold stuff so it doesn't need to be decomposed, but I couldn't make that work.19:33.34 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: that seems ok19:37.28 
  Robin_Watts: ok another silly question19:39.12 
  so 13 is a shape image, correct?19:39.27 
Robin_Watts yes.19:39.53 
  Anything immediately after a / is a shape image.19:40.08 
mvrhel_laptop I am a little confused on why shape images have anything other than 0 and 119:40.35 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: cos of antialiasing.19:40.46 
  shape values = amount of pixel covered.19:41.13 
mvrhel_laptop ah! so the shape is holding the aa information here. sorry for being so dense19:41.57 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: No apology necessary.19:42.09 
  both shape and alpha planes hold aa information.19:42.28 
mvrhel_laptop hmm19:43.02 
  right. I am seeing that both 12 and 13 have AA going on19:43.30 
  for the star19:43.33 
Robin_Watts yes.19:43.55 
mvrhel_laptop That seems odd to me in a way.19:44.13 
Robin_Watts care needs to be taken so that alphas aren't applied twice, but I believe this is basically correct.19:44.39 
  (my belief may be wrong, of course)19:44.49 
mvrhel_laptop To me, it would seem that shape should be used just for shape and be purely an 0 or a 1 and the alpha should take care of AA19:45.24 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: how does that work for pixels which are the edge of a shape?19:46.11 
  It's not always possible to assign an integer value for shape for all pixels when you are doing AA rendering.19:47.05 
mvrhel_laptop I don't follow your questions. I would have the relationship that shape*opacity = alpha19:47.08 
Robin_Watts Ah, but I'm not holding shape and opacity.19:47.27 
  I'm holding shape and alpha.19:47.32 
mvrhel_laptop no you have shape and alpha19:47.37 
  yes I agree19:47.51 
  but you don't really have shape19:47.58 
  you have alpha and something else19:48.07 
  shape * alpha19:48.15 
  ok. So given that you have shape * alpha and alpha, lets look at the equations19:49.33 
  where is step 15 occurring in the code19:49.49 
Robin_Watts fz_draw_end_group19:50.14 
  which calls fz_blend_pixmap19:50.34 
  which ends up in fz_blend_nonseparable_gray19:51.28 
  no, sorry... fz_blend_nonseparable_nonisolated_gray19:52.12 
mvrhel_laptop hmm does this happen in rgb too?19:52.29 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: No.19:53.02 
  or at least, I don't think so.19:53.12 
mvrhel_laptop oh well that smells suspicous19:53.16 
Robin_Watts but we might just be being lucky with the numbers.19:53.27 
mvrhel_laptop right19:53.36 
Robin_Watts I'm being called for dinner.19:54.10 
  Don't sweat too much over this.19:54.19 
  If you can see a solution, then brilliant, but if not, I'll keep bashing on it tomorrow.19:54.35 
  will check back in a bit.19:54.44 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok. no problem.19:54.49 
Robin_Watts thanks.19:54.52 
mvrhel_laptop I am going to step through this19:54.57 
  I am very curious19:55.04 
  Robin_Watts: so I can step through the issue by putting a breakpoint at line 629 with a count of 30520:30.50 
  in draw-blend.c20:30.58 
  The uncomposite equation gives a blown up sg value20:31.25 
  you may already know this20:31.32 
  page 538 of the pdf spec describes the uncomposite operation20:32.03 
  so sg and bg coming into the equation seem reasonable20:33.56 
  So ha, is the "alpha" value coming from the "shape" pixmap which is really a shape * alpha pixmap20:35.33 
  that has a value of 2920:35.50 
  ba is 1620:36.03 
  and sa is 5320:36.06 
  I am really having trouble wrapping my head around the alpha that is in the shape, vs the alpha in the backdrop, vs the alpha in the source pixmaps20:37.13 
  fyi, the rgb output also shows the issue20:41.51 
  There is something odd going on with the alpha in the shape20:44.48 
  I have to run to the bus stop20:44.53 
tor8 Robin_Watts: no objections from me.20:51.37 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: ping23:27.34 
mvrhel_laptop Hi Robin_Watts23:27.40 
Robin_Watts So you reckon our shape plane is wrong?23:27.53 
mvrhel_laptop Well. I am not sure. I am working on my expense report right now but I want to go back and really try to understand the uncomposite math in the pdf spec and how that relates to what we have and what the meaning of the shape*alpha data is23:29.23 
  I am a little confused about the use of the shape with alpha vs the source with alpha vs the background with alpha23:30.07 
Robin_Watts It struck me while I was downstairs, that this is a long standing issue that has fairly minor effects.23:30.10 
  I suspect we should ignore it and move on, and come back when the time pressure has passed.23:30.24 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I would be fine with that23:30.31 
  This could take a little time to unravel23:30.37 
  I can push on with the altona file23:30.50 
  and you with the devN and overprint23:30.57 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: I think that would be best.23:31.07 
mvrhel_laptop sounds good. Maybe we should open a bug, attach your file23:31.24 
  Because I wont remember :)23:31.45 
Robin_Watts Yeah, I'll do that tomorrow morning.23:31.54 
mvrhel_laptop awesome. Have a great night23:32.00 
Robin_Watts you too. night.23:32.39 
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