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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/07/19)20170720 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: So a commit on my blend color branch does the search through the xobject forms. It works as far as I can tell. I had myself confused a few times so please take a look and feel free to adjust it05:58.11 
  good night05:58.24 
Robin_Watts Morning tor8: I've updated robin/spots with some small fixes rebased back.10:03.38 
  Ignore the last commit.10:03.55 
tor8 Robin_Watts: what's changed? michael's xobject search?10:13.57 
Robin_Watts tor8: That, and a fix for the "copy pixmap with spots" commit to cope with one or other of the pixmaps not having spots.10:17.48 
tor8 cool. no objections there.10:21.45 
Robin_Watts tor8: Thanks.10:26.37 
  tor8: so, you'd reviewed all the way up to "Fix use-after-free" right ?14:04.38 
tor8 yes.14:09.47 
Robin_Watts Thanks.14:12.24 
avih tor8: fwiw, distros are already picking mujs 1.0.0 as dep of mpv, which is a shame IMO since 1.0.1 could have had many good fixes...14:31.42 
  (mpv 0.26 was released few days ago, and it's the first numbered version which supports js)14:32.29 
  (mpv requires mujs >= 1.0.0 due to the report function added relatively recently)14:35.34 
Robin_Watts avih: You know mujs isn't our main thrust right?14:37.59 
avih sure14:38.08 
Robin_Watts so we can't keep investing arbitrary amounts of time into mujs at the expense of other stuff.14:38.30 
avih nevertheless you might find this info useful14:38.35 
Robin_Watts Releases of mujs will happen when it fits into other work, probably in sync with mupdf releases.14:39.12 
avih so you prefer i wouldn't have given this info?14:40.22 
Robin_Watts avih: I'd prefer you didn't try to "shame" us into spending more time on it. Sentences like your first one wind me up.14:44.06 
  This may just be me being sensitive.14:44.31 
avih Robin_Watts: that wasn't my intention, and apologies if it came out that way. i mentioned it since there has been some really important fixes since 1.0.0 already on master, and 1.0.1 was already discussed in the past, and all was left was tagging it as such.14:45.33 
  it's not my style to put others to shame, and definitely wasn't something i had in mind14:46.28 
Robin_Watts avih: Probably just me being overly sensitive.14:47.01 
tor8 avih: it slipped my mind, been busy with non-mujs things lately14:48.01 
  I've tagged and pushed a 1.0.1 tag14:48.06 
avih np. thx.14:49.55 
  oh.. the tag comes before the radix commit :)14:50.23 
tor8 yeah, figured it safer that way :)14:53.47 
avih heh. i guess it's clear enough what it adds at least :)14:54.08 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: I took your fix on, and reworked it a bit (of course :) )14:56.16 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok good deal14:56.30 
Robin_Watts I have altona rendering properly here, I think.14:56.38 
mvrhel_laptop Which one?14:56.53 
Robin_Watts (or one of the pages of one of the altona files, at least)14:56.55 
mvrhel_laptop ok. I was going to be *very* impressed14:57.07 
Robin_Watts altona.pdf :)14:57.10 
  which is clearly not the original name :)14:57.22 
  oh, hmm, even then there might still be bits missing. but it's looking a lot better.14:58.17 
mvrhel_laptop great.14:58.54 
  I will be working on a few bits related to transparency and spots if that is fine14:59.17 
  Robin_Watts: so I will continue off of your spots branch15:00.30 
Robin_Watts sounds great.15:00.48 
  gimme just a mo, and I'll put an updated version up.15:01.24 
mvrhel_laptop ok15:01.31 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: see out.psd in my casper homedir.15:02.48 
  OK, spots updated.15:02.54 
  I have shadings to fix.15:05.32 
  Then I have to worry about overprint etc.15:05.47 
mvrhel_laptop cool15:06.52 
  ah that Altona file15:08.04 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Oh, that podcast was very good. All manner of interesting (and true) points.15:28.21 
mvrhel_laptop Glad to hear you found it worth listening to. I really enjoyed it15:29.27 
Robin_Watts Urgh. Currently we draw shades in the destination color space.15:30.27 
  I think we ought to draw them in the original color space, then convert down, then plot them.15:31.06 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: yes.15:48.28 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping16:40.57 
  mvrhel_laptop: hey19:01.45 
mvrhel_laptop Hello19:01.56 
mubot Welcome to #mupdf, the channel for MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.19:01.56 
Robin_Watts so I now have that page of altona running without complaints.19:02.02 
  does out.psd in my casper repo look Ok to you?19:02.14 
  The gradient in the top right looks different to acrobat, I think.19:02.47 
mvrhel_laptop is this the one from earlier or a new one?19:03.19 
Robin_Watts And the transparency of the CMY looks wrong.19:03.20 
  This is a new one.19:03.24 
mvrhel_laptop let me grab it19:03.28 
Robin_Watts I got the gradients working.19:03.31 
mvrhel_laptop good deal.19:03.44 
  Robin_Watts: so do you want me to tell you what I see is wrong with the output?19:06.50 
  You probably already know these19:07.01 
Robin_Watts please tell me.19:08.05 
mvrhel_laptop So it looks like we are not clearing out all the background. As the right 20 percent of the output backdrop is black.19:08.48 
Robin_Watts D'Oh!19:09.01 
mvrhel_laptop The image in the upper right corner is missing the orange overprint in the squares19:09.10 
Robin_Watts can't see for looking me. I know what that'll be.19:09.11 
mvrhel_laptop not overprint19:09.16 
  I mean19:09.21 
  I mean that the orange in the image is ok19:09.28 
  but not in the grid part19:09.32 
Robin_Watts yeah, the gradient appears just white ->black, missing all the grid bits.19:09.35 
mvrhel_laptop ok. and looks like just the CMY overprint image, (which you have not yet done)19:10.15 
  other than those things it looks good19:10.35 
Robin_Watts Ah, is that overprint?19:11.00 
  I don't understand why the grid isn't there. What haven't I coded?19:11.13 
  Do you know how that effect is achieved? Is that overprint related too?19:11.26 
  I bet it is.19:11.39 
mvrhel_laptop yes that is overprint19:12.42 
  just checked19:12.44 
Robin_Watts thanks.19:12.48 
  so I can park this one and move on for now then.19:12.55 
  Let's come back to overprint :)19:13.02 
  after I fix the background.19:13.08 
mvrhel_laptop ok19:13.12 
Robin_Watts ok, I take it back about knowing why the background isn't working :)19:15.18 
mvrhel_laptop I noticed the same issue in the transparency work I am working on that the right side is black19:16.31 
  0xcd ....19:16.52 
Robin_Watts fz_clear_pixmap_with_value is probably broken.19:18.39 
  yeah, that's it. will fix.19:20.46 
mvrhel_laptop cool19:22.11 
Robin_Watts but tomorrow :)19:30.25 
  You're not blocked on this are you?19:30.39 
  mvrhel_laptop: ^19:30.45 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: no not at all19:30.56 
Robin_Watts Ok, so assuming I fix this tomorrow, what else should I look at before you arrive?19:31.11 
mvrhel_laptop I am neck deep in this spot transparency blend mode fun stuff19:31.12 
  Robin_Watts: There is really nothing holding me up on this work right now19:31.34 
Robin_Watts So you're updating fz_blend_pixmap.19:31.39 
  I guess that leaves me overprint.19:31.45 
mvrhel_laptop draw_blend.c19:31.50 
  yes. overprint would be great19:32.12 
  once I get the spots here done, then I can do trans and overprint19:32.24 
  as there are some odd things there too19:32.35 
Robin_Watts cool. have fun.19:32.51 
mvrhel_laptop thanks. Have a good night19:32.58 
  Robin_Watts: minor commit on my branch. Fixes an issue in transparency groups that have RGB+spots22:12.05 
  I am now rendering properly non-sep blend modes with spots....22:12.32 
  pushing on with more odd cases22:12.44 
Robin_Watts nice22:46.09 
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