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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/07/30)20170731 
mvrhel_laptop Morning Robin_Watts15:48.39 
  So the changes for doing Gray to K are on my blend_spot branch15:48.58 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Ah, cool. Will pull them in now.15:49.14 
mvrhel_laptop If you want to merge that in then we can see what is rendering wrong and I can work on those. Also I can look at doing the changes need for proper overprint/transparency interaction15:49.52 
Robin_Watts ok, so robin/spots has that merged in, together with my latest changes.15:52.44 
  With mudraw, you now have a -S option.15:52.55 
  With mudraw, you now have a -O option.15:53.07 
  -O 0 means "No spot rendering, no overprint"15:53.20 
  -O1 means "Overprint simulation"15:53.33 
  -O 2 means "Full spot rendering"15:53.42 
  So -o out.psd -S 2 is what you want to test, probably.15:54.01 
  but png etc looks good too now.15:54.15 
  ok, so the I row is wrong when doing overprint simulation to PNG15:58.40 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: so is it -S or -O16:00.01 
Robin_Watts -O, sorry.16:00.13 
  -S was already used, but my brain is rebelling.16:00.22 
mvrhel_laptop ok :)16:00.23 
  I have to help get some people out the door here. will run this in a minute16:02.51 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Ok, so when you get back...16:04.07 
  Running the altona page to .psd produces something that looks pretty good to me.16:04.23 
  Running it to .png produces something where there are problems between deviceK and composite K. The start of Row C and Row I show it.16:05.25 
  I got it to save a .psd from the cmyk+spots rendering it does internally (before it converts it down to the png), and that is wrong too, so it's not the spot -> spotless conversion that goes wrong.16:06.33 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok. That it interesting. I would have expected the issue to be there since internally things should appear the same16:44.37 
Robin_Watts Indeed.16:44.49 
  I have a file cutdown to just those 5 paths. looking now.16:45.00 
  6 paths :)16:46.33 
mvrhel_laptop This is the technical altona file?16:47.19 
Robin_Watts yeah.16:47.24 
  Ok, so the color conversion is very different.16:47.34 
  When going to .psd the conversions in resolve color give pure cmyk values.16:48.09 
  When going to a .png the conversions give "muddy" cmyk values.16:48.23 
  i.e. rather than being 0.5 0 0 0 I get 0.498 .01 .1 0 etc.16:48.44 
mvrhel_laptop which row is this? I do see an issue in row X going out to psd16:50.12 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: C1 shows it.16:50.31 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok. If you want to give me the cut down file, I can work on that issue16:50.53 
Robin_Watts C1.pdf in my homedir16:51.13 
mvrhel_laptop ok16:51.18 
Robin_Watts I'll have a look at row X...16:51.28 
mvrhel_laptop I bet row X is a screw up in DeviceGray to K also16:52.07 
  hmm maybe not16:52.25 
  ok so C1 has a nice interaction with CMYK (k only) Gray and a Black Sep16:54.31 
Robin_Watts So C1, plots 5 rectangles, C, M, Y, k, K16:55.19 
  When going to a .psd they really are C, M, Y, K, K (i.e. all 1 component)16:55.36 
  When going to a .png they are C+m+y,c+M+k,c+m+Y,C+M+Y,K16:56.06 
mvrhel_laptop when you write C+m+y are you saying that it was not pure C?16:58.46 
Robin_Watts yes.16:58.52 
mvrhel_laptop ok I should be able to find this easily16:59.07 
Robin_Watts The color given by the conversion in resolve_color is "muddy"16:59.18 
  rather than pure.16:59.23 
mvrhel_laptop ok17:05.55 
  I think I know what is going on17:05.59 
Robin_Watts anything that's going to be a bugger to fix ?17:06.39 
mvrhel_laptop Well, the issue is that the destination space is set to DeviceCMYK. What we need to do is check for an output intent and if we have a CMYK based output intent we should set it to that. This would be during the device set up17:10.00 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: During push_group_for_separation you mean?17:10.37 
mvrhel_laptop ah yes17:10.43 
Robin_Watts I see the problem with X1.17:10.49 
  The k value of the color is non zero, but when converted to a uint8_t it's zero.17:11.08 
mvrhel_laptop how is that?17:12.42 
Robin_Watts cos it's 0.000001 or something.17:13.01 
  but actually, fixing that didn't solve it.17:13.12 
  Ahem. Run what you build, Robin, run what you build...17:13.43 
  Balls, that makes it worse :)17:14.11 
mvrhel_laptop :) I found the spot where I can fix C1.pdf17:15.48 
  in fz_clone_pixmap_area_with_different_seps17:15.57 
  I have the output intent there so I can make the adjustment17:16.30 
  in the call to fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox17:16.46 
  so that it has the proper color space17:16.51 
  Robin_Watts: I will have to finish this up in a bit. I have to run ethan to bus and then go to a dr. appt. If you are gone when I get back, just leave me a list of things to look at. This C1.pdf will be a quick fix. I can also look at the overprint/transparency interaction as there are a few corner cases there that I want to review. And also I want to look over the Altona Visual file17:19.03 
Robin_Watts cool.17:19.14 
  I've just fixed this one.17:19.19 
mvrhel_laptop nice17:20.51 
  what was it?17:24.10 
Robin_Watts It was the fact that float f; if (f != 0) ... is not the same as float f; if ((uint8_t)f != 0) ...17:25.21 
mvrhel_laptop wow17:28.29 
  ok back soon17:28.46 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: how goes it?23:11.27 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: good. just sitting down to look at your fixes23:11.55 
Robin_Watts My fix was very simple, it's possible it is too simple.23:12.17 
mvrhel_laptop no that is basically what I was going to do23:13.08 
  The only issue I can think of is this23:13.31 
  There is a new PDFX version coming out that allows DeviceN output intents23:13.50 
  It is likely both gs and mupdf will have a few hiccups with supporting thatt23:14.14 
  If and when we run across one (maybe the ghent folks will make one) we can worry about it then23:14.41 
  I will do a check of overprint and transparency interaction23:15.19 
Robin_Watts cool.23:19.20 
  Tomorrow I plan to make bmpcmp play nice with psd+spots.23:19.40 
  and then try to machine compare gs and mupdf rendering the altona files.23:20.09 
mvrhel_laptop sounds good23:23.00 
  although gs has a few issues....23:23.07 
Robin_Watts well, this will hopefully allow us to spot them more clearly.23:23.30 
  There is some discussion going on the on lcms2 mailing list.23:23.43 
mvrhel_laptop oh I dont think I am on that23:23.54 
Robin_Watts I might write something about lcms2.8.art there tomorrow.23:23.59 
  (Other people talking about optimisations etc)23:24.08 
mvrhel_laptop nice23:24.23 
Robin_Watts Hmm. We seem to have dropped my #include optimisations from lcms2 at some point.23:25.18 
  yeah, chrisl updated a version last november, and dropped all that out :(23:26.40 
  I might pull that back in.23:27.01 
mvrhel_laptop I may try to fix the issue that exists in gs23:31.25 
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