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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/08/01)20170802 
knielsen tor8: I implemented X11 primary selection in GLFW, as you speculated it was straight-forward14:29.44 
  tor8: The patch against GLFW is here: https://github.com/knielsen/glfw/commit/3a6608e8ed6bd704e6c886843c8accd19d69da2914:30.08 
  tor8: and the patch to use it in mupdf-gl: https://github.com/knielsen/mupdf/commit/1df5667b3ae9e93232dfdba193d4704fcc271a8914:30.27 
  tor8: in the glfw patch I implement both get and set, and stubs for other platforms, docs etc. But if this is included as a modification to thirdparty/glfw, much of that could probably be ripped out, just keep the glfwSetSelectionString() that is needed14:40.50 
tor8 knielsen: it would be nice if GLFW upstream could take on the patch14:52.17 
knielsen tor8: yep. I added the patch to the issue to ask: https://github.com/glfw/glfw/issues/89414:53.08 
sebras tor8: opinions on the first three patches on sebras/master?15:01.40 
tor8 sebras: check the logs :)15:02.18 
sebras rechecks!15:02.27 
  tor8: oh. I missed it, sorry. :)15:02.59 
mvrhel_laptop Morning Robin_Watts15:14.46 
  aha. found the source of the problem on this altona issuse15:22.31 
  Robin_Watts: you around?15:25.13 
Robin_Watts morning.15:25.26 
  yeah, I found my problem too.15:25.35 
  Just updating lcms to 2.9 now.15:25.45 
sebras tor8: no regressions I'll push these commits then.15:33.49 
  tor8: there are still a few warnings that show up when building largefile=yes because the printf-format doesn't match the 64-bit arguments15:37.51 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: So, do you have a fix for me to pull in?15:40.27 
sebras tor8: also if I change the proof of concept pdf so that the trailer has /Size 2147483647 and the xref section says 2147483612 35 then mupdf will allocate a 2G * sizeof (int) array in xref_index where each index seems to indicate in what subsection each object can be found.15:42.53 
  even for objects that are not allocated.15:43.03 
  I'm seeing an allocation of around 9Gbyte all of which are zeros (strangely the _virtual_ allocation is 20+Tbyte!).15:44.01 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: so question on image decoding15:48.19 
  Page 4 of the altona test suite has some Lab images15:48.53 
  I always get myself turned around a bit with regard to if these images should be "decoded"15:50.04 
  If we are going through the icc logic they should not15:50.22 
Robin_Watts By decoded you mean "have the Decode array applied"15:50.47 
mvrhel_laptop yes15:50.52 
Robin_Watts I was not aware of any difference there.15:51.04 
mvrhel_laptop I am a little surprised too as I thought there were FTS tests that we were passing15:51.39 
  maybe I should grab one of those files and check this more closelyl15:51.53 
  and maybe I should read the spec there again.15:52.48 
  oh baby deer jumping in the back yard15:53.01 
Robin_Watts OK, I've updated robin/spots will all the latest shininess - yours, mine and martis.15:53.37 
  If you can point me at an image decode problem, I'll happily look.15:53.57 
  I was about to look at the image problems on page 9 of that file.15:54.05 
mvrhel_laptop ha she just ran back and forth across the yard about 10 times15:54.21 
  Robin_Watts: ok. let me hand this simple file to you15:54.41 
  It is a cut down version15:54.47 
Robin_Watts I have no deer. I merely have a pint sized marauder.15:54.51 
mvrhel_laptop I filled the image with constant values of D0 00 D0 which is a green color15:56.20 
Robin_Watts No sign of the email yet.16:01.40 
mvrhel_laptop sorry16:03.20 
  had to video deer for kids as they are still sleeping16:03.32 
  mamma showed up and gave baby a bath in the back yard16:03.42 
  but back to work16:03.48 
  Robin_Watts: ok email sent16:04.33 
  Robin_Watts: so if I skip the array decode I get the correct result16:05.43 
Robin_Watts The problem being the hard edge on the triangle ?16:07.21 
mvrhel_laptop The triangle is an image fill16:08.16 
  the image is pushed through a luminosity blend with the gray backdrop16:08.39 
  the image is actually green. and I thought the issue was in the blending logic but that is all correct. The issue is the source image values are wrong. When I looked at the image data values prior to decode those are correct16:09.42 
Robin_Watts ok, finally up to speed.16:27.50 
  so the image gives a /Decode array of [0 100 -128 127 -128 127]16:28.11 
  which is the default for LAB.16:28.17 
  The question is, should we completely ignore that Decode array if we have an ICC space, or should we make allowances for it?16:29.02 
  i.e. if I set that to be [0 200 -128 127 -128 127], and run it through Acrobat, would I expect to see the image change?16:29.30 
  Right using 10 as the second value DOES make a difference to acrobat.16:30.18 
  so ignoring the Decode array is not correct.16:30.26 
  mvrhel_laptop: ^16:30.29 
  I suspect what we need to do is to bend the decode array if it's an icc space to allow for the fact that [0 100 -128 127 -128 127] is default.16:33.01 
  i.e. compose the "inverse" of [0 100 -128 127 -128 127] onto the given array.16:33.47 
  Does that make sense?16:33.51 
  (if it's LAB and icc, that is)16:34.10 
mvrhel_laptop ok back16:34.21 
  Robin_Watts: yes. that makes sense16:35.04 
Robin_Watts so I need to figure out how to compose the inverse of a decode array...16:35.33 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: if you want me to fool with that I can16:36.03 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Hmm. fz_colorspace_is_lab detects to_ccs being lab_to_rgb16:37.20 
  which it will not be for icc spaces.16:37.35 
  I think we need a bit in our colorspace flags word for "is_lab"16:38.45 
  and maybe another for "is_icc"16:39.10 
  oh, we have is_lab_icc :)16:39.35 
mvrhel_laptop ah16:40.20 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Yell when you're bacl.17:03.31 
mvrhel_laptop I am back17:06.48 
  Robin_Watts: ^^17:06.52 
Robin_Watts I'm drawing a blank on how to invert the decode array.17:07.10 
  Given a decode array [a b c d e f] I need to find a new one [A B C D E F] s.t. values fed through that later array and then fed through [0 100 -128 127 -128 127] would given the same result as if the value was just fed through the first array.17:08.24 
  Actually, stating it like that may give me what I need.17:10.22 
mvrhel_laptop good deal17:10.49 
Robin_Watts Bah. I've fixed that and I still get bad rendering.17:15.34 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I need to run to shop to get car. $$$ . Will be back on line in about 50 minutes17:16.08 
Robin_Watts ok.17:16.15 
mvrhel_laptop ok back a few $$ lighter18:21.19 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: OK, so I fixed the decode stuff.18:21.43 
  Makes no difference :)18:21.46 
mvrhel_laptop That can't be18:21.53 
Robin_Watts The problem is in fz_blend_nonseparable_nonisolated18:22.10 
  Why can't that be?18:22.17 
mvrhel_laptop at the end of the day, the image source data should be D0 00 D018:22.35 
  that gets mapped to CMYK values18:22.44 
  via LAB to the output intent profile18:23.05 
Robin_Watts yeah, I get a green triangle rendered in the debug output.18:23.17 
mvrhel_laptop are you seeing D0 00 D0 values?18:23.26 
  prior to color conversion?18:23.34 
Robin_Watts The black edges appear during the group blend.18:23.35 
mvrhel_laptop no black edge18:23.41 
  I am not looking at any black edges18:23.58 
Robin_Watts Then I am confused.18:24.13 
mvrhel_laptop For me the resulting image pixels were to light18:24.37 
  I am running with -A 0 also18:24.44 
Robin_Watts Ah, that's why.18:24.54 
mvrhel_laptop not sure what black edge you are talking about18:24.57 
Robin_Watts If you run without -A 0 you'll get black edges.18:25.09 
  So it's entirely possible that my fix has solved your problem.18:25.26 
mvrhel_laptop ok lets ignore those for a moment18:25.26 
Robin_Watts ok, we can stick a pin in the black edges, and we'll come back to them in a mo.18:26.06 
mvrhel_laptop ok, let me grab your fix18:26.13 
  ok that fixed the issue I was seeting18:29.28 
Robin_Watts ok, so lets pull the pin out... :)18:29.53 
  in fz_blend_nonseparable_nonisolated...18:30.13 
  lines 855-85718:30.31 
mvrhel_laptop And that fixed all the issues on that page (with -A 0)18:30.40 
  let me get there18:30.44 
Robin_Watts You're combining bp[0-3] into the mix here.18:30.53 
  sr and rr are both inverted-if-required so definitely additive.18:31.15 
  bp[0-3] are not. This seems wrong to me.18:31.25 
mvrhel_laptop ok let me get caught up18:31.47 
Robin_Watts My best guess is that you should be using br, bg, bb there.18:31.50 
mvrhel_laptop ok. bp[x] was used in the original code. I would think that we should have these values inverted though when we are doing cmyk18:41.13 
Robin_Watts inverted and unpremultiplied, I would think.18:41.31 
  cos you redo the premultiplication a few lines later on (after the reinversion)18:41.49 
  which makes me think br, bg, bb18:42.06 
mvrhel_laptop hehe. This was me just following what was there already18:42.18 
  The old code did that but with RGB18:42.34 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Not seeking to ascribe blame :)18:42.40 
mvrhel_laptop well before doing anything I want do read one thing and check some math18:43.05 
Robin_Watts but... that doesn't solve the problem :(18:43.13 
  please, go for it.18:43.17 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: so if I drop -A 0 I will see the problem?18:43.37 
  rendering wise?18:43.41 
Robin_Watts Yes.18:43.43 
mvrhel_laptop whoa18:44.07 
Robin_Watts I think the key thing here is that ha ceases to be 0 and 255.18:44.40 
  when ha is 0, none of this code runs.18:44.52 
  when it's 255, the bit I was just wibbling about has no effect.18:45.11 
  hence -A 0 will neatly hide the problem.18:45.27 
mvrhel_laptop ok18:45.34 
Robin_Watts I don't understand the /* Black */ section at all.18:46.09 
mvrhel_laptop ok. give me a few minutes to step through all this18:47.07 
  So the black section does the same uncompositing that the cmy values do. Then we pick the value based upon the blendmode,18:52.11 
Robin_Watts I have a solution.18:52.28 
mvrhel_laptop hmm18:52.34 
  oh good18:52.40 
  I have gotten myself confused18:52.53 
  so a solution is most welcome18:53.01 
Robin_Watts sk = fz_clampi(sk, 0, 255);18:53.15 
  sk was ending up negative, and hence going wrong.18:54.46 
mvrhel_laptop I need to step through all this carefully. I am not feeling very confident about all of this19:00.08 
Robin_Watts We have some edge effects on the edge of the text on page 3. That may be expected though.19:04.26 
  Some of the other blends on page 4 still have black edges.19:04.52 
mvrhel_laptop I am worried that the clamping is masking some issue19:05.16 
  was the negative value off by a lot?19:05.40 
  or like -119:05.42 
Robin_Watts ffffffffff319:05.48 
  for an ha of 0x1319:05.55 
  so that seems plausible to me.19:06.26 
  edge effects on 7 too.19:07.04 
  is looking good now (I hope never to have to look at that page again :) )19:07.33 
  8 is looking good now (I hope never to have to look at that page again :) )19:07.39 
  9 is still screwy.19:07.47 
mvrhel_laptop so I am still wrapping my head around shape having alpha values.19:08.40 
  I need to step through a couple things19:08.48 
Robin_Watts oh, right, yes, you'd suggested that it shouldn't really, and my head was still spinning from that.19:09.29 
mvrhel_laptop It is also applied in the underlying pixmap yes?19:09.53 
Robin_Watts You may be right, but it worries me.19:09.59 
mvrhel_laptop as it is assumed to be in the non-compositing operation19:10.09 
  ok. I am going to step carefully through this simple image that we were just working on that has the black edges19:10.43 
  to understand how this is occuring19:10.52 
Robin_Watts I have a more simplified version if that will help.19:11.18 
mvrhel_laptop This is going to take me a bit of time...19:11.19 
  oh please19:11.21 
  Robin_Watts: ^^19:11.33 
Robin_Watts tri2.pdf in my casper homedir.19:11.59 
mvrhel_laptop great. thank you19:12.34 
  Robin_Watts: other than these edges and the optional content do you know of any other issues?19:13.37 
Robin_Watts there are issues all over this file.19:14.00 
  but we're hunting them down.19:14.15 
  ok, I've got to go. I'll look at page 9 tomorrow, assuming I can find a way to edit the damn file :(19:17.54 
mvrhel_laptop oh that one19:20.34 
  It has to be an image decoder issue. It has two images there. one a sep and one a dev n19:21.52 
  I can see if I can chop it down some if you would like Robin_Watts19:22.03 
  these dumped images that you get for debugging transparency are great19:23.19 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: The problem is that as soon as I load it into any of my usual editors and change it, mupdf won't read it any more.22:42.06 
  emacs, MSVC and Ultra-Edit all have problems with it.22:42.20 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok. let me have a go at it22:42.23 
  you should try notepad++22:42.30 
Robin_Watts Ah, I have that.22:42.37 
mvrhel_laptop I like it. It shows me how many characters there are22:42.58 
  so when I hack pdf files I can keep the stream lengths correct easily22:43.10 
Robin_Watts Nope, same problem with that.22:44.29 
mvrhel_laptop hmm22:44.39 
Robin_Watts It's probably pointing to a problem in our repair code :(22:44.42 
mvrhel_laptop ok black areas on page 3 gone22:46.53 
  so page 8, page 13 page 14 page 16 have issues22:49.29 
  Let me see if I can cut page 8 down to something for you22:49.49 
  i mean page 822:50.03 
  page 922:50.05 
  good grief22:50.07 
Robin_Watts S'OK, I'm getting there now.22:50.23 
mvrhel_laptop ok22:50.30 
  I am going to cut down page 13 then22:50.46 
  Robin_Watts: so my branch has a commit on it22:53.13 
  if you want to pull that in and have a look22:53.20 
Robin_Watts Urm... fz_clampi needs to be assigned to something.22:54.48 
  line 760ish.22:54.55 
  should be sc = fz_clampi...22:55.11 
mvrhel_laptop oops22:55.40 
Robin_Watts this ignores the stuff in my commit, right?22:55.46 
mvrhel_laptop yes22:56.20 
Robin_Watts ok, so if you update your commit, I'll pull that in, and redo the optimisations on top of yours.22:56.54 
mvrhel_laptop ok sounds good22:57.20 
  ok it is there22:58.17 
Robin_Watts I still don't think your commit is right :(23:01.16 
  oh, wait...23:01.39 
  yeah, I'm still suspicious.23:02.24 
  Line 861...23:02.33 
mvrhel_laptop ok23:02.50 
Robin_Watts sr and rr are non premultiplied values.23:02.57 
  We read sr and br above and unpremultiply them.23:03.21 
  Then we blend as appropriate to get rr.23:03.31 
  Then we reassemble it here, then we remultiply as we store.23:03.50 
  so how can we be throwing bp[0] into the mix?23:04.02 
  which is premultiplied.23:04.09 
  We should be using br/bg/bb instead of bp[0-3], I reckon.23:04.28 
mvrhel_laptop so lets back up for a second23:04.39 
  do you think lines 887-889 are correct?23:04.48 
  the additive case?23:04.52 
  which is what we had always had?23:05.00 
Robin_Watts no. same objection.23:05.04 
mvrhel_laptop ok23:05.06 
Robin_Watts Like I say, I'm not saying "*you've* got this wrong", just "this still doesn't look right to me".23:05.38 
mvrhel_laptop That is where you have been confusing me23:05.39 
Robin_Watts It's quite possibly my code originally.23:05.52 
mvrhel_laptop let me spend some time on this then going through the math to make sure23:06.03 
Robin_Watts I reckon that if we change bp[0] to br etc in all those lines, we'd be golden.23:06.22 
mvrhel_laptop oh due to the pre-multiplied23:06.47 
Robin_Watts yes.23:06.55 
  also, br has already been complemented above.23:07.08 
  so the 2 cases collapse together nicely.23:07.16 
mvrhel_laptop So I am trying to compare the non-sep compositing23:10.12 
  rc = bc + fz_mul255(sa, fz_mul255(255 - ba, sc) + fz_mul255(ba, rc) - bc);23:10.14 
  that was sep case23:10.30 
  with what we have in the non-sep case23:10.35 
  as they really should be the same shouldnt they?23:10.45 
Robin_Watts Just to be clear, what I am suggesting is:23:11.00 
  rr = fz_mul255(255 - haa, br) + fz_mul255(fz_mul255(255 - ba, sr), haa) + fz_mul255(baha, rr);23:11.02 
mvrhel_laptop rc = ( 1 - (ha/ra)) * bc + (ha/ra) * ((1-ba)*sc + ba * rc)23:12.27 
  is what we want23:13.13 
Robin_Watts Is it?23:13.41 
mvrhel_laptop comment on line 636...23:13.49 
  Did I write that comment?23:14.10 
Robin_Watts No, I suspect I did :)23:14.26 
  but regardless, it's a good one.23:14.39 
mvrhel_laptop yes it is a good comment23:14.45 
  very clear23:14.49 
  ok back23:19.23 
  so I like the formula after the comment23:19.38 
Robin_Watts OK, so my proposed form is:23:20.02 
  rr = fz_mul255(255 - haa, br) + fz_mul255(fz_mul255(255 - ba, sr), haa) + fz_mul255(baha, rr)23:20.14 
  Which is:23:20.17 
  rc = (1-ha).bc + ha.(1-ba).sc + ba.ha.rc23:20.49 
  = (1-ha).bc + ha[(1-bc).sc + ba.rc]23:21.28 
mvrhel_laptop so does give rc * ra?23:21.46 
Robin_Watts If you multiply the original equation through by ra, you get:23:23.16 
  ra.rc = (ra-ha).bc + ha[(1-ba).sc + ba.rc]23:23.55 
  which is sadly, not quite what I had.23:24.10 
mvrhel_laptop hmm23:24.43 
  I have to run Ethan to a baseball tryout.23:24.58 
Robin_Watts I have to go to bed.23:25.06 
mvrhel_laptop If you feel you have a handle on this, I will bow to you. I may step through this math tonight though23:25.34 
  and send you and email23:25.37 
  an email23:25.40 
Robin_Watts Please feel free.23:25.41 
mvrhel_laptop ok23:25.49 
  have a good night23:25.51 
Robin_Watts I have something that I think is better than what we have, but I wouldn't like to swear it's correct. (probably because of the shape not being just 0 or 255).23:26.33 
  talk to you tomorrow.23:26.55 
  mvrhel_laptop: My proposed commits are on robin/spots23:34.06 
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