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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/08/02)20170803 
Robin_Watts Morning mvrhel_laptop15:35.35 
  Sorry, didn't see you appear.15:35.42 
  Are you here now?15:35.45 
  mvrhel_laptop: hello?15:52.20 
  third times a charm..18:31.53 
  mvrhel_laptop: Morning!18:31.56 
mvrhel_laptop Morning18:33.11 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: So, there is an img2.pdf in my home dir.19:44.38 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok19:44.49 
Robin_Watts It has a image in it that is in an XObject with a /ColorSpace << /DeviceGray .... >>19:45.10 
  It looks to me like the default colorspaces are being set to this new space correctly.19:45.58 
  when I end up in icc_conv_pixmap, we're falling into the "DeviceGray->CMYK as K only" case.19:46.23 
  If I nobble that, we get results that match acrobat.19:46.38 
  so, as far as I can tell, we're doing exactly what I reckon we should be, but are somehow getting the wrong result.19:47.02 
  so I suspect my understanding of what we should be doing is broken :(19:47.14 
  If you get a mo, can you sanity check it please?19:47.24 
mvrhel_laptop hmm so if the image is DeviceGray, and DeviceGray I would expect it to go to K still when going to CMYK is AR not doing that?19:47.48 
  let me rewrite that19:48.00 
  so if the image is DeviceGray, and DeviceGray is defined in the XObject I would expect it to go to K still when going to CMYK is AR not doing that?19:48.26 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: If I understand you... yes, that's what we are doing, and no, that doesn't match acrobat.19:48.48 
  nobbling it so we DON'T do the gray -> k thing, we match acrobat (as far as I can tell)19:49.03 
mvrhel_laptop hmm maybe they dont respect the DeviceGray->K *if* DeviceGray was defined in the file19:49.50 
  I wonder if the pdf2.0 spec clarifies this19:50.01 
Robin_Watts I have to run, sorry.19:50.38 
mvrhel_laptop np19:50.41 
  I will look into this19:50.49 
  ah looks like page 14 is an overprint confusion20:10.12 
  Robin_Watts: I found the issue20:26.23 
  I will write it up and let you fix it20:26.33 
  Robin_Watts: ok sent20:30.09 
  Robin_Watts: I may have a simple fix for this22:43.05 
Robin_Watts oh, cool.22:50.07 
mvrhel_laptop Let me push it22:56.08 
  It did fix one issue on that page22:56.17 
  but there is still something going on22:56.24 
  let me check that my fix did not break the technical overprint22:56.44 
Robin_Watts I have to get up early tomorrow, so I'm off to bed. I'll check in the morning.23:00.02 
mvrhel_laptop ok np23:01.57 
  good night23:02.04 
 Forward 1 day (to 2017/08/04)>>> 
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