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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/08/03)20170804 
mvrhel_laptop aha!00:07.03 
kr1shna does mupdf support reading of .pdb files ?11:36.03 
tor8 kr1shna: no.11:37.15 
Robin_Watts The only .pdb files I've ever seen are debugging files from MSVC11:37.16 
tor8 Robin_Watts: pbd is also the 'palm database' binary format used by the old palm pilots11:37.46 
  which is what amazon use in their kindle software11:38.05 
  kr1shna: you'll need to convert the pdb/mobi file to epub using something like calibre or amazon's mobi-to-epub converter tool11:38.38 
kr1shna tor8 i am asking about aportisdoc or palmdoc, i assumed it may work, epub files open fine, thank you for clarification11:39.39 
tor8 kr1shna: afraid not, we only read EPUB2 files.11:42.04 
kr1shna tor8 i am using small footprint mupdf mini for epub2 files, works like a charm, good to know about epub2 files11:49.14 
tor8 Robin_Watts: in mudraw, I think the file level header/trailer logic is wrong. the first_page, output_append, output_file_per_page stuff is not doing things correctly and the code is too confusing for me to follow.12:37.41 
  it's outputting file level headers and trailers for each page12:37.52 
Robin_Watts That sounds bad.13:24.14 
  Morning mvrhel_laptop14:52.49 
mvrhel_laptop Morning14:52.55 
Robin_Watts So, I picked up your bugfix. Looks good to me.14:53.19 
mvrhel_laptop ok. I am fighting with another softmask related bug on that same file14:53.45 
Robin_Watts I'm looking at page 7 now, where some alpha is going missing.14:53.57 
mvrhel_laptop I am wondering about this14:53.59 
Robin_Watts go on.14:54.06 
mvrhel_laptop So this file has a soft mask, and the soft mask has an image that has a soft mask14:54.44 
  which is also an image14:54.59 
Robin_Watts Urgh...14:55.02 
mvrhel_laptop the later image being DeviceGray14:55.06 
  The former image being DeviceN14:55.13 
  The DeviceN image has colorants Cyan and Magenta only14:55.31 
Robin_Watts I'm lost except to understand that "it's a nest of snakes".14:57.02 
mvrhel_laptop The DeviceN color space has a FunctionType 0 that maps the DeviceN to DeviceCMYK for the tint transform, as well as the Separation defintions14:57.03 
  The spec is clear in that all Separation and DeviceN color spaces that exist in a softmask should use the alternate tint transform14:57.32 
  I am wondering if that is where things might be going wrong14:57.40 
  Getting ready to try to catch it there14:57.50 
  basically what I am seeing is the alpha in the final output is off14:58.02 
  it is nest of snakes14:58.38 
Robin_Watts When we encounter a new softmask in the draw device, we create a new pixmap for it to render to.14:58.45 
mvrhel_laptop right14:58.51 
Robin_Watts I believe that pixmap is created with no spots.14:58.54 
  hence any rendering *will* be done using the alternates.14:59.12 
mvrhel_laptop ok14:59.37 
  I did notice an odd thing14:59.42 
  Maybe not odd. Just surprising to me. The CMYK softmask image has an alpha channel (when the debug dump is done) which I assume is the softmask from the DeviceGray Image15:00.42 
Robin_Watts I would imagine that that is how the alpha is introduced, yes.15:01.52 
mvrhel_laptop ok15:01.58 
  well I will keep looking it over and try to further simplify the file15:02.29 
Robin_Watts Did you get anywhere with the DeviceGray -> CMYK thing?15:03.31 
  (shoe3.pdf, or whatever it was).15:03.41 
  The bug I'm looking at now looks to be a case where constant alpha is not being applied to a group.15:06.14 
  I mention it in case it sounds like it might be related to what you're looking at.15:06.46 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: oh yes. I need to look at that15:18.24 
  This other thing was a rabbit hole15:18.33 
Robin_Watts no worries. we have many issues still to go.15:19.37 
  I hadn't spotted there was a page 17 :(15:19.43 
mvrhel_laptop yes. That is the page I used for working on spots in different trans color spaces15:25.33 
  That one I think we are sufficiently fine15:25.44 
  but it will take time15:25.56 
Robin_Watts fz_blend_nonseparable_nonisolated is knackered with constant alpha, as far as I can tell. But I can't see why immediately. Still looking...16:16.12 
  mvrhel_laptop: Hi. Do you have a few minutes to talk?18:09.12 
mvrhel_laptop Yes. definitely18:09.22 
Robin_Watts I have found problems in fz_blend_nonseparable_nonisolated18:09.41 
mvrhel_laptop ah18:09.51 
  imagine that18:09.56 
Robin_Watts Firstly, the if (ba == 0) case should be if (ba == 0 && alpha == 255)18:10.19 
mvrhel_laptop let me get there18:10.21 
Robin_Watts cos if the alpha is not 255 we can't just simply copy stuff across.18:10.52 
mvrhel_laptop ah good point18:11.08 
Robin_Watts I'm sure that is an old long standing problem.18:11.26 
mvrhel_laptop there should be an optimization for that case though of ba and alpha only18:11.30 
  ba == 0 and alpha != 25518:11.40 
Robin_Watts yeah, maybe. I'll worry about that after stuff works :)18:11.56 
mvrhel_laptop yes18:12.01 
Robin_Watts Next problem, in the complement bit...18:12.16 
  if alpha, then we need to combine sk and bk.18:13.03 
mvrhel_laptop oh there is an n==4 in there still18:13.06 
  I thought I fixed that18:13.11 
  line 82418:13.17 
Robin_Watts ok, have fixed that.18:13.37 
mvrhel_laptop thanks18:13.41 
  ok so now line 878?18:14.00 
Robin_Watts yeah.18:14.22 
  In there, if alpha != 255, we can't just use the background or source values for black.18:14.52 
  we need to blend them.18:14.56 
  I have code for that here.18:15.07 
  That gets us a lot closer.18:15.12 
mvrhel_laptop good point the blend value is supposed to be either sk or bk18:15.14 
  I screwed that up18:15.19 
  leaving out the actualy blending18:15.26 
Robin_Watts easy mistake, especially because the way alpha is hidden in haa.18:15.44 
  so I have code that looks a lot more plausible, but my test file shows I'm not getting the c/m/y blend right.18:16.37 
mvrhel_laptop I wonder if any this helps me. one of my blends in this mess is luminosity18:16.39 
Robin_Watts let me put the commit so far up for you to poke at.18:16.54 
mvrhel_laptop ok18:16.57 
  let me know when it is there18:17.44 
Robin_Watts It's there now.18:17.51 
mvrhel_laptop ok18:18.10 
Robin_Watts There is a test file, b3.pdf in my casper home dir too.18:18.18 
mvrhel_laptop ok18:18.25 
Robin_Watts dead simple file; a black rectangle filling half the page, with a green rectangle luminosity blended half on top of it with alpha .118:19.14 
  The cmyk values for the green are 60% 0% 100% 0%18:19.45 
  So at the end, in the bit that doesn't overlap the black rectangle, I expect to see values of 6% 0% 10% 0%18:20.29 
  (and acrobat agrees)18:20.44 
  but I'm only seeing 1% 0% 1% 0%18:20.55 
mvrhel_laptop ok. let me fool with this then18:21.08 
  got everything18:21.21 
Robin_Watts I suspect I'm doing something stupid in the maths, but I'm going algebra blind :)18:21.33 
mvrhel_laptop np. its friday evening there....18:22.03 
  ok. yes I am seeing the same thing18:25.36 
  This may very well be the source of one of my problems18:26.15 
  As something is coming out much lighter than it should be18:26.33 
  And I have Luminosity blending18:27.16 
Robin_Watts Ah. The component values are having alpha applied to them BEFORE we premultiply.18:34.48 
  back in 10 mins.18:36.12 
mvrhel_laptop oh you already found it....18:36.17 
  you mean around line 85618:44.45 
  there are too many alphas running around there18:44.57 
  So right now, I understand there can be sa, ba, alpha, and hp all contributing to alpha18:46.02 
  sa and ba, I assume correlate to alpha_s and alpha_b in the spec. alpha, likely the group alpha, and hp a possible softmask alpha or the shape that has aa in it?18:47.12 
  not sure what h stands for...18:47.32 
  so ra is the result_alpha and should be computed using alpha_b+alpha_s-(alpha_s*alpha_b)18:49.35 
  line 793 sort of looks like this18:51.12 
Robin_Watts h = sHape.18:53.46 
mvrhel_laptop ah ok18:54.11 
Robin_Watts ha = shape value at a pixel (coverage, so between 0 and 255)18:54.17 
  haa = ha * a = ha * alpha18:54.27 
  I suspect the central blends should be using ha not haa.18:54.38 
  but I don't have time to experiment now.18:54.49 
  Helen is calling for me.18:54.55 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: no probelm18:55.02 
Robin_Watts I will try to look over the weekend unless you find anything!18:55.10 
mvrhel_laptop I am about to get myself in trouble here18:55.13 
  sort of like tearing something apart and having parts left over18:55.31 
Robin_Watts Yeah, but that's the way we roll in MuPDF :)18:55.46 
  I'd better go, or I'll get yelled at. sorry!18:56.03 
mvrhel_laptop np18:56.06 
  have a good night18:56.08 
  tell helen hello18:56.12 
  and blame it on me18:56.18 
Robin_Watts hey23:17.42 
mubot Welcome to #mupdf, the channel for MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.23:17.42 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: hi23:17.53 
mvrhel_laptop Helo23:17.59 
Robin_Watts Did you get anywhere?23:18.06 
mvrhel_laptop not yet. just getting started again. had a pile of distractions23:18.24 
Robin_Watts ah, ok. I suspect that replacing ha for haa in the middle bit of the routine might solve it.23:19.07 
  (i.e. the calculation of ra is correct, but all the color stuff should use ha, not haa (and baha rather than bahaa etc)).23:19.45 
  I'll give that a whirl tomorrow if you have other stuff to be getting on with.23:20.05 
  but I have to get up in less than 8 hours, so I'm off to bed now :)23:20.19 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: that sounds like it might be right. ok. good night. I will let you know if I do anything with this23:20.35 
Robin_Watts Ta. I'll check logs in the morning.23:20.54 
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