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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/08/06)20170807 
sebras tor8: hi! a few patches on sebras/master13:57.17 
  tor8: the first includes an upgrade of the newly extracted jbig2dec.13:57.35 
tor8 sebras: I take it you figured out that the jbig2dec.git is auto-updated from ghostpdl.git with a cron job every night?13:59.29 
sebras yup.14:00.06 
  tor8: so I had kens LGTM the jbig2dec patches for gs during the weekend.14:00.23 
  tor8: and now I can merge it into mupdf! :)14:00.32 
tor8 sebras: "Disable freetype stream support, avoiding FILE interface." why not edit scripts/freetype/slimftoptions.h?14:01.18 
sebras tor8: I didn't know it was used!14:01.41 
tor8 sebras: it was the line above the one you changed!14:01.52 
  you even added a '\' to it :P14:02.04 
sebras tor8: doesn't mean I knew what it was! but yeah, I'll adapt the patch.14:02.33 
tor8 bah, don't type ^W when you mean ^V14:03.43 
  sebras: other than that detail, the commits look good to me14:03.55 
sebras tor8: updated.14:07.15 
tor8 sebras: all on sebras/master LGTM14:09.25 
sebras tor8: I'll just recluster it.14:15.12 
kens sebras did you inform the customer on bug #697947 ?14:17.09 
  Apparently not, I will do that now14:19.31 
sebras kens: no I can't find any evidence that I did.14:25.16 
  tor8: pushed.14:26.56 
  kens: at the time I didn't know about the process.14:27.25 
  kens: thanks for helping out.14:27.33 
kens NP14:27.55 
  It came up in the bug report and this tiem I noticed it14:28.22 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Are you here?17:01.57 
mvrhel_laptop I am17:11.00 
  good morning17:11.08 
Robin_Watts kinda17:11.20 
mvrhel_laptop uhoh17:11.27 
Robin_Watts I spent a long time on saturday, and an even longer time today pushing equations around.17:11.41 
  and the more I did, the more I became convinced that the blending was right in this damn routine.17:11.59 
  and having gone round and round in circles for hours, I've just stepped through and decided that the numbers would be right (in this case at least) if I wasn't multiplying by the result alpha at the end.17:12.57 
  and indeed it does look good.17:13.02 
  but I'm damned if I can see a mathematical justification for it.17:13.13 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I have to say. I looked at it only a little bit. My thought was to go through it today in detail if we (or you rather) had not gotten anywhere17:13.21 
  Why dont you stop there17:13.34 
  and let me be a second set of eys17:13.41 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Yeah. Let me tidy up what I've got.17:13.57 
mvrhel_laptop ok. sounds good17:14.02 
  Robin_Watts: just a couple quick questions though17:14.36 
Robin_Watts Oh!17:16.02 
  Oh gawd,17:16.08 
  I might just have twigged.17:16.17 
mvrhel_laptop oh good17:16.52 
  Robin_Watts: I need to run ethan to bus stop. will be back in a bit17:23.32 
Robin_Watts ok.17:23.38 
mvrhel_laptop ok back18:20.20 
Robin_Watts getting there.18:21.23 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: So you figured something out?18:21.24 
  ok I will wait.18:21.29 
  I do have a pile of P1 bugs to look at for gs18:21.38 
Robin_Watts go for it.18:22.16 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: go for the P1 bugs?18:27.21 
Robin_Watts Ok, I'm at a point we can talk about stuff sanely.18:27.54 
  Ok, so first off, some obvious fixes: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=046e499c4183e6a5de63b82dce9aa53e4cf1643218:28.25 
mvrhel_laptop So before we do that.18:29.07 
  Let me take a few things apart to help me follow some of this18:29.22 
  So bp is the background pointer, bal tells us if bp has an alpha channel. Effectively that is always true when we are fooling with transparency. sp is the source point sal tells us the same info as bal, hp is the shape pointer associated with the source. hp contents include shape + opacity stuff from AA, and alpha is the "global" alpha for the source18:33.05 
  is that all correct?18:33.08 
Robin_Watts bp is the background pointer.18:33.24 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: and if we had had a softmask in this mess, it would already be the alpha channel of the source18:33.40 
Robin_Watts bal tells if if we have an alpha channel where we are writing.18:34.00 
  This is NOT always true.18:34.06 
  sp = source pointer18:34.17 
  sal = whether we have a source alpha channel.18:34.28 
  hp is the shape pointer.18:34.35 
  hp contents are coverage, not shape + opacity.18:34.48 
  hp is pure shape.18:34.55 
  alpha is the constant alpha.18:35.04 
mvrhel_laptop hmm I would not call hp pure shape but that is fine18:35.22 
Robin_Watts (at least, that is my understanding).18:35.28 
sebras tor8 (for the logs): while fixing largefile=yes builds I stumbled into a fz_throw that did %#x, and so I fixed it.18:35.38 
Robin_Watts I found some interesting lines in the spec about this...18:35.39 
mvrhel_laptop I do see the discussion in section 7.218:36.35 
  about AA18:36.37 
Robin_Watts Shape values of 0.0 and 1.0 identify points that lie outside and inside a conventional sharp-edged object; intermediate values are useful in defining soft-edged objects.18:36.39 
mvrhel_laptop yes18:36.43 
sebras tor8 (for the logs): now largefile=yes still has a problem in that it allocates HUUUGE amounts of memory if the xref object number offset is large (but small enough for the object numbers to fit into 32 or 64 bits). I'm not sure if we want to do something about that.18:36.44 
mvrhel_laptop Hence my comment of hp contents include shape + opacity stuff from AA18:36.56 
Robin_Watts hence intermediate values are expected on the edge of things.18:37.10 
mvrhel_laptop i suppose fractional coverage is more correct18:37.15 
Robin_Watts No, that's not opacity.18:37.17 
  I prefer coverage, yes.18:37.27 
mvrhel_laptop that is fine18:37.31 
  in any event it is the information from AA+shape18:37.39 
  contained in hp18:37.43 
sebras tor8 (for the logs): this is fallout from bug 698279 btw.18:37.46 
Robin_Watts Yes.18:37.47 
sebras sleeps.18:37.51 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: and if we had had a softmask in this mess, it would already be the alpha channel of the source18:38.10 
Robin_Watts Yes.18:38.16 
mvrhel_laptop ok18:38.19 
Robin_Watts All our blending operations are of the form dest += (source,alpha)18:38.37 
  For some operation '+' :)18:38.49 
  We never do output = input1 (+) input2 as it were.18:39.21 
mvrhel_laptop I suppose on the final blend perhaps to a pam output you dont?18:40.35 
  have a bal?18:40.45 
Robin_Watts Indeeed.18:40.51 
mvrhel_laptop ok and since the data is premultiplied that is all good18:41.18 
Robin_Watts I'm test to png here (rgb, not rgba) and hence the final blend has no alpha.18:41.20 
mvrhel_laptop nothing special/different to do18:41.29 
  So lets step through fz_blend_nonseparable_nonisolated as you have it18:41.59 
  we first compute haa which is the coverage alpha for the source times the source alpha18:42.33 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Urm...18:42.45 
  If we're going to step through the code, it's probably worth stepping through the final version.18:43.04 
mvrhel_laptop I thought i was there18:43.17 
  is there another final version18:43.22 
Robin_Watts The weblink I gave above was to a diff that fixes some obvious stuff.18:43.32 
mvrhel_laptop ah ok18:43.39 
Robin_Watts If you're looking at the git repo, then there is 1 later commit that fixes more maths.18:43.59 
  Including much ascii algebra.18:44.14 
mvrhel_laptop well I would prefer to step through the final version18:44.34 
  just point me there18:44.37 
Robin_Watts You may already be looking at that - I just didn't want us to get off on the wrong foot.18:44.43 
  Probably easiest just to fetch and look at it?18:44.52 
mvrhel_laptop yes let me do that18:44.57 
  hold on18:45.01 
  ok fz_blend_separable_nonisolated18:48.38 
  wait nonsep18:48.53 
Robin_Watts fz_blend_nonseparable_nonisolated, yeah.18:49.22 
mvrhel_laptop ok I am there18:49.51 
Robin_Watts Ok. So first thing, look at the TOP of the file.18:50.02 
mvrhel_laptop ok I am there18:50.15 
  yes. I did that math on Friday :)18:50.36 
  I have it here on my paper18:50.41 
Robin_Watts The notes here are tidied up info about the stuff I have scattered around me on bits of paper too.18:50.53 
  I put in in here so that 1) when I come back to this in 6 months I might not have to spend quite so long convincing myself it's right.18:51.27 
mvrhel_laptop let me read what you wrote for Alpha blending on top of compositing:18:51.27 
Robin_Watts and 2) so I can refer to it from the code.18:51.42 
  The idea of the "Alpha blending on top of compositing" is that we basically want to do the group composite, then alpha blend the results of that all in one hit.18:52.13 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts:18:59.15 
  So I am a little confused by18:59.22 
  Cr= (1-alpha) * Cb + alpha * Ir= Cb - alpha * Cb + alpha * Cb - alpha * Cb * As / Ar + alpha * As / Ar * [ (1 - Ab) * Cs + Ab * B(Cb, Cs) ]18:59.26 
Robin_Watts Well, do you agree with the central idea that:18:59.55 
  Cr= (1-alpha) * Cb + alpha * Ir ?19:00.06 
mvrhel_laptop if alpha = As/Ar and Ir = [ (1-Ab) * Cs + Ab * B(Cb,Cs) ]the yes19:00.44 
Robin_Watts No....19:00.59 
mvrhel_laptop I am just starting at the top and working down19:01.07 
Robin_Watts In the absence of alpha, Ir would be exactly what we want, right?19:01.17 
mvrhel_laptop Perhaps you are missing some math19:01.21 
Robin_Watts To blend source onto dest with 100% alpha, the standard equation is all we need.19:02.12 
mvrhel_laptop I want Cr = (1 - As/Ar) * Cb + As/Ar * [ (1-Ab) * Cs + Ab * B(Cb,Cs) ]19:02.16 
  yes if As = 1 then we want IR19:02.43 
Robin_Watts OK.19:02.49 
mvrhel_laptop I am missing something in the step19:03.18 
  Cr= (1-alpha) * Cb + alpha * Ir19:03.22 
  = Cb - alpha * Cb + alpha * Cb - alpha * Cb * As / Ar + alpha * As / Ar * [ (1 - Ab) * Cs + Ab * B(Cb, Cs) ]19:03.23 
Robin_Watts So imagine now that we have a group blend with alpha.19:03.36 
  My contention is that that would be the same as doing the 100% blend to a temporary bitmap (if you want to think of it that way), and THEN doing a simple alpha blend to the destination.19:04.12 
  Ir is the result of the 100% blend.19:04.43 
  And thus Cr = (1-alpha) * Cb + alpha * Ir is the final result.19:05.24 
  You follow my logic?19:05.32 
  (never mind the algebra, does the overall approach make sense?)19:06.12 
mvrhel_laptop I agree with that19:07.06 
Robin_Watts ok.19:07.10 
  So: Cr = (1-alpha) * Cb + alpha * Ir is the obvious blend equation.19:07.44 
mvrhel_laptop I am happy with that19:08.17 
Robin_Watts So let's substitute Ir in.19:08.26 
mvrhel_laptop wait19:08.53 
  I think I am confused by what you are calling IR19:09.54 
Robin_Watts Would you rather I used Cr instead, and called the final alpha blended result Fr ?19:11.09 
mvrhel_laptop It is interesting19:11.24 
  So in gs, we do our group drawings etc and then we have a special compositing operation for when the group blends work19:11.57 
Robin_Watts yeah, possibly in gs you do alpha and blending separately?19:12.25 
mvrhel_laptop So I am a little worried about us applying alpha twice here. But lets say that we have done all our drawings in the group and we are doing a group pop (that is coming from the end of the xform). Is it only in this group pop that the group alpha is going to be applied or was it also applied during all the path fills?19:15.02 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: It is only in this group alpha that it will be applied.19:16.44 
  (otherwise stuff like overlapping paths would look wrong)19:17.05 
mvrhel_laptop ok. yes19:17.08 
  ok so now we have a group alpha and a blend for that group19:17.21 
Robin_Watts yes.19:17.27 
  and my contention is that we *conceptually* do the blend first, and then alpha blend the result of that.19:17.58 
  (really annoying overloading of the word blend there, sorry)19:18.13 
mvrhel_laptop yes19:18.16 
  I think of blend as19:18.20 
  [ (1 - Ab) * Cs + Ab * B(Cb, Cs) ]19:18.34 
  this part19:18.42 
Robin_Watts Ah, to me, blending is the act of: (1-a).x + a.y19:19.29 
mvrhel_laptop ok so lets back up for one sec19:19.44 
  lets call (1-a).x + a.y alpha blend19:19.59 
Robin_Watts and what you describe there is a particular type of blend that I have no good name for :) "posh blend" maybe :)19:19.59 
  or "group" blend19:20.17 
mvrhel_laptop and B(Cb, Cs) the blend mode19:20.18 
Robin_Watts yes.19:20.25 
mvrhel_laptop so I am a little confused by where you are headed19:22.10 
  lets say that we just had normal blend mode19:22.20 
Robin_Watts My thinking is that the equations as given in the spec don't account for doing alpha blends and group blends at the same time.19:23.01 
  hence I am simply deriving an equation that lets me do that.19:23.16 
  and I do that by just composing the two equations, and everything falls out nicely.19:23.38 
mvrhel_laptop ok. I *do* agree with your final equation19:24.33 
  = Cb * (1 - alpha * As / Ar) + alpha * As / Ar * [ (1 - Ab) * Cs + Ab * B(Cb, Cs) ]19:24.35 
Robin_Watts And, do you agree with the premultiplied form?19:24.57 
mvrhel_laptop where alpha is the group alpha and As is what ever alpha the the source had19:25.22 
Robin_Watts yes.19:25.37 
mvrhel_laptop yes result alpha should be Union(Ab, alpha * As)19:25.48 
Robin_Watts (limitations of ascii for doing algebra)19:25.51 
  OK, so now we can look at the code :)19:26.03 
mvrhel_laptop essentially all should be the same as if we were drawing with an alpha of alpha*As19:26.07 
  I agree absolutely with that19:26.19 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: yeah.19:26.45 
mvrhel_laptop the source alpha is basically multiplied accordingly19:26.46 
Robin_Watts yes.19:26.51 
  I had done that in the code before, but wanted to be 100% explicit and sure that it was justified in the maths.19:27.32 
mvrhel_laptop ok19:28.41 
Robin_Watts so hopefully the code should be straightforward now.19:29.34 
  There were a couple of things we were doing wrong before.19:29.46 
  We were falling into the "just memcpy" loop too often (not allowing for alpha != 0).19:30.18 
  I had failed to account for the /ra bits of the equations (which is why I moved to the premultiplied result form)19:30.52 
  The "if (complement)" code was not allowing for alpha at all.19:31.25 
  and when we're in the premultiplied form, the "re-inversion" of the result needs to be different.19:32.20 
  I'll let you walk through the code, and you can shout if you spot something you don't like.19:32.59 
mvrhel_laptop sorry I am back19:43.53 
  Robin_Watts: ok lets walk through it19:44.26 
Robin_Watts No worries. I'm going to have to go for food in a few minutes.19:44.32 
mvrhel_laptop ok19:44.37 
Robin_Watts but let's do what we can.19:44.43 
mvrhel_laptop ok so as before haa is the alpha and the coverage product for the source19:45.53 
  is that correct?19:46.03 
Robin_Watts yes. ha.a19:46.04 
  ha = ha * a19:46.08 
mvrhel_laptop ok so now this is new19:46.42 
  the ra0 and the ra19:46.46 
  ra is the union19:46.52 
Robin_Watts if haa == 0 then there can be no impact on the output19:47.06 
mvrhel_laptop of the back drop alpha and the source alpha (which is haa)19:47.12 
Robin_Watts right, ra is unchanged.19:47.19 
  ra0 is just a temporary product that will be useful later.19:47.29 
  ignore it for now.19:47.35 
mvrhel_laptop ha19:47.37 
  ok I will ignore even though it is hard19:47.53 
Robin_Watts Damn. I have to go for dinner. I'll try to pop back in a bit to answer any questions. Hopefully this should be simple enough.19:48.31 
mvrhel_laptop so yes. sorry I agree on the ba==0 && alpha ==25519:48.33 
  np. I will step through19:48.41 
  is it giving the right results?19:48.45 
Robin_Watts In my limited testing, yes.20:23.23 
mvrhel_laptop hmm20:23.24 
  I am up the the /*CMYK */ Section20:23.37 
Robin_Watts and it solves some of the edge effects I'd seen on some pages.20:23.39 
mvrhel_laptop so far all good20:23.41 
Robin_Watts cool. Tomorrow, I will run through the rest of the code applying the same logic there.20:24.40 
mvrhel_laptop So I am am confused though as I would think we would be doing complement stuff before and after the blend20:24.49 
  I don't understand why all the logic is needed there20:25.04 
  oh that is the k case20:25.23 
Robin_Watts This is the same logic as you had before, but amended to allow for the alpha.20:26.05 
mvrhel_laptop right20:26.11 
Robin_Watts Clearly we don't need to alpha blend when we are mixing bk with bk :)20:26.20 
mvrhel_laptop yes20:26.35 
Robin_Watts so it's only the LUMINOSITY case that has that.20:26.35 
mvrhel_laptop looks good20:30.19 
  so you will update the other methods?20:30.34 
Robin_Watts The spot case is missing alpha.20:30.36 
mvrhel_laptop Yes I was going to ask about the spot20:30.46 
Robin_Watts yeah, I'll tidy up all the rest tomorrow.20:30.58 
mvrhel_laptop cool20:31.01 
Robin_Watts Or I can still a WIP up and you can run with it.20:31.13 
mvrhel_laptop If you want me to do any of it today I can20:31.16 
Robin_Watts All depends what you'd rather do.20:31.17 
mvrhel_laptop I want to get that crazy page working, but I suspect the issue is realated to this20:31.46 
Robin_Watts OK, I've pushed what I've got so far to robin/spots.20:35.52 
  Feel free to run with it, or not. Just let me know ! :)20:36.04 
  mvrhel_laptop: hey23:24.23 
  mvrhel_laptop: So page 1-3 look perfect now (the edge effects on 3 are gone).23:38.01 
mvrhel_laptop nice23:38.13 
Robin_Watts Page 4 is vastly improved, but there are still a few stray pixels.23:38.16 
  5 and 6 are fine.23:38.39 
  7 has an alpha being dropped. Will look into that tomorrow.23:38.54 
  8 has one gradient still not right :(23:39.23 
  11 has one block wrong.23:39.42 
  13 looks pretty good.23:40.18 
  14 is still not right.23:40.33 
  15 is hopeless.23:40.42 
mvrhel_laptop my nemesis23:40.45 
  15 is the optional content23:40.57 
Robin_Watts Ah, well, at least we know what's wrong.23:41.08 
  no idea about 17.23:41.17 
mvrhel_laptop what do you want me to do23:41.26 
Robin_Watts whatever you'd like.23:41.35 
mvrhel_laptop I am feeling a bit useless....23:41.37 
  Are all the fixes in the blending functions?23:41.54 
Robin_Watts I'll look at 7 and/or 8 tomorrow unless you want to take them sooner.23:41.58 
  I haven't done more since I pushed the WIP earlier.23:42.09 
mvrhel_laptop ok. I will work on 1423:42.20 
  11 also might be straight foreward23:42.34 
Robin_Watts I put a load of FIXMEs in where I think we need to double check the code and I'll look at that tomorrow unless you beat me to it.23:42.45 
mvrhel_laptop let me look at that fist23:42.45 
  have a good night23:43.11 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Ah, so the problem with the OCG stuff is that we ignore OCG stuff in BDC commands.23:57.20 
mvrhel_laptop is that an easy fix?23:57.30 
Robin_Watts It's a simple matter of programming.23:57.41 
mvrhel_laptop :)23:57.45 
Robin_Watts I'd have to read the spec again.23:58.06 
  I dunno if we have the concept of a "disabled" state in the pdf interpreter offhand. When we hit an OCG, we need to check if the state is enabled or not (that's easy enough), but if it's not we need to disable the interpreter from calling more device calls23:59.24 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: so your fixes did fix one issue on that crazy page23:59.57 
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