Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/08/10)20170811 
Ragu hi10:29.44 
mubot Welcome to #mupdf, the channel for MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.10:29.44 
Ragu im trying to integrate with my app PDF reader.10:30.05 
  later version 6.0 on wards its not working.10:30.25 
  how to fix this?10:30.34 
kens Well you haven't given much to go on there10:30.51 
  Which of our products are you trying to integrate into your own product ? On which Operating system ? In what wasy is it not working ?10:31.13 
Ragu its getting crash10:31.14 
kens You are aware that Artifex products are licenced under the AGPL ? I assume your own app is also AGPL licenced ?10:31.56 
Ragu https://github.com/barteksc/AndroidPdfViewer/tree/master/android-pdf-viewer/src/main10:34.16 
  im using this module10:34.31 
kens That doesn't appear to be anything to do with us.....10:34.49 
Ragu so cool.. i want to know how integrate pdf viewer in my app?10:35.39 
kens That's not a question I can answer, especially if you are using something we don't produce10:36.21 
  Why do you think we can help you with "AndroidPDFViewer" ?10:36.49 
Ragu "AndroidPDFViewer" its not support search function10:53.51 
  hmm. i need with search option.10:53.59 
kens Once again; Android PDF Viewer is not one of our products.10:54.19 
  Please run that through Google translate for your native language10:54.43 
tor8 sebras: on sebras/master, typo in the commit message "Remote unused"12:54.28 
  sebras: the "Do not try to print sign for unsigned values" how is "%+u" supposed work?12:54.52 
  those two asides, sebras/master LGTM12:55.05 
 Forward 1 day (to 2017/08/12)>>> 
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