Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/08/22)20170823 
knielsen tor8: A couple weeks ago I asked you about some mupdf-gl patches (https://github.com/knielsen/mupdf) - any thoughts?10:53.41 
  tor8: I got the GLFW people to take the patch to allow access to X11 primary selection10:54.01 
  and Miles Jones confirmed he got the contributer agreement10:54.26 
  tor8: So if there is time and interest in some of the patches, I could prepare a tree with just those patches, add some cleanup perhaps.10:54.58 
  Alternative, I can maintain the patches separately for myself...10:55.34 
tor8 knielsen: that's nice!11:28.50 
  I've been a bit too busy to have a closer look yet11:29.01 
knielsen tor8: Ok. I suppose mupdf-gl isn't the highest prio part of mupdf, though it's quite a nice viewer, actually11:31.07 
  tor8: do you want me to nag you again in a couple weeks?11:31.18 
tor8 please do! :)11:31.25 
knielsen tor8: ok :-)11:31.33 
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