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sebras tor8 (for the logs): I got at message from malc that 841dce12d2a4efac7e2f8b908e935487fe95e807 messed with the annotations in DDI0487A_a_armv8_arm_errata.pdf07:41.57 
  this commit comes from my fix for https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=69795107:42.40 
  quite possibly I misunderstood how /Open false is supposed to work. should /N in the /AP dict be drawn in this case?07:43.44 
  and what does it mean that _both_ Text and Popup annotations have /Open?07:44.01 
  when rereading pdfref17.pdf page 621 about Text annotations I see that it does mention that /Open false implies drawing an icon. I guess that this is what is in /N07:45.19 
  but how do we know that?07:45.47 
  we only know that /N is 'the normal appearance when the annotation is not interacting with the user.'07:46.26 
  also /N might have subdirectories depending on state according to page 614, I'm guessing and /Open and /Closed would make sense here. but neither PDF uses this.07:47.29 
  finally, is the _non-editable_ pop-up window showing the text (described on page 621) somehow different from the _editable_ pop-up window showing the same text (described on page 637)?07:49.28 
  ugh.. annotations really _are_ a mess. :-/07:49.36 
kens sebras you might want to check the PDF 2.0 specification, it might have reworded some of the annotations stuff08:24.16 
sebras kens: good point. I'll take a look later.08:32.38 
kens I only thought of it because I'm working my way through the tests....08:33.03 
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