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jj00 Hi all!07:42.05 
  I don't know if someone can help me with command line mutool. I would like to scale the contents of a page with a script .js using "mutool run script.js" (as seen here https://mupdf.com/docs/manual-mutool-run.html), I've tried it in many ways but I can't get it. Can someone help me?07:42.30 
kens I'm afraid you're a little early, the developer who can help with that isn't likely to be online for another hour or two.07:43.16 
  Either stick around or read the logs later, I'm sure that he will reply.07:43.31 
  It might help if you could post a URL to the file you are using, and the script you're trying to use, and a description of what you are trying to achieve.07:44.06 
jj00 Thank you very much. I'm going to make a basic example and put it here ;)07:45.43 
  For the developer, I have upload what I want to get here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By7TkqYrX87USWRHc3cxTkFGTU008:22.10 
  Thanks in advance08:22.16 
kens 809:07.39 
  tor8 there's a question about Mutool in the logs09:08.09 
  using js09:08.19 
tor8 jj00: so you essentially want to change the page size and have the content scaled to fit?09:10.57 
kens I guess maybe he's away09:11.55 
jj00 Sorry, I'm here now09:33.18 
  I want only to scale the contents with the original page size09:33.55 
tor8 so that they extend outside the page?09:36.34 
jj00 No, in this case the content will be smaller tha page size09:37.49 
  In my google drive I hace an example of what I want to get09:38.18 
tor8 jj00: https://pastebin.com/raw/akdE4pnr something like that maybe09:53.11 
jj00 Mmmm It's not exactly what I need, but very near ;). Because this solution change the dimensions of page from 210x297 to 105x148. But looking at the code I tried removing Mediabox scale and It is most what I whant to10:07.37 
  I didn't know the property cropbox, I think this is the trick10:08.54 
  I'm going to try with your code, It's perfect for me. Thank you very much!!! :))))10:09.46 
tor8 the cropbox is an alternative fallback property, which is used if mediabox is not available10:10.10 
  so if you don't want to change the page size, remove the code that changes both mediabox and cropbox10:10.30 
jj00 Yes, that make what I want. The only thing is that it make contents align to bottom left, I would like it to be centered in page10:16.45 
  But I'm going to play with it and see if I can get it10:17.10 
tor8 j00: then you need to change the last two 0's before the 'cm' to be a translation offset10:17.20 
  the difference in page width divided by two10:17.32 
  "sx 0 0 sy tx ty cm" is the string you want to make, where sx and sy is the scaling and tx and ty is the translation to center10:18.06 
jj00 ok, in this sentence I suppose: buf.write(scale, 0, 0, scale, 0, 0, 'cm');10:18.49 
tor8 yes.10:19.20 
  you can use the page.MediaBox to get the page width10:19.39 
jj00 something like: buf.write(scale, 0, 0, scale, (originalWidth-scaledWidth)/2, (originalHeight-scaledHeight)/2, 'cm');10:20.12 
tor8 page.MediaBox[2] - page.MediaBox[0] is the width10:20.16 
  and [3] - [1] is the height10:20.21 
  yup. you got it.10:20.45 
jj00 Yeah! Wow I come here looking for help and you make it all for me :)10:22.06 
  Thank you very much again!!!10:22.18 
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