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chrisl Someone should probably comment on this: https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/thirdparty-glfw/issues/109:12.27 
tor8 Robin_Watts: one commit on tor/master to allow for the fz_context struct to be opaque in the try/catch macros12:34.31 
  (and it also reduces the code size)12:34.36 
Robin_Watts tor8: That's 2 function calls, rather than 1.13:31.44 
  How about...13:32.00 
  jmpbuf_t *buf = fz_push_try(ctx); if (buf) { if (fz_setjmp(buf) == 0) do \13:33.06 
  i.e. we make fz_push_try return NULL or ctx->error->top->buffer rather than 0 or 1 ?13:33.37 
  That gets us opaqueness, and still keeps the number of function calls down.13:33.58 
  And we can use void * if required cos of the nasty types.13:34.27 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah, that would probably work too13:35.01 
  might get warnings about shadowed variables if we nest try-blocks but I think we try to avoid that13:35.21 
Robin_Watts tor8: We can possibly use buf_##_LINE_ or something as the variable name if we want to.13:36.02 
  if (fz_setjmp(fz_push_try(ctx)) == 0) do \13:37.52 
  no, that doesn't help.13:38.18 
tor8 checking for overflow after the setjmp doesn't help in terms of number of function calls13:38.35 
  the only thing that would help is throwing a real before fz_try (so we bail to the surrounding fz_try if fz_try itself would fail, rather than to the catch of the try that failed)13:39.09 
Robin_Watts #define fz_try(ctx) fz_try_var(ctx, buf_##_LINE_) or something.13:39.23 
tor8 but that would mean going over all our code to make sure it works with that13:39.24 
Robin_Watts Having fz_push_try return the buffer pointer seems like a fairly small, safe change. WhatCouldPossiblyGoWrong(TM)13:40.33 
tor8 Robin_Watts: not sure what you mean there13:44.59 
  Robin_Watts: do we support 'break' inside the fz_always block?13:46.54 
  or rather, do we want to13:47.03 
Robin_Watts no.13:47.05 
  do we want to? dunno.13:47.13 
  We do support it I think.13:47.31 
tor8 bah, we still need to in order to make fz_always optional13:47.32 
Robin_Watts We have to... yeah.13:47.36 
tor8 because catch starts with the 'while (0)' part to allow for fz_try to have a 'do'13:47.51 
  #define fz_try(ctx) { void *fz_env_##__LINE__ = fz_do_try(ctx); if (fz_env_##__LINE__) if (!fz_setjmp(fz_env_##__LINE__)) do13:48.00 
  #define fz_always(ctx) while (0); } if (fz_do_always(ctx)) { do13:48.00 
  #define fz_catch(ctx) while (0); } if (fz_do_catch(ctx))13:48.00 
Robin_Watts yeah.13:54.09 
  Having fz_try return a BUF pointer does not avoid us needing to see inside ctx in the catch clause.13:59.31 
  What is the motivation behind this?13:59.44 
tor8 Robin_Watts: uhm, fz_do_catch hides the peeking...14:00.16 
  to make fz_context insides NOT part of the public API so we can hide that in the internal headers14:00.38 
Robin_Watts Your version that calls more functions does indeed solve the problem.14:00.49 
  I dislike calling more functions.14:00.56 
  function call overheads aren't huge, but they are measurable.14:01.18 
tor8 and also to reduce code size. a function call is smaller than the dozen or so pointer chases that the old code needed14:01.38 
  setjmp is overhead enough that nobody ought to use try in an inner loop14:02.06 
  I did experiment with having a local 'int code' that the ctx would store and save us having to call functions14:02.43 
  but then we can't get the nesting of the braces right so that catch can see the local variable14:03.00 
Robin_Watts yeah.14:05.05 
tor8 Robin_Watts: updated commit on tor/master with one fewer function call14:07.41 
Robin_Watts I don't see it.14:11.12 
  My commit uses just 1 function call more than now, but gets you what you want I think.14:14.03 
tor8 Robin_Watts: right. something more along the lines of what's on tor/master now then?14:24.43 
  basically your commit with fz_pop_try rather than fz_do_catch14:24.57 
  oh, no, that's not going to work...14:32.44 
  ERR cannot be NULL and then used in the always if-clause14:33.47 
Robin_Watts oh, so the always clause should check for NULL too ?14:38.18 
tor8 or something like this:14:38.57 
  #define fz_try(ctx) { fz_error_stack_slot *ERR = fz_push_try(ctx); fz_setjmp(ERR->buffer); if (ERR->code == 0) { do14:38.59 
  #define fz_always(ctx) while (0); } if (ERR->code < 3) { ERR->code++; do14:38.59 
  #define fz_catch(ctx) while (0); } } if (fz_pop_try(ctx))14:38.59 
  always call setjmp, and test the ERR->code explicitly rather than the return value of setjmp14:39.22 
Robin_Watts fz_setjmp just calls setjmp. It doesn't assign to ERR->code14:40.05 
tor8 I'm not convinced the contortions and extra statements in every always-block is worth saving one function call for14:40.11 
Robin_Watts and I don't see how that solves the ERR == NULL case.14:40.23 
tor8 push_try assigns ERR->code = 0 (or 2 if there was an overflow)14:40.24 
  and always returns the error slot14:40.31 
Robin_Watts but when we longjmp, what resets ERR->code ?14:41.15 
tor8 fz_throw sets ERR->code14:41.23 
Robin_Watts where?14:41.50 
tor8 the throw() function in source/fitz/error.c14:42.18 
Robin_Watts throw, right.14:42.22 
  So you're suggesting never having fz_push_try return NULL.14:42.48 
tor8 yup.14:42.55 
Robin_Watts not sure I see how that can be achieved.14:43.05 
tor8 it just returns ctx->error->top14:43.08 
Robin_Watts it's the overflow case where we return NULL.14:43.26 
tor8 previously, in the overflow case we return the last item on the ctx->error stack array14:43.50 
  but we don't call 'throw' to longjmp14:43.57 
Robin_Watts previously? As in the current code?14:44.04 
tor8 as in the current code, yes.14:44.10 
  push_try returns 1 if we are to 'fake' an exception for the overflow case14:44.25 
Robin_Watts We don't. We return 1 from fz_try_push, and we never setjmp.14:44.33 
tor8 but error->top and error->top->code are set as usual14:44.35 
  yeah, the setjmp is irrelevant here14:44.43 
  since we'll never longjmp to it14:44.47 
  in the overflow case14:44.54 
  just reducing the amount of code for each try-statement14:45.02 
Robin_Watts but that buffer IS in use by our parent nesting.14:45.12 
tor8 Robin_Watts: look at tor/master now14:47.48 
  NOTHING has changed effectively in how we use the stack slots14:48.38 
  sure, we call setjmp needlessly for the new stack slot. a jmp_buf that was UNINITIALISED in the current code.14:49.25 
  so throwing in fz_always in our current code would be a bad idea if we were to be in the always because of a stack overflow14:50.10 
Robin_Watts In the old code, in the case of overflow, we were returning 0 from fz_push_try, and consequently we never called fz_setjmp.14:50.29 
tor8 Yes.14:50.36 
Robin_Watts So now we are calling fz_setjmp in the overflow case. I need to convince myself that is not a problem.14:50.46 
tor8 So the ctx->error->top->buffer would be uninitialized.14:50.51 
  Now we initialize it.14:51.00 
Robin_Watts ok. if we throw in the always, that's safer.14:53.36 
  I cannot immediately see a problem with that.14:54.12 
  and it satisfies my "don't call more functions than we need to" paranoia.14:54.25 
  so, lgtm, assuming it cluster tests OK.14:55.21 
tor8 I'd still prefer hiding the fz_error_stack_slot struct too... but this is a first step at least :)14:56.40 
Robin_Watts int *ERRCODE; void *BUF = fz_try_push(ctx, &ERRCODE); fz_setjmp(BUF); if (*ERRCODE == 0) { do14:59.08 
  That hides the fz_error_stack_slot.14:59.24 
  instead of ERR->code, use *ERRCODE14:59.36 
tor8 it's more the "ERR->code < 3) ERR->code++" details that bother me about exposing the codes and structs15:00.33 
  but what I'm clusterpsuhing now is good enough for me, it lets us hide fz_context eventually15:01.00 
Robin_Watts The whole implementation bothers me, but it's the best I could come up with!15:01.10 
tor8 That's why I wanted to hide it behind functions! :)15:02.28 
Robin_Watts but... speed! :)15:02.56 
tor8 irrelevant :)15:03.09 
Robin_Watts You say that now, but when our customers complain...15:03.23 
tor8 then let's measure and compare!15:03.36 
Robin_Watts tor8: On a different subject...15:12.46 
  in the pdf interpreter, we call pdf_begin_group/end_group around shades, images, fills, and strokes.15:13.11 
  we don't appear to do the same around text.15:13.17 
  oh, we do, I see it now.15:13.47 
  So, next question...15:14.14 
  In pdf, if overprint is enabled, then blendmode is updated to be 'CompatibleOverprint' for shades/images/fill/strokes/text.15:14.55 
  Is that knowledge that should be pdf specific, or are we happy for it to be fitz specific?15:15.21 
tor8 I could go either way, whichever ends up cleaner in the code15:15.49 
Robin_Watts i.e. do I spot it in the pdf interpreter, and alter the blendmode it uses for the group? Or do I spot in in fz_begin_group and change it there?15:16.00 
  I think doing it in fz_begin_group will be nicer.15:16.10 
tor8 so I think putting it in with the other blend modes in the fz_blendmode thing would be fine15:16.13 
Robin_Watts (actually in fz_draw_begin_group)15:16.18 
  putting it in the fz_blendmode thing means we need another bit in the enum. That may or may not be problematic - haven't looked at how the list device packs stuff yet.15:17.01 
tor8 ah, you mean how it's automatically triggered15:17.07 
Robin_Watts tor8: yeah, I'm tempted to pickle this in as standard behaviour of the draw device.15:17.38 
tor8 I would imagine it needs to be propagated to the draw device through the display list if we make it one of the public blend modes15:17.45 
  I'd be okay with pickling it into the draw device and hiding it from outside view15:18.01 
Robin_Watts If we ever have to cope with another format with groups with blend modes that doesn't behave the same, we can revisit the idea then.15:18.19 
  but I think that's unlikely.15:18.32 
tor8 extremely unlikely15:18.58 
  so, measuring the two approaches (the code that is on tor/master now) and one that calls 4 functions for each try/catch hiding everything from sight15:21.32 
  wall clock time, there's no appreciable difference (timings from run to run vary more than between the versions)15:22.03 
  with cachegrind rendering pdfref17.pdf completely, local-stack-slot runs 27,645,422,624 instructions, and many-funs runs 27,551,268,88015:22.54 
  that's odd, how can it be so many fewer?15:23.03 
Robin_Watts no idea. Never played with cachegrind.15:34.46 
  tor8: Urgh. begin_group doesn't get color_params, and I need color_params to decide whether overprint is enabled or not.15:37.36 
  So either I need to pass color_params, or I need to explicitly pass CompatibleOverprint15:38.02 
  balls. I only have 6 bits in the list device for flags.15:48.01 
  blendmode is currently 4 bits + 1 for isolated + 1 for knockout15:48.21 
  so expanding blendmode to 5 bits is no good.15:48.32 
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