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hatinabunny When I click on an internal link in a PDF, it takes me the the destination page10:02.08 
  But the entry is not (in general) scrolled into view10:02.30 
  I am not familiar with the codebase, but can someone point me to the place where hyperlinking is dealt with?10:03.06 
tor8 hatinabunny: there are several places I could point you to... it all depends on *which* of our half a dozen viewers you're talking about.10:08.44 
  ghostscript? gsview? mupdf for windows, linux, iOS, android (and if Android, the mini or full version)?10:09.30 
hatinabunny tor8: aah, I'm using mupdf10:15.18 
  I've found some resolve_link functions10:15.33 
  and they seem to return a page number10:15.44 
  but I've only actually found signatures or wrappers10:15.58 
tor8 fz_resolve_link return the page number and (if there is one) coordinates on the page10:16.12 
hatinabunny ok10:16.20 
  tor8: this is in source/fitz/document.c ?10:17.00 
tor8 if you're using the new mupdf-gl linux/windows/macos viewer, it's used in platform/gl/gl-main.c in the "do_links" function10:17.01 
hatinabunny I'm using mupdf on linux10:17.18 
tor8 none of the viewers we have take the page coordinates into account, IIRC10:17.20 
hatinabunny but not the mupdf-gl version10:17.42 
  should I switch to that?10:17.48 
tor8 if you're using mupdf-x11 (the old linux viewer) it's in platform/x11/pdfapp.c in the pdfapp_onmouse function10:17.54 
  I'd recommend switching if you can -- it's got better search functionality and a bookmark/table of content side panel that you can open with 'o'10:18.25 
  and a better handling of navigation history10:18.52 
hatinabunny ok, I'll take a look10:18.56 
tor8 there are a few features missing, but any new development is going into the gl version10:19.41 
hatinabunny aah, so the -I option is missing10:20.59 
  tor8: so there is no way to invert colors in the -gl version?10:23.42 
tor8 I have a potential patch for inverted mode coming for mupdf-gl10:23.50 
hatinabunny ok, cool10:23.55 
tor8 I personally hate it, but it's commonly requested.10:24.04 
hatinabunny tor8: do you use dark terminals?10:25.38 
  If I'm writing TeX in a dark terminal, it's really hard on my eyes to have a white pdf next to it10:26.07 
tor8 hatinabunny: no. my astigmatism hates me if I use dark backgrounds with light text. I find it much harder to focus and read such text.10:26.12 
  a white background floods my eyes with light, contracts the pupil and makes the field of depth for focusing much wider. ergo, easier to read.10:26.34 
hatinabunny and if there is no color in the pdf, then I get used to inverted colors pretty quick10:26.39 
  tor8: ok, my eyes don't like too much light10:27.14 
  I'm one of those people that need sunglasses as soon as I go outside10:27.31 
tor8 xterm -bg ivory -fg black is the way I like to live10:29.43 
hatinabunny ok (-;10:30.03 
  tor8: anyway, about these coordinates10:30.44 
  they stay the same as the were before (on the page where the link was clicked)10:31.06 
  so, can you explain to me what fz_resolve_link does?10:31.32 
  especially lines 263-26410:31.47 
  they seem to set certain coordinates to (0,0)10:31.59 
tor8 yeah, the viewer doesn't scroll to the coordinates10:33.13 
  they are probably extracted correctly, so you will need to tweak the viewers to scroll to make sure the coordinate is visible10:33.35 
  the viewer only goes to the page10:33.45 
hatinabunny I see10:37.03 
  so it is the jump_to_page bit10:37.33 
  there should be a scroll_to_coordinates(x,y) thingy after it??10:37.55 
  tor8: thanks for your help! off to lunch...10:40.28 
tor8 hatinabunny: yes, something like that should work10:45.26 
  I might be able to cook something up quickly before you waste too much time on it10:48.11 
  hatinabunny: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/tor/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=64747974930e07deb57e6f6abd76fee03118421f11:04.34 
hatinabunny tor8: back11:32.16 
  taking a look11:32.19 
  tor8: how should I pull that commit into my clone of the repo?11:40.00 
  If I clone your repo, then it can't find the submodules...11:40.25 
  So I guess I have to stay in the 'official' repo11:40.39 
tor8 hatinabunny: yeah, that's a bit awkward with the submodules11:49.48 
  you can do 'git remote add tor git://git.ghostscript.com/user/tor/mupdf.git' in your checkout11:50.10 
  and then 'git fetch tor' or 'git remote update' to pull down my branches11:50.23 
hatinabunny aah, thx11:52.52 
  tor8: cool, I'm building11:53.11 
tor8 sebras or Robin_Watts: a handful of commits on tor/master for review12:06.28 
Robin_Watts tor8: looking.12:08.01 
  lgtm. Were those patches submitted?12:09.54 
tor8 some submissions, but heavily reworked12:10.14 
Robin_Watts (ISTR seeing a few patches come in on bug reports).12:10.16 
  tor8: OK, might be nice to namecheck the submitter in the commit messages.12:10.29 
tor8 and no names, just anonymous emails or I would have attributed in the message12:10.44 
Robin_Watts "inspired by a patch submitted by xxxx" or something.12:10.45 
  Ah, ok.12:10.50 
  well, lgtm.12:10.57 
tor8 "poor grad student" and "arbitrary dev" with @noreply emails12:11.12 
  Robin_Watts: Ta.12:11.26 
Robin_Watts rebases spots branch...12:12.11 
tor8 Robin_Watts: how much is ready to review on the spots branch now?12:13.40 
Robin_Watts tor8: pretty much all of it.12:13.49 
tor8 I'm still a bit fuzzy in the head from jet lag, so now is probably not the best of times to review complicated code :)12:14.02 
Robin_Watts Did you see the discussion about defaulting to overprint sim yesterday?12:14.18 
  Acrobat defaults to doing overprint simulation.12:14.31 
hatinabunny tor8: it works great!12:14.37 
Robin_Watts so, we should do the same, I reckon.12:14.47 
  but I should make it smarter so that it only does overprint sim when it needs to.12:14.59 
hatinabunny thanks a lot!12:15.30 
sebras tor8: how about looking into the keyboard issues in -gl?12:15.35 
tor8 hatinabunny: cool. origin/master has been updated.12:18.28 
  Robin_Watts: yes, didn't you and I talk about overprint and checking the extgstate and adding a device call or parameter to the set_default_colorspaces call yesterday?12:19.14 
  sebras: I ought to... but it means trying to remember *why* I needed those modifications in the first place :)12:19.54 
sebras tor8: I think the idea was that you wanted to get access to ctrl-a, but it didn't work.12:21.27 
  tor8: the commit in thirdparty/glfw seems to indcate this.12:21.38 
tor8 yes, something like that yeah.12:21.42 
  but I'm vague on the details12:21.49 
Robin_Watts tor8: probably. I forgot :)12:24.04 
sebras tor8: just to verify: you LGTMed sebras/master as it stands today, correct?13:31.38 
  tor8: I seem to recall you did, but apparently I never pushed to golden.13:31.53 
tor8 sebras: all except 63bcb50a80ceea2d0a729c31de29ee06fdee23a013:53.25 
sebras tor8: ah, the unnecessary change.13:55.53 
  tor8: that clustered well.14:09.29 
rammanoj__ is it possible of running mutool draw with ImageMagick convert as that of in using ghostscript with convert with a pipe which renders the images and even edit them appropriately by convert then is it possible to do the same thing with mutool draw?17:53.59 
Ionic stupid question, but: what is the presentation mode supposed to be doing? entering full screen and stretching? the keybinding seems to be doing nothing at all with 1.11 on my gentoo installation, though that might be a bug. generally I've had my fair share of problems with the opengl interface and keybindings - while the , and . keys work for navigating through pages, arrow keys don't. arrow keys are working21:53.22 
  with the x11 backend, though21:53.28 
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