Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/09/27)20170928 
tgunb hey guys, Im using mupdf on lineage os based on android 7.1. mupdf only shows directorys, but no files, even though I allowed it in the privacy settings. is this a known problem?20:31.02 
  if someone sees this after im gone, feel free to pm me.21:18.12 
tor8 tgunb: mupdf on android only shows file types it recognizes. use 'adb logcat' to see if there are any error messages in the log.21:41.47 
tgunb thanks. no, I dont see any messages and i have pdfs in my documents folder.21:48.39 
  i am not used to using adb. i enabled usb debugging and allowed my pc to conncet to the phone.21:48.40 
  do i have to do more or is $ adb logcat; enough?21:49.21 
tor8 adb logcat should be enough if you enable usb debugging and connect the phone21:52.50 
  if there are crashes, they should show up in the log21:53.00 
  tgunb: /mnt/sdcard/Download is the folder mupdf looks at21:53.27 
  $ adb ls /mnt/sdcard/Download21:53.46 
  or $ adb shell ls -l /mnt/sdcard/Download21:54.20 
tgunb ... kay my bad. i put the files on the external sd card (which has directories with the same name). followup: how can I read files from the external memory?21:58.31 
  and another mistake: I forgot to enable usb transfer mode. if the phone is only charging, adb doesn't work...22:01.58 
tor8 tgunb: not trivially22:04.59 
  if you have a file browser app, you can "open with mupdf"22:05.18 
  or at least you should be able to, there have been some glitches in that regard depending on which app and version you have22:05.38 
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