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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/10/01)20171002 
LRN i'm looking at creating pdf pages from the whole cloth by simply dropping a few PS instructions (save, transform, draw foreign object, restore) and adding an image resource, the way mutool create does. Question is, what should i do about image names? They must be unique, right?20:48.07 
  i mean - unique within the whole document, not just within a page20:48.50 
  or not?20:48.53 
  I can probably tease the answer from the PDF spec and mupdf source code, but figured that picking your brains for the answer is going to be much faster20:49.30 
  nah, it doesn't seem to be necessary. Just used mutool create to create a 2-page PDF file with two images with the same name, and it works just fine.21:09.10 
  It seems that the image name should only be unique within a page (specifically - within the Resources catalogue)21:11.16 
tor8 LRN: yes, each page has its own resource set22:48.32 
  there should be some code that detects duplicates (so specifying the same image file on many pages should only include one copy)22:49.07 
LRN tor8, "should be" as in "mupdf does it", or as in "i have to do it"?22:49.44 
tor8 that is, if you're using 'mutool create'22:49.54 
  if you're asking about the PDF spec, then that's a different question with pretty much the same answer -- each page has its own name space for resources22:50.19 
  LRN: mupdf does it (unless something has broken)22:50.37 
LRN okay22:50.51 
tor8 time for bed. I'll be back tomorrow.22:52.09 
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