Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/10/09)20171010 
devios Hi all13:36.24 
  I have a problem with https://cocoapods.org/pods/MuPDF13:36.40 
  Everything works fine. However, there is one thing that doesn't work in this implementation: the search function.13:37.18 
  That is, it actually works in the MuPDF iOS example, just not in this MuPDF cocoapod. It doesn't crash or anything, it simply doesn't find anything when you try to search.13:38.41 
  I have tried to debug it, however I cannot find anything that seems wrong.13:39.17 
  Is this a known problem and does anyone have a clue?13:39.30 
sebras jogux: did you see devios message above?14:10.48 
jogux sebras: I did not. let me check the logs.14:11.22 
  (I generally don't read the IRC logs, generally 95% or more of it is irrelevant to me :) )14:11.45 
sebras jogux: he seems to be having problems with searching in the cocoapods-based mupdf.14:11.47 
devios Correct14:12.00 
sebras jogux: I know, hence I mentioned it to you.14:12.01 
  devios: oh, welcome back, I didn't notice that you returned.14:12.15 
jogux I can't claim to have ever tried that. I probably can quickly try it.14:12.16 
devios Sorry I got disconnected14:12.17 
  Installing a real irc client now :)14:12.35 
jvanakker Ok the new 'devios' here. This is better. Signing off in the web client.14:14.15 
  @jogux it would be great if you can confirm it.14:17.26 
  Otherwise it runs fine in iOS 11.14:17.39 
  To elaborate: The cause is not the PDF file itself. The same PDF file in the MuPDF reader sample code actually gives search results, so therefore I have ruled out the option that the PDF itself might be the cause.14:23.14 
  And some more details: In "MuDocumentController.m" there is the searchInDirection method, which calls the search_page function. This is the one that doesn't seem to work.14:24.58 
jogux I can't even get my sample to build, so that's not a great start.14:27.43 
  oh, I'm an idiot, ignore that.14:28.16 
jvanakker Ok. BTW the MuPDF sample from the cocoapod, with the "hello-world" pdf runs OK, but doesn't include the icon files14:30.26 
  (the icons for the buttons in the toolbar). In my own project I've just added them myself, so that's fine.14:31.08 
Arno Hi, it is me again ;) Remembering you to he announces feature for the mupdf mini: Fit size to screen. (currently fit page width only). Thank you14:31.19 
jvanakker But search gives same problem (never finds matches) in that sample, so you could be able to check it.14:32.24 
jogux jvanakker: yes, I see the missing icons. I'm sure they use to work.14:36.38 
jvanakker Yea14:38.23 
  But it's no problem for me.14:38.41 
  If you search for "Hello" does it find anything? Are you on iOS 11 simulator too?14:39.23 
jogux jvanakker: It would appear to not be working.14:41.08 
  jvanakker: Are you a paying customer?14:41.24 
jvanakker Sorry, no14:41.39 
jogux okay, just to check - are you aware you can't generally use mupdf in a closed source project without paying? (it's AGPL licensed.)14:44.19 
jvanakker No problem14:46.27 
tor8 Arno: thanks. I hear you.14:47.10 
jvanakker Another feature (for iOS) that's probably requested already: Double-tap to zoom in on the PDF (besides pinch-and-zoom which is already working great).16:19.56 
  I fixed the search problem in the pods-version. There was a code difference in the common.m compared to the full MuPDF app code.18:36.03 
  I will email the solution to jogux18:36.13 
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