Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/10/10)20171011 
mhfaz Hi! I have just noticed that the openGL version of mupdf doesn't have the invert colors keybinding anymore? Is it intentional ?14:09.48 
tor8 mhfaz: the latest git version of mupdf-gl has an 'I' invert colors keybidning14:29.52 
mhfaz tor8: Great news! Thanks!14:38.17 
  tor8: I just build the git version of mupdf-gl on windows, the "I" keybinding is not working15:50.43 
  tor8: However the build version on linux has the inverted colors "I" keybinding working16:48.34 
  (just tried it now)16:48.41 
sebras mhfaz (for the logs): I tried inverting using "I" in mupdf-gl and it worked fine.18:02.47 
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