Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/10/27)20171028 
TheLemonMan hello, does the mupdf utility support viewing the comments in a pdf file? my google-fu failed me08:18.58 
kens What comments do you mean ?08:19.20 
TheLemonMan the "yellow bubble" ones08:20.04 
kens Those are annotations. In this case Popup annotations. I belive MuPDF will render those, though possibly not if they don't have an appearance stream08:20.46 
TheLemonMan I tried clicking/hovering over the baloons but got no feedback08:21.54 
kens Oh you want to open a closed Popup08:22.18 
  I have no idea if that works.08:22.24 
  Best time to find someone to ask is Monday to Friday office hours in the UK08:22.37 
TheLemonMan will do, thanks08:29.59 
shinyrice hi, what should I do if mupdf doesn't display math glyphs in pdfs like partial derivatives, integrals, and the like?18:38.08 
Wagahai Hello guys! Is there a full documentation on mupdf anywhere? All I can find is like a short course, like: "how to open a document" and so :)19:56.44 
  Suppose I want to obtain text from stext_page's block by coordinates of its bound box. I can, by exploring mupdf's sources, write it by myself, but it may be a bad idea if that function already exists in the depth of mupdf's source code20:02.03 
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