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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/10/29)20171030 
sebras Robin_Watts: did you give up on the indeterminisms for today?14:46.36 
  tor8: two silly patches on sebras/master14:46.44 
Robin_Watts sebras: No. I'm hoping to get to them.14:46.49 
  I'm battling the cluster still.14:46.56 
sebras Robin_Watts: ok, then I'll not bother you. :)14:48.01 
Robin_Watts sebras: First one lgtm.14:51.21 
  second one... is buf now returned uninitialised?14:51.41 
sebras Robin_Watts: FT_Get_Glyph_Name() starts by checking that face != NULL and then that buf != NULL and then that size != 014:53.45 
  next it sets buf to '\0'.14:54.03 
  so I think it is reasonably safe?14:54.08 
Robin_Watts Ah, insuffient context in the diff :)14:54.17 
  lgtm then.14:54.19 
sebras we do similarly in other places.14:54.32 
  we never checked the return value in this one place though, which prompted coverity to complain.14:54.59 
Robin_Watts sounds ideal. I just couldn't see the *buf=0 call in the git web view.14:55.04 
sebras np.14:55.10 
Robin_Watts tor8, sebras, mvrhel_laptop: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=80ef17d3386280e05287d61f94677d4b79103cf416:32.59 
  That fixes the interminisms I think.16:33.06 
tor8 Robin_Watts: doesn't seem unreasonable to me16:37.14 
sebras looks.16:37.23 
Robin_Watts yeah, the bmpcmp gives what I'd expect.16:38.25 
sebras Robin_Watts: that explains it, my src == RGB my dst == CMYK+2 spots.16:47.10 
Robin_Watts sebras: The case I caught in the debugger, was src = grey, with 2 disabled spots, dst = grey16:48.02 
sebras disabled == COMPOSITE?16:48.19 
Robin_Watts yeah.16:48.32 
sebras Robin_Watts: I have a question.16:52.01 
  Robin_Watts: in push_group_for_separations you set the default colorspace to CMYK and clone the separations.16:52.17 
  the separation are in this case changed COMPOSITE->SPOT... why?16:52.37 
Robin_Watts In order to do overprint simulation, we need to render spot colors separately.16:53.04 
  if you're mapping a spot down to process colors, you can't then remove it when someone overprints it later :)16:53.38 
sebras reads that sentence slowly and carefully...16:54.31 
Robin_Watts Suppose i have a file with CMYK + Orange + Green.16:55.30 
sebras y16:55.36 
Robin_Watts I draw an orange rectangle on the backdrop.16:55.43 
  Then I 'overprint' a Green rectangle on top.16:55.59 
sebras y16:56.10 
Robin_Watts depending on the OPM and OP values, I may need to remove the CMYK values, but not the Orange values when I plot the green rectangle.16:56.44 
sebras ok, so COMPOSITE in this case means that Orange in this case would be mapped to some specific levels of CMYK, then later when you print the Green rect you'd remove all the Orange, which was not supposed to happen.16:58.50 
  but if it is SPOT then the Orange rect would be kept separate and you can remove whatever CMYK values are below..?16:59.39 
Robin_Watts yes.17:00.41 
sebras ok, thanks.17:00.54 
Robin_Watts no worries.17:01.00 
sebras when I debugged this the other day I never noticed that the behaviour setting affect a clone of the separations struct, and so was thoroughly confused.17:01.20 
Robin_Watts overprinting is the primary reason we push the group.17:01.33 
  (though it is required for different base color spaces too, but that doesn't require the new spots channels)17:02.06 
sebras Robin_Watts: UMR?17:10.16 
Robin_Watts Uninitialised Memory Read17:10.26 
sebras LGTM, and fixed Transparency-DesignGuide.pdf that I tested.17:11.23 
  (I ran it in ASAN)17:11.33 
Robin_Watts sebras: Thanks.17:11.53 
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