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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/12/03)20171204 
Hufokus Hey! I can't find FZ_STEXT_PRESERVE_IMAGES in mupdf 1.11 (using search in Far). It's weird, but it seems like I saw it somwhere structured-text.h. Then I wasn't able to find it again. May be I have wrong version?12:46.54 
malc_ Hufokus: if i'm reading things correctly it was introduced 100 commits after 1.1115:31.12 
Hufokus malc_: then how one usually optain pictures inside a pdf in other versions of mupdf without FZ_STEXT_PRESERVE_IMAGES?15:41.20 
malc_ Hufokus: i don't know, never needed this functionality myself15:45.17 
kens The uPDF developers are travalling today, I'd sugggest commig back tomorrow or Wednesday and look in the logs to see if anyone posts an answer.15:46.24 
Robin_Watts Hufokus: We used to use FZ_STEXT_IGNORE_IMAGES in the device hints.19:51.55 
  We now use FZ_STEXT_PRESERVE_IMAGES.19:52.03 
  We'd advise you to use the latest release, and the latter.19:52.14 
Hufokus Robin_Watts: you mean images are extracted by default in fz_device when FZ_STEXT_IGNORE_IMAGES is NOT used? while running through fz_new_stext_device?20:10.22 
Robin_Watts Hufokus: I mean, the old mechanism was that when you created an stext device, by default FZ_STEXT_IGNORE_IMAGES was set.23:57.47 
  You'd need to disable that device hint to get them extracted.23:58.00 
  but please, use the NEW version. It's better in many ways.23:58.12 
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