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malc_ sebras, tor8: i didn't notice it yesterday but not only can i reliably hit overwrite hash message, i can also (with a bit more manipulation) hit Attempt to take|release lock when (held already|not held)! The latter (not)held messages are exclusive to debug builds.07:18.22 
tor8 malc_: that certainly sounds like a bug we'll want to fix10:09.00 
malc_ tor8: if you need any more details I'm here10:10.01 
Arno @tor8: Hello again - do you remember me ? Day before yesterday we talked about quickly changing from one document to next. You mentioned that works via status-bar (app-history)10:18.46 
  But this has just one entry for each app, nevermind which document was opened...10:19.08 
tor8 Arno: how old is your android?10:29.29 
Arno Mh, ok my tablet is very old (4.2). Can update to 5.0 max with custom ROM. My phone is LOS 14.1 (7.1.2)10:37.48 
tor8 Arno: are you using a branded phone/table UI?11:00.54 
  maybe the activity switcher is different on a custom skin, and doesn't support multiple activities in the same app11:01.23 
  Arno: ah! nevermind. it's the old Kitkat release that doesn't support it.11:03.22 
  I just tried with a 4.4 emulated device and I see your problem too.11:03.42 
Arno Do you know from which version it will work. I can upgrade up to 5.0. I just reverted as the performance might be worse (it's on low level anyhow, but for reading pdfs it is fine).11:10.00 
  Try to find out by looking for a change in navigation bar, but wasn't successful.11:10.47 
  It' pretty much plain Android, but I didn't test in at phone (to small to read magazines ;) )11:11.55 
tor8 Arno: sorry, no idea.12:31.25 
  Robin_Watts_: one commit on tor/master that I want in the 1.12 release14:01.54 
Robin_Watts_ looking14:04.05 
  free glut one ?14:04.33 
tor8 yes.14:04.47 
Robin_Watts_ I'm going to nod sagely at that and pretend I understand it.14:05.42 
  go for it.14:05.47 
tor8 Ta.14:06.14 
  on casper there's a mupdf-1.12.0-windows.zip, could you sign the exes and rezip?14:37.56 
  in /home/tor14:38.06 
sebras Robin_Watts_: there are a few indentations that trip gcc warnings. I have a patch for those.14:57.37 
  Robin_Watts_: should these head for the lcms2-art branch?14:57.48 
  Robin_Watts_: or is it better to try to get these into upstream?14:57.56 
  Robin_Watts_: and if it is heading upstream, do we use you as the single conduit to upstream, or should I go ahead and try to submit it on my own?14:58.31 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: Put stuff into lcms2-art.14:59.44 
  We should try to flow upstream from there, but be aware that there is stuff in lcms2-art that we know will NEVER be taken upstream.15:00.05 
JonathanG1980 Good morning guys ;)15:38.28 
sebras JonathanG1980: hey, if you want to ask questions, feel free to do so.15:43.43 
JonathanG1980 I will do thanks, we are actually working on some optimization of the MuPDF. We will try to combine the strength of PDF Miner for the table bar, input and image extraction, MuPDF for the text and bbox extraction then we will try to figure out the glitch of the Character BBOX of MuPDF in order to make it as accurate than PDF Miner but as fast as MuPDF. So we will probably ask you few question during that long travel ;)16:08.27 
Robin_Watts_ tor8: Sorry, missed that. Will do it now.17:11.04 
  tor8: We bundled mupdf_explored.pdf in last time. Are we doing that again?17:17.45 
  tor8: Updated mupdf-1.12.0-windows.zip in my homedir. Signed exes, but no mupdf_explored.pdf17:19.23 
  (ETA 2 mins)17:19.31 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: mupdf_explored.pdf is up to you17:59.21 
Robin_Watts_ Just put the zip file up as is. We should add a copy of mupdf_explored.pdf to the downloads list though.18:00.49 
tor8 Ok.18:05.55 
sebras tor8: tor/master LGTM20:56.23 
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