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jforce Hey guys, I'm wondering if it's possible to compile the C lib without the resources/fonts folder and instead set a fonts folder at runtime. That fonts folder is 38 MB and I'd prefer to keep the library separate and allow a la cart font usage. Does anyone know if this would be possible?14:39.01 
kens Is this a MuPDF question ?14:39.29 
jforce Yes14:39.42 
kens Then, as far as I know, the answer is no14:39.52 
  Because MuPDF doesn't load fonts from disk14:40.09 
  However, I'm not a MuPDF developer so I might be mistaken14:40.22 
  tor8 you there ? sebras ?14:40.35 
jforce Gotcha, thanks for the info. If anyone roughly knows how/where the embedded fonts are loaded from within the library perhaps I could write in a redirect to specified disk folder. Appreciate any help.14:42.30 
tor8 jforce: you can build without the embedded fonts14:51.18 
  if you don't need/want full unicode support in EPUB, you can slim down the exe size significantly14:51.39 
kens tor8 but can you load fonrts at runtime from disk ?14:51.59 
tor8 not by default, but there are hooks for installing callbacks to do it14:52.17 
kens ah right14:52.24 
tor8 the android version uses this to load the system fonts14:52.26 
  but not on the desktop or iOS versions (since where you get the fonts and which ones are available varies too much)14:52.44 
jforce do you know where in the source you actually load the embedded fonts?14:53.28 
tor8 jforce: make XCFLAGS="-DTOFU -DTOFU_CJK" will build with the smallest configuration you could get away with14:53.31 
  jforce: source/fitz/noto.c has all the embedded font loading logic14:53.45 
jforce Thanks so much, really appreciate the help. You're the man.14:54.05 
tor8 jforce: and look for the ifdef HAVE_ANDROID section with the load_noto() function in platform/java/mupdf_native.c for an example of using system fonts on disk14:54.58 
  and the fz_install_load_system_font_funcs() call to install them14:55.15 
jforce Awesome, thanks again. You just saved 3/4ths of my day.14:55.37 
yourname_ hi. I'm trying to convert to mupdf. I tested mupdf-gl on artixlinux (Arch based). it seems that the man page is not updated or something is wrong!!18:51.21 
mkbk the man indicate that 'i' inverts colors but it gives me file info. also 'c' and 'C' do not work. 'o' not documented, it opens ToC18:53.13 
  should i fill a bug18:53.34 
  one more thing: mouse scroll does not work18:57.44 
RobinWattsLenovo mkbk: The man pages are out of date. In fact I thought we'd removed them.19:44.20 
  Also, the man pages document mupdf, not mupdf-gl. The two are not quite the same.19:44.37 
  mupdf-gl can show outlines etc, where mupdf can't.19:44.57 
mkbk RobinWattsLenovo: tnx. I find that https://artifex.com/developers-mupdf-documentation/desktop-viewer-manual/ is accurate19:48.39 
  So, I should creat a chaetsheet for my own use.19:49.55 
sebras mkbk: you could also try to hit F1 inside mupdf-gl.19:55.58 
mkbk I get it. one question: does mupdf support synctex?19:58.07 
sebras mkbk: I'd need to read up on what synctex is, so probably not. :)19:59.01 
mkbk sebras: I think you are right. It does not!20:09.02 
sebras mkbk: it seems this is a way to scroll to a specific position in your editor and then have the pdf viewer scroll to that same position in the resulting PDF..?20:09.53 
mkbk sebras: yes. source file and output sync ... very useful when TeXing20:12.08 
  sebras: https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=69472720:13.54 
sebras mkbk: mupdf-x11 supports reloading the document upon SIGHUP, but mupdf-gl does not.20:14.20 
  mkbk: this is the closest support we have today.20:19.36 
  mkbk: but as the bug states, it is unlikely we'd add support for this ourselves, but if you supply a patch we'll definitely consider it.20:20.32 
mkbk ok. I find zathura with mupdf backend (it support SyncTeX) .. It is a nice combination20:25.26 
RobinWattsLenovo mkbk: I use TeXMaker personally.21:12.01 
mkbk ?23:51.13 
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