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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/12/24)20171225 
sparky there is two questions about android library.the first is Document.makeBookmark is only useful to the created document object,when you open book again, the object changed,and the method return 0.07:08.59 
  the second problem is when i search a key string in the document, if a string was layout in two line, even the string should be matched but not07:10.42 
  the ndk has a lot of work todo07:11.09 
Diemex I have run some initial benchmarks of mupdf on my android tablet. I was trying to determine if a renderer that divides pages into tiles is worth the extra effort. I rendered all pages of a pdf at full size and then rendered all pages in 4 tiles per page. I get an avg of 63ms for sequential rendering in tiles and 88ms for full pages. I suspect that I made a mistake in my test setup. I suspected that rendering in tiles would be slower (o14:26.07 
  Rendering the tiles in multiple coroutines in parallel didn't yield a significant speedup over the tiled sequential rendering. Factor of 1.4 (sequential) vs 1.6 in (threaded)14:29.49 
  My parallel version can probably be optimized quite a bit. It was the first time I have used Kotlin Coroutines. I might still try a more traditional Worker/Boss ThreadPool Model and see how that goes.14:31.10 
sebras Diemex: most eof the developers are on holiday, so it may take some time before you get a response.21:54.12 
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