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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/01/03)20180104 
Arno Hi - happy new year !08:03.33 
  A question: There are now 3 muPDF in appstore. My impression is, that the mini is slower/gets slower - which is not as expected. Though the smaller the app, the more RAM for the pdf itself?08:06.54 
Robin_Watts Arno: The original mupdf app used a horrible hacked together JNI layer that was just enough to do what it needed.11:30.08 
  and consequently it's hard for people to tweak the app without having to change that code.11:30.52 
  We now have a nice reflection of the MuPDF libraries C API in java.11:31.13 
  so the new apps use that.11:31.22 
  They are much easier to tweak/maintain.11:31.35 
tor8 Arno: the "MuPDF viewer" app is the best app for users if you don't need to annotate PDFs11:32.18 
Robin_Watts The 'mini' app in particular is, AIUI, a rewrite of the app from the ground up using that java API.11:32.31 
tor8 Arno: the "MuPDF mini" is a better example for developers to customize or build upon, using the new JNI layer that Robin jsut mentioned in a much easier manner11:32.52 
  but it does not pre-load pages in the background (that the other, more complicated apps do) so can appear a bit slower11:33.20 
  mike1: "mutool show input.pdf grep" will show all objects (without the content streams), one object per line, if that's easier for scripts to handle11:43.36 
  mike1: I use the output of that to grep for certain objects, for example11:43.55 
  mike1: if you want to do fancier stuff, do take a look at "mutool run". docs are here: https://mupdf.com/docs/manual-mutool-run.html11:45.12 
Arno Thanks for explanation. So only the mini doesn't preload? I have to check it again. My impression was, that it becomes slower (as for a memory leak). But I wan't spread rumours ;)13:38.53 
  In fact I just need an viewer, that is able to do page fit or width-fit - so this should be fine. But again, the old app seems to be more responsive. As I have really old hardware with HiRes Screen, this matters .13:40.22 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts, tor8: when deriving an fz_stream from an fz_output, should we arrange that the fz_stream holds a reference to the fz_output? In the file case, fz_drop_output closes the file.13:40.43 
Arno Sorry I am new to irc, forget to adress @tor8 and @Robin_Watts13:41.39 
tor8 paulgardiner: I'd arrange it so the 'borrowed' fz_stream doesn't close the FILE13:43.38 
paulgardiner The case that I was mulling over was if the a stream was derived from an output and then the output was dropped.13:45.18 
  dropped before one had finished with the stream that is.13:45.48 
  I don't intend to do that in my own usage, but should we ensure it would work.13:47.10 
tor8 I'd say don't do that... :)13:47.16 
  I would hope that we could keep this function private and not expose it to the public API13:47.46 
paulgardiner It may be hard to completely hide it. An additional entry in the output structures list of function pointers is needed, I believe.13:49.55 
tor8 paulgardiner: the probelm is that fz_output is not reference counted13:50.35 
  an output should only have one user, anything else is asking for trouble13:50.50 
paulgardiner :-) I think that decides it then.13:50.50 
tor8 and I'd be somewhat reluctant to add a reference count, since it goes against how it should be used13:51.19 
paulgardiner No that's fine.13:51.29 
  I have no need for it. I was just asking because I was thinking of this as being public and wanted the cleanest behaviour (plus I hadn't noticed that outputs weren't ref counted)13:52.53 
  Not sure I can avoid changing the definition of fz_output_s13:55.18 
Robin_Watts You will absolutely need to change fz_output_s to have a new function pointer in it.13:55.55 
  I believe this SHOULD be in the public API.13:56.53 
paulgardiner So should I do that and call it directly in the signature code to avoid adding a new method?13:56.57 
Robin_Watts but the rules should say "If you get a stream, you must not use the output again until the stream is dropped.13:57.32 
  right. got to go climb a ladder to get the lights down. in high winds. should be fun.13:58.17 
sebras when is this new hey_fz_output_give_me_a_fz_stream_so_I_can_read_your_data() going to be called? after writing the entire file and flushing the fz_output?14:02.20 
avih tor8: hey, i just noticed that your mujs github page points to http://dev.mujs.com/ , which appears to 40414:09.35 
tor8 oh ffs.14:09.58 
sebras :)14:10.17 
paulgardiner sebras: in between outputting the document and writing the digest to a section of that document14:10.17 
sebras paulgardiner: ok, but first the entire file (including that after the digest) is written with 000000 or something there the digest will appear later, right?14:11.08 
  paulgardiner: and then this magic function is called.14:11.15 
paulgardiner yep14:12.04 
sebras paulgardiner: since I assume FILE * might be reused and it contains a buffer inside I think these functions all need to be excuted by the same thread. in the same way when we say that only a single thread may read the document file.14:12.27 
paulgardiner Yes absolutely14:13.12 
sebras paulgardiner: I'm not sure whether freopen would make sense..?14:13.28 
  ignore me.14:14.22 
paulgardiner I'm falling towards tor's "just don't do that" approach to the ouput being closed while the stream is still in use14:15.03 
sebras paulgardiner: one way would be for the fz_output to know about all fz_streams it has created and when they are closed. so fz_close_output() throws if there are any fz_streams still open.14:20.05 
  perhaps that is not worth it though.14:20.18 
paulgardiner Yeah, I think keep it simple14:21.10 
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