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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/01/09)20180110 
malc_ tor8, sebras: i was expecting b840e169b486850867f71faf0cdd30e329170f30 to largely address tiling "slowdown", but that doesn't appear to be the case, for instance: the speed of tiled rendering of https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/56/Peasant_Family_of_Ramallah_1900-1910.jpg is abysmal (compared to the case when the jpeg is first converted to png and that is rendered/tiled) (also amusingly png is almost 10x smaller than16:59.24 
  jpeg, go figure)16:59.24 
sebras malc_: with the world map PNG that we tested last time, this now actually caches the full image, even though you just requested a subarea of it. so the file is not fully decoded once per tile.17:34.14 
  malc_: still remaining are the locking issues that you mentioned.17:34.29 
  malc_: and no one has looked into the performance issue you mentioned above yet.17:35.10 
malc_ sebras: okay, i just assumed that the aforementioned commit would largely "solve" the rerendering of whole whatever issue17:36.26 
sebras Robin_Watts: I think fz_lock_debug_lock() is buggy, and perhaps fz_lock_debug_unlock() too.18:06.26 
Robin_Watts sebras: Howso?18:06.41 
sebras Robin_Watts: consider the case of two threads competing for the same lock.18:06.55 
Robin_Watts The debug lock stuff is thread unsafe, isn't it?18:07.08 
sebras it is.18:07.15 
Robin_Watts That's known.18:07.20 
  It's only supposed to be used in single threaded programs to check that you never take the locks in the wrong order.18:07.42 
  To make it thread safe would probably require another lock, or something :)18:08.07 
sebras Robin_Watts: ok, but then we shouldn't be printing things like "Attempt to take lock %d when held already!", right?18:08.08 
  it would! :)18:08.14 
Robin_Watts sebras: If you run a multithreaded app using MuPDF build with lock debugging turned on, you are asking for trouble.18:08.56 
sebras Robin_Watts: perhaps we should still print it to catch multiple calls to fz_lock() for the same lock, since we allow for non-recursive locks.18:08.57 
  Robin_Watts: that's exactly what malc_ (and hence I) is doing.18:09.15 
  Robin_Watts: we asked for trouble, and we got it.18:09.24 
Robin_Watts sebras: Don't do it.18:09.26 
  There be dragons, and they will eat you.18:09.35 
  You can't trust anything it says when it's used like that.18:09.47 
sebras Robin_Watts: though these lock debugging functions are automagically turned on for build=debug, no?18:10.09 
Robin_Watts And having different threads attempting to call fz_lock at the same time for the same lock, is the whole point of locks.18:10.19 
  eek. Is it?18:10.22 
sebras mupdf/source/fitz/fitz-imp.h 9518:10.33 
  perhaps I'm negating something wrong when I'm thinking, but I think they will be enabled.18:11.02 
Robin_Watts sebras: oops.18:11.12 
  OK, so we need...18:11.15 
sebras Robin_Watts: one option is to simply add another lock for lock debugging of course.18:12.53 
  Robin_Watts: and to make the lock debugging functions be thread safe.18:13.12 
Robin_Watts if (ctx->locks.lock == fz_lock_default) return;18:13.40 
  in the lock debugging stuff.18:13.54 
  That would be simplest.18:13.59 
  Or we could add a new lock.18:14.06 
  Dealers choice.18:14.12 
sebras Robin_Watts: let me try both approaches.18:14.27 
  Robin_Watts: so that would then be FZ_LOCK_LOCK_DEBUG right next to FZ_ALLOC_ALOC and FZ_ALLOC_FREETYPE. :)18:14.56 
Robin_Watts something like that, yes.18:15.34 
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