Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/01/14)20180115 
GGeorgieva hi all :) happy to connect!12:04.48 
  Hey :) I've noticed MuPDF library and I'm curious if you are interested in a partnership on the mobile data side. I'm representing an analytics SDK and we're looking to buy data to enrich a DMP. We collect only a few basic user details without showing any ads to the app users.12:08.59 
  Is this something that may interest you?12:09.38 
kens GGeorgieva : there are only developers in this channel. We aren't in a position to enter partnerships with anyone. My guess however would be 'no'.12:09.46 
  You can try contacting Artifex main office and ask there12:10.08 
GGeorgieva Thank you, that's great :)12:11.22 
sebras oops, 698857 seems correct.13:09.53 
  tor8: do you mind reviewing sebras/master?13:21.49 
  tor8: I picked up fred's comment changing patch and fixed the bug that was just reported.13:24.07 
tor8 sebras: both LGTM13:33.55 
sebras pushed13:41.11 
  ah! now I noticed me making a typo in the commit message. :-P oh well..13:42.22 
tor8 sebras: oops. well, there's one commit on tor/master for review as well.14:40.35 
sebras tor8: LGTM15:01.50 
tor8 Thanks.15:08.37 
 Forward 1 day (to 2018/01/16)>>> 
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