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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/01/15)20180116 
malc_ sources/cbz/mucbz.c has following code:21:06.08 
  for (k = 0; cbz_ext_list[k]; k++)21:06.09 
  const char *name = fz_list_archive_entry(ctx, arch, i);21:06.09 
  const char *ext = name ? strrchr(name, '.') : NULL;21:06.11 
  if (ext && !fz_strcasecmp(ext, cbz_ext_list[k]))21:06.15 
  name and ext are invariant for this(k) loop, yet recomputed for every iteration21:06.46 
  unless I'm missing something it's suboptimal21:07.03 
sebras malc_: that seems correct.21:21.12 
malc_ sebras: unskyld? what does?21:21.39 
sebras that it is suboptimal21:28.27 
malc_ oh. good to get a confirmation. btw. i've sent you a couple of mails, never got any reply and wondering whether you've seen them at all.21:31.25 
sebras I have read them, but I haven't looked into them. lately I have had to spend time on other matters.21:31.57 
  malc_: they are still starred so I don't forget them.21:32.07 
malc_ sebras: ah, okay21:33.07 
 Forward 1 day (to 2018/01/17)>>> 
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