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malc_ tor8: stumbled on a .pdf (made out of .svg by cairo) that's rather peculiar- it's rendering time is "exponentially" related to the resolution (takes 1.2,2.9,5.9,11.39 seconds for 100,200,300,400 -r arguments to mupdf-x11) https://boblycat.org/~malc/hm.pdf13:17.45 
kens Probably has transparency13:18.14 
tor8 malc_: your https certificate has expired13:19.18 
kens LOL I was aboput to say that :-)13:19.29 
  Yep, the page has a Group13:20.16 
malc_ tor8: yeah, i just notified the person qho qualifies "your" moniker in "your https certificate" better13:20.20 
tor8 kens: I suspect it's due to clip masks as well, since we render all clips as soft masks for anti-aliasing13:20.33 
kens And constant alpha CA and ca not 113:20.35 
  Defines a load of ExtGStates too13:21.11 
  270 of them13:21.24 
  bunch of shadings13:21.34 
  hundreds of image XObjects13:21.47 
  Looks like each image XObject has its own Group too13:22.38 
  Each ExtGState has a SMask13:23.01 
  Basically its an amazingly complicated file13:23.21 
  Oh, looks like the Form XObjects mostly just point to other Form XObjects which just do a fille13:24.20 
malc_ fwiw it was generated by rsvg-convert out of /usr/share/icons/gnome/scalable/mimetypes/libreoffice-oasis-spreadsheet-template.svg13:27.02 
kens Makes GS think hard, debug build (which admittedly is very slow) takes 11 seconds at 200 dpi13:27.07 
  malc_ : just saying its a lot more complicated a file than you might think from looking at it.13:27.28 
  Part of the problem is Cairo13:27.35 
  When creating PDF it makes everything into a group, and everything gets assigned as transparent. Even if its actually opaque13:27.57 
  Presumably because that's how Cairo's imaging model works13:28.11 
malc_ kens: no doubt.. apparently it kills firefox/pdf.js when zooming in13:28.14 
kens But in PDF, transparency involves doing a *lot* of extra work13:28.23 
  Yeah I can't say I'm surprised :-)13:28.39 
  Doesn't seem too slow in my FF13:29.09 
  I'm up to 530% how far do I need to go ?13:29.41 
malc_ kens: try zooming in13:29.42 
  kens: i don't know.. i have 3.7g of ram and no swap13:30.04 
  maybe it just runs out of memory13:30.10 
kens I guess that's possible13:30.16 
malc_ fwiw pdfim (nee foxit) manages it just fine, or so it seems13:30.35 
kens One of my FF tabs is up to 1.4Gb13:30.38 
malc_ i also have overcommit disabled and conkeror(firefox-esr) running alongside13:31.19 
kens Well that's 1000% I think I'll stop there :)13:31.24 
malc_ kinda short on memory13:31.25 
kens <sigh> today's tip; don't try to read a PDF file with an XPS interpreter....13:35.26 
malc_ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robustness_principle13:36.31 
Robin_Watts malc_: Brittle code is best.16:30.41 
  That way we wouldn't be in the mess we're in with crap standards like PDF :)16:31.03 
fredross-perry Peanut brittle is best.17:55.10 
Robin_Watts peanuts are the work of satan.18:01.10 
titanous sebras: let me know when you have a Google account to add to oss-fuzz, there are now a bunch of bugs found22:47.21 
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