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paulgardiner I want to test mupdf under linux, but my system's openssl is back on 1.0.1. Is there a clean way that I can build with a downloaded version of openssl (without messing up my server)?09:39.17 
sebras paulgardiner: if you install openssl like so: ./Configure linux-x86_64 && make it will install in /usr/local/ssl (or you can give --prefix=/tmp/ssl to Configure and have it install there instead)10:19.29 
  paulgardiner: next you can find openssl's pkg-config file by e.g. find /usr/local/ssl -name '*.pc'10:19.51 
  paulgardiner: this file contains all paths to the libraries and cflags and ldflags that are necessary to link with that openssl.10:20.13 
  paulgardiner: mupdf's Makerules uses pkg-config to locate openssl.10:20.24 
  paulgardiner: therefore I believe that you would be able to run PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=/usr/local/ssl/lib/pkgconfig/ make -j10 to compile mupdf with the non-system installed openssl.10:21.07 
paulgardiner And nothing else in my system will suddenly decide to use this new version?10:25.02 
sebras if you install in /usr/local/ssl programs that look for openssl there will find it.10:25.28 
  if you install to /tmp/ssl instead nothing should be able to find it.10:25.47 
  but you'd need to supply --prefix to ./Configure.10:25.58 
  paulgardiner: also there is no need to install it as root.10:26.17 
paulgardiner And in the rest of your instructions, I sub /tmp/ssl for/usr/local/ssl10:26.38 
sebras yes.10:26.53 
paulgardiner Great. That sounds like a plan10:26.56 
sebras paulgardiner: good luck! :)10:27.04 
paulgardiner If I have no more email, no more tv recordings and my websites disappear, I'll be blaming you! :-)10:28.12 
sebras paulgardiner: if you are anxious, try it in a virtualbox..?10:28.45 
  parallels, whatever... :)10:29.05 
paulgardiner I feel fairly safe given I can do it without using root10:29.09 
  Does PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR add new directories rather than overriding? I'm just thinking that the build still needs to find the other thirdparty configs10:31.04 
sebras paulgardiner: I think it might be replacing the default searchdirs in /usr/lib and so on.10:31.31 
  paulgardiner: I tested briefly it and it appeard compiled fine here. I never ran the resulting binary though! :)10:31.56 
paulgardiner Tested what?10:32.47 
  Oh I see10:33.00 
sebras paulgardiner: and if I'm wrong somewhere, let me know.10:42.21 
paulgardiner sebras: build/release/scripts/namedump.exe: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.1.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:51.29 
  Makefile:174: recipe for target 'include/mupdf/pdf/name-table.h' failed10:51.31 
  make: *** [include/mupdf/pdf/name-table.h] Error 12710:51.32 
sebras paulgardiner: ah, then you also need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH when compiling mupdf10:54.48 
  like so: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/ssl/lib/ make10:55.06 
  or wherever libcrypto.so.1.1 might be installed in /tmp/ssl10:55.17 
paulgardiner Ah right. Thanks10:55.36 
  That did it. It now fails in the way I was expecting, because the restructuring I've done. So now I can update the make file to account for the restructuring.10:58.54 
sebras paulgardiner: nice.10:59.05 
  paulgardiner: remember to remove the stuff from /tmp or wherever you installed it later. no need to keep it around. :)10:59.45 
  tor8: sebras/master11:23.46 
tor8 sebras: both LGTM11:25.43 
sebras both?! apparently I need to take a look at my branch myself. :)11:26.45 
  ah, yes. the stream one doesn't entirely fix 698830 though.11:27.21 
  now I end up in an O(n^2) thingy related to our error handling, but we don't crash in ASAN! :)11:27.56 
tor8 sebras: in that case, "Bug 698942: Don't complain about external URLs being unknown." LGTM11:28.42 
sebras tor8: well, the second patch is still valid, it just doesn't fix the entire thing.11:29.16 
  I think the other error handling thing might be in pdf-repair and is actually unrelated.11:29.31 
paulgardiner sebras: how do I check a signature with the x11 app? Clicking on it doesn't seem to do anything12:01.49 
sebras paulgardiner: it ought to.12:02.27 
  paulgardiner: but it prints the result to the console.12:02.40 
  on stderr..?12:02.47 
paulgardiner Not seeing any messages12:02.55 
sebras paulgardiner: see pdfapp_onmouse() line 1721 in platform/x11/pdfapp.c12:03.29 
  paulgardiner: then perhaps something is wrong.12:03.40 
  paulgardiner: I have gotten that part working. note that for some reason not all signatures are visible.12:04.07 
  but you probably already know that.12:04.17 
paulgardiner yeah, it's a file I frequently use for testing.12:04.36 
  And also weird: I just added some debug to pdfapp.c and make is saying nothing to be done12:06.44 
sebras paulgardiner: could it be that mupdf-x11 is not built..?12:08.12 
  paulgardiner: you should also be able to run mutool sign my-doc.pdf to have sigantures validated using the same code.12:08.31 
  the same API.12:08.48 
paulgardiner mutool sign works12:11.09 
sebras paulgardiner: great, then use that. :)12:11.23 
paulgardiner Hmmm! I don't know. That would be too easy. :-)12:11.53 
sebras paulgardiner: you do remember that you need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/ssl/lib or whatever when you run mutool and mupdf-x11 too, right?12:12.40 
paulgardiner I didn't but the first failure reminded me.12:13.19 
  mutool sign seems to be working fine. mupdf-x11 isn't but maybe that's my X setup, or because I'm using VNC12:14.12 
  The signature support reorganisation is done, I think. Now the main build doesn't include a pkcs7 implementation. Instead an object is passed to pdf_sign_signature. The openssl implementation is now a helper. There's also a helper verification function that can be called to get the old behaviour.13:15.31 
  The changes are on the branch signature-support-reorganisation.13:16.24 
tor8 paulgardiner: looking.13:33.04 
paulgardiner Thanks tor813:37.48 
tor8 paulgardiner: I've now looked at all but the "decouple" commit13:38.31 
  a few minor nitpicks13:38.40 
  but a bigger question for you: does the pkcs7 stuff that is split out now depend on pdf at all?13:39.00 
  or is it completely pdf independent, in which case it may make sense to move that module to the fitz namespace13:39.14 
paulgardiner Okay. Makes sense. I did wonder that.13:39.45 
tor8 ah, you moved it to helpers/pkcs7 anyway later13:40.17 
sebras tor8: can xps files also be digitally signed?13:40.29 
tor8 sebras: not to my knowledge13:40.37 
sebras tor8: I peeked into the openxps spec: "penXPS Documents also use these digital signature mechanisms, they have a specific13:42.29 
paulgardiner I guess the question is whether the pdf_pkcs7_signer objects should be move to fitz. The one function that takes one as an argument is definitely part of pdf.13:42.42 
tor8 paulgardiner: I don't see it as crucial now that the majority of the functions moved into the helper library13:43.09 
sebras tor8: The digital signature specification for OpenXPS Document is described int he OPC standard."13:43.11 
  tor8: my reasoning being that then it makes even more sense to move it out of pdf.13:43.33 
tor8 but if pdf-pkcs7.c now doesn't depend on any pdf_document stuff it may still make sense to just move it into fitz13:43.52 
sebras paulgardiner: in pk7_verify(): "were we able to find the cert in passed to us", I assume this should be "passed in"?13:44.54 
  paulgardiner: X509_STORE_CTX_new() may fail with NULL, but pk7_verify_cert() doesn't handle that.13:48.34 
paulgardiner That chunk of code is partially cribbed from the openssl library. I think those comments are copied across.13:48.49 
  sebras: oh yes. Well spotted13:49.34 
sebras paulgardiner: ah, possibly the openssl implementation you were inspired by also needs a few more if statements. :)13:50.07 
  paulgardiner: actually the same goes for the calls to X509_STORE_CTX_set_purpose() and X509_verify_cert() too.13:50.44 
  paulgardiner: I'm confused as to whether openssl depends on return codes to check errors or if they just don't bother and instead rely on function calls such as X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(). but if that is the case, why return error codes?13:51.43 
paulgardiner It seems to be a crazy mix of the two approaches13:52.20 
sebras paulgardiner: I hate that. :-P13:52.37 
  paulgardiner: perhaps you are meant to first get error/noerror as a return code and then use the function call to see which one?13:53.15 
paulgardiner I think I tried that at one stage and it didn't work13:53.53 
  I have test files that produce each of the errors I'm attempting to report, although not many of each13:54.53 
sebras paulgardiner: ok, I'm just reading the code and looking at function signatures.13:55.51 
  paulgardiner: and if there is no error checking I usually ask about it. not because I know it might fail, but because the developer needs to think about it and rule it out or add a check. like now. :)13:56.49 
paulgardiner That's sounds like a good thing. I've certainly missed one case, as you just pointed out13:58.01 
sebras paulgardiner: I have issues compiling commits 15ba61e3 and b72e1bda (undefined reference to `pdf_check_signature' in function `pdfapp_onmouse') as well as commit 7b7601dd (undefined reference to `pdf_check_signature', `winquery', `wingetcertpath', `pkcs7_openssl_read_pfx' in function `pdfapp_onmouse'(14:02.59 
paulgardiner Are you sure that isn't 7b7601dd14:06.02 
  I thought I was introducing that only on my master branch, with no intention to push to golden.14:06.49 
sebras paulgardiner: the first two sit on paul/signature-support-reorganisation and the last one is only on paul/master14:07.41 
  paulgardiner: none of it is on origin/master yet. :)14:07.54 
paulgardiner Sorry. Misread your message14:08.02 
sebras paulgardiner: let me nuke inbetween everything so it is not a dependency issue.14:08.55 
paulgardiner The pdf_check_signature one is part of what I was sorting out under linux earlier (in pdfsign at least). Maybe I missed a warning fom pdfapp.c14:10.13 
sebras running make nuke inbetween things helped, now it all compiles on every commit. but doesn't that imply makefile dependency issues?14:10.34 
paulgardiner I saw similar problems earlier, but that was before I made any changes to the make file14:11.44 
  Should I be adding something explicit to the make file for the sake of pdfapp.h including two .h files from the helpers directory?14:14.34 
sebras paulgardiner: so in Makefile you've added source/helpers/pkcs7/*.c to MUTOOL_SRC.14:15.51 
  paulgardiner: are those .c-files not necessary for mupdf-x11, mupdf-gl etc, as well..?14:16.07 
paulgardiner Ah yes. Anything that uses pdfapp.c14:16.44 
  So it was working by luck just because mutool built first.14:17.12 
sebras paulgardiner: I'm still confused as to how it ever worked. :)14:17.42 
paulgardiner Yeah, actually, how come it linked those .o files14:20.53 
  Not sure how to handle this. Should I add a rule for pdfapp.o14:24.28 
sebras paulgardiner: you would creat a library similar to libmuthreads.a perhaps?14:24.42 
paulgardiner Yeah, I wondered about that. I struggled a bit to see all that's involved with that.14:25.25 
sebras paulgardiner: and you actually have two object files rather than one so in the pkcs7 case it makes more sense.14:25.35 
  paulgardiner: seems to be confined to the makefile and platform/win32/libmuthreads.vcproj and platform/win32/mupdf.sln14:26.21 
  paulgardiner: git grep muthreads and git grep '\<THREAD_LIB\>' illustrates this.14:26.53 
paulgardiner Seemed a bit odd to me to make a library out of it when I'm not sure we intend people to use this openssl-based solution, although obviously we are still using it in our apps14:30.36 
  Couldn't I just define something like SIGNATURE_OBJ and include that in each app that needs it?14:32.25 
  Is that the general consensus, that I should add something like libmupkcs7.a?15:06.36 
tor8 paulgardiner: yes, I think that would be best.15:32.53 
paulgardiner Okay, I'll have a go15:58.38 
sebras tor8: "Update mupdf_native.h header." LGTM.16:05.15 
  tor8: "Add buffer to fz_output." LGTM.16:05.44 
  tor8: "Reduce size of pool allocator blocks to minimize waste." also LGTM16:06.38 
tor8 sebras: there's a patch for "Add buffer to fz_output" on the top of tor/master16:07.59 
  if that looks good to you I'll squish it back down before I push16:08.09 
sebras tor8: for "Return PDF_TOK_ERROR when encountering isolated '>'" what was the outcome of the cluster eventually? I remember we saw bmpcmp issues with annotations.16:08.53 
tor8 I'm clustering anew to see if we get any diffs16:09.07 
  but if those three + the top one are good I'll push those in the meanwhile16:09.31 
  I rearranged the order so the string tokenizing ones are at the end16:10.28 
  so everything up to 'tofu' should be good AFAIK16:10.57 
sebras tor8: that top commit looks reasonable, but that means that the gdb command now is: call pdf_print_obj(ctx, fz_stdout(ctx), pdf_resolve_indirect(ctx, ref), 0), fz_flush_stdout(ctx, fz_stdout(ctx)), fflush(0)16:10.59 
tor8 sebras: yes. if we want that, we should just add a more convenient call16:11.29 
  like pdf_debug_obj(ctx, obj)16:11.34 
sebras tor8: I use it often enought that it is warranted. I'll add it after your stuff is committed.16:11.56 
  tor8: you can squash the output ones.16:12.12 
tor8 sebras: thanks. a WIP commit for pdf_debug_obj on tor/master now too.16:17.06 
  I don't know if you want tight or loose printouts by default16:17.42 
  personally I wouldn't mind tight being the default for pdf_debug_obj16:17.54 
  but I don't think it matters too much, so I'll leave the choice to you16:18.06 
  (but I don't think it warrants adding the 'tight' argument, you want it to be convenient)16:18.18 
sebras yeah, but a single ,0 or ,1 I can survive.16:18.38 
  it's these chained function calls that get annoying.16:18.51 
tor8 yeah, but you shouldn't have to remember to add a ,0 or ,1 :)16:19.23 
sebras ok, so we just put it as the first argument.16:19.42 
  that way it won't be ,0 or ,116:19.49 
sebras <--- brilliant! :)16:20.04 
  tor8: in "Return error token if strings are unterminated." should we also return PDF_TOK_ERROR when we fail to parse #hexhex in lex_name()?16:21.54 
  tor8: I think we should since we complain about bad numbers in lex_number() and now strange strings and hexstrings.16:27.07 
paulgardiner There's a line "$(OUT)/source/helpers/%.o : source/helpers/%.c | $(ALL_DIR)" in Makefile and helpers does not directly contain any c files. It contains subdirectories which in turn contain c files.16:34.08 
sebras paulgardiner: then I don't think that line will do anything for us. :-/16:35.46 
paulgardiner Okay, I'll delete it16:36.04 
sebras paulgardiner: we probably need corresponding lines for the directories we do have though.16:36.21 
  pkcs7 and... threads..?16:36.26 
paulgardiner yeah, although - for threads - the make file currently works somehow16:37.30 
  I'll see if I can work out by what means16:37.49 
sebras paulgardiner: could be working of the implict rules, see make -p16:38.54 
paulgardiner I think I can see how it should be16:43.21 
  THREAD_OBJ is defined unconditionally and then later there is THREAD_OBJ := $(THREAD_OBJ) (which I am interpreting as define it as "" if not already defined)16:47.08 
  Actually, it looks like that rule I mentioned earlier for helpers/%.c was there just to make sure $(THREADING_CFLAGS) were included for the compile of those files. I maybe don't need that for the pkcs7 files because LIBCRYPTO_CFLAGS is already added to CFLAGS.16:52.07 
sebras hm.. but if there is no rule for the hlpers then that means that the DIRs will not be created correctly, nor will the objekt files properly depend on the .c-files.16:53.53 
  I might be missing something.16:54.09 
  perhaps those rules are only if there are special flags and are not meant for tracking dependencies.16:54.29 
paulgardiner No that sounds right now you mention it. The rules end in | $(ALL_DIRS)16:54.46 
tor8 sebras: I don't htink so, acrobat ignores bad escape sequences16:55.08 
sebras paulgardiner: ah, at line 165 you have $(THREAD_OBJ) : $(THREAD_HDR) this is what keeps track of the deps.16:55.28 
  tor8: oh, does it? :-P16:55.44 
paulgardiner sebras: what's the import of that? Does that relate to the rule I was questioning?16:56.11 
  The .o from .c one I mean16:56.35 
sebras paulgardiner: the line THREAD_OBJ := $(THREAD_OBJ) just looks strange to me.16:58.12 
paulgardiner I think delete it16:58.25 
  I might ask Robin in case he knows a reason for it16:58.56 
sebras paulgardiner: it was added in cb44c9ae591ae5cdfda932f04bf321932a0e1d0f, but I can't see why.16:59.07 
Robin_Watts hmm.16:59.09 
paulgardiner It might have been that THREAD_OBJ was once defined conditionally and then this line made sure that it was at least defined to something.16:59.44 
Robin_Watts That line seems redundant to me16:59.54 
  please feel free to remove it.17:00.32 
sebras tor8: apart from my PDF_TOK_ERROR question and the WIP commit tor/master LGTM.17:20.05 
tor8 sebras: I don't think a bad escape sequence should generate a PDF_TOK_ERROR17:32.16 
  it would not behave like adobe reader then17:32.23 
sebras tor8: yeah, I got that. I meant that other than that I had no questions.17:35.57 
tor8 sebras: ah, okay.17:36.36 
  just tracking down a cluster diff...17:36.51 
sebras tor8: eep, jag kraschade nyss i fz_output.17:42.36 
  tor8: wrong language or wrong window.17:46.46 
  tor8: this crash happens consistently when I use mutool draw -F png -o out%02d.pnm doc.pdf17:47.09 
  seems to be related to the file mode.17:47.19 
  drawpage() calls fz_new_output_with_path() with append == 0 the first time, but with append == 1 the next time.17:47.40 
  not sure why.17:47.43 
tor8 sebras: the output logic in mudraw is beyond my comprehension...18:01.14 
sebras tor8: found it.18:01.19 
  output_append should go away. I'll send a patch in a minute.18:01.29 
  tor8: it's on sebras/master now.18:03.58 
  tor8: I found this while attempting to reproduce your regression. (I didn't find any diffs when I tried locally)18:05.28 
tor8 sebras: seems fine to me, but best run it through Robin_Watts too.18:08.32 
sebras Robin_Watts: _4_ line patch on sebras/master18:11.02 
Robin_Watts sebras: Looks plausible.18:12.09 
sebras tor8: I clustered it, not differences.18:14.07 
leviathon is there a way to add a scrollbar to mupdf21:38.32 
sebras leviathon: are you talking about the linux x11/gl desktop viewer?22:14.47 
  or android?22:15.44 
  or ios?22:16.12 
  or windows? :)22:16.18 
leviathon sebras: linux x11/gl22:20.00 
  sebras: arch linux22:20.13 
sebras leviathon: ok. in mupdf-x11 there is no scrollbars at all. but in mupdf-gl there is one for the outline. I'm assuming you want one for the page view..?22:21.01 
  leviathon: it would probably require you to look a bit at the mupdf-gl code to sort it out though.22:21.22 
leviathon sebras: yes i want it for page view22:21.44 
  sebras: i could git clone it22:22.20 
sebras leviathon: in do_outline is the implementation of the outline, there is an example of a scrollbar there.22:23.10 
  leviathon: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=mupdf.git;a=blob;f=platform/gl/gl-main.c;h=620348c26e9328aca6fcde09b24173c7e6c78bec;hb=HEAD#l55922:23.13 
  leviathon: I haven't delved into the detail myself, so you'd need to play around with that for a bit.22:23.45 
malc_ leviathon: what sebras is trying to say, i speculate here, is that there's no such functionality in x11/gl viewers, you'd have to code it yourself22:25.43 
leviathon alright well thanks for the help22:26.34 
sebras malc_: leviathon: well in mupdf-gl there is a scrollbar implemented, it is just not used for the page view, but for the outline. so you'd have to understand how it works and then implement it yourself.22:26.36 
leviathon ok thank you22:26.54 
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