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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/02/07)20180208 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: there's a commit on my master hopefully fixing the Windows build10:08.10 
kr1shna mupdf mini android 1.12 does not have layout option, was it removed intentionally, thank u11:10.10 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Ta. looking.11:22.22 
  kr1shna: was it ever there?11:22.41 
  paul: That builds ok.11:23.37 
  paulgardiner: Looks good to me.11:24.29 
paulgardiner Ta11:24.33 
kr1shna @Robin_Watts: yes, it was in mupdf mini android 1.1111:25.01 
Robin_Watts kr1shna: Dunno then. Have a look at the git commit logs? http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=mupdf-android-viewer-mini.git;a=summary11:25.51 
kr1shna in 1.12, we have chain link, search and toc icons11:26.24 
Robin_Watts I don't see any changes between 1.11.1 and 1.1211:26.25 
  Are you sure you were using "mini" before and not one of the others?11:26.45 
kr1shna on 1.11 we have11:27.28 
  .... layout and outline on top right corner11:28.15 
  @Robin_Watts: i will once again download and look, thank you,11:29.09 
Robin_Watts kr1shna: I have no clue. You'd need to check with tor when he arrives.11:29.16 
tor8 kr1shna: looks like you're running the 'mupdf viewer' app (which has a chain link icon, but no layout icon) and not 'mupdf mini' (which never has a chain link icon, and a layout icon when reading ebooks)12:21.50 
  Robin_Watts: "Bug 698996: Disallow "" as..." LGTM12:24.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yeah, I need to check the 1 file that came us as different.12:24.48 
tor8 fz_list_begin_layer needs to make a copy of the layer_name12:25.29 
  since the pdf_obj or other string that it comes from may be freed before the display list, or even live on the stack12:25.55 
Robin_Watts tor8: if memory serves, I copy the name into the display list.12:26.21 
tor8 Robin_Watts: memory doesn't serve, if we're looking at the same commit.12:26.53 
  or I misunderstand how fz_append_display_node works12:27.14 
  yeah, nevermind12:27.38 
  it does make a copy12:27.41 
Robin_Watts ok :)12:27.58 
  HenryStiles suggested yesterday that I pass off the Cody stuff to you.12:28.26 
tor8 then "Add fz_begin_layer/fz_end_layer." is almost LGTM. we just need java and mutool run bindings for it. if you want I can cook those up.12:28.27 
Robin_Watts tor8: I certainly don't have time to look at those at the moment, so if you wouldn't mind, that'd be great.12:28.53 
tor8 Robin_Watts: is this the image redaction crashes?12:29.31 
Robin_Watts tor8: That, and the one that came in yesterday.12:29.44 
tor8 the one about even more specific pdf permissions?12:30.13 
Robin_Watts yeah.12:30.18 
tor8 I can answer that one (the declaration of the PDF_PERM_xxx flags are from the PDF spec so unlikely to change)12:32.48 
  I could look at the image redaction stuff, but would need some time to get up to speed12:33.03 
  and I'll *never* get around to my high priority tasks from the agenda...12:33.55 
  too many bugs!12:34.04 
Robin_Watts I think the fact that your high priority tasks will be delayed is understood.12:36.37 
tor8 Yeah. It's only going to be a problem when Fred and Paul are breathing down my neck asking why annotation creation doesn't work (or they build themselves into a corner that I have been meaning to remodel all along...)12:51.31 
paulgardiner javascript-based changes to widgets no longer seem to be detectible via pdf_annot_is_dirty14:53.13 
Robin_Watts Morning mvrhel_laptop15:09.15 
  oops, wrong group.15:09.22 
mvrhel_laptop morning15:09.26 
paulgardiner The problem looks to be because load_or_create_form always resets form->iteration to 115:52.09 
  Removing that line seems to fix it.16:02.42 
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