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paulgardiner Please can someone review a tiny change on paulg/master. It fixes annotations failing to be marked as dirty when altered by javascript and UI events10:57.47 
tor8 paulgardiner: LGTM.11:05.00 
paulgardiner Thanks tor811:05.14 
sebras tor8: is there a reason we use the name __printflike in include/mupdf/fitz/system.h on line 185 to get printf complaints from gcc using __attribute((__format__))?13:12.45 
  tor8: malc_ mentioned that we are using a reserved namespace starting with __, and we are. but I'm suspecting we are implementing an attribute that might be defined in some headers somewhere. I haven't found where though.13:13.34 
  it was introduced back in 2008 in commit 4b9181cdb513:13.45 
  would it e.g. be possible to name it..PRINTFLIKE() and avoid using a reserved namespace?13:14.22 
malc_ sebras: tor already did it13:14.31 
sebras oh, there you go.13:15.14 
  I guess I should just shut up and fetch. :)13:15.24 
malc_ ;)13:15.43 
  sebras: regardless, tack for bringing it up13:29.03 
tor8 sebras: now that you're here and have looked. are the commits on tor/master good to go?13:54.13 
sebras tor8: give me a second.14:06.20 
  tor8: I'm thinking perhaps you want to check if showsearch is != 0 for KEY_ESCAPE?14:10.18 
  tor8: not a big deal but I anticipate escape might be used for annotations later.14:10.31 
tor8 if (showsearch) already steals the keyboard input by taking the ui.focus14:12.07 
sebras ah, I didn't notice that.14:12.25 
tor8 I expect ESC to take you back to normal mode14:12.27 
sebras yeah, most likely in all cases (search, annotations, whatever)14:12.48 
tor8 sebras: I just copied and pasted, but you're right we could probably improve them while making them public14:13.54 
sebras tor8: my thinking exactly.14:14.12 
  tor8: I think the PDF permission bit thing is ok to, and I'd leave the permission dictionary thing for another commit.14:14.56 
  have we actually ben asked for the permission dictionary thing yet?14:15.12 
  as I understood you it is a bit tricky so perhaps we could wait with that until it is actually requested/needed.14:15.43 
tor8 sebras: yes, see the "Retrieving PDF specific permissions from MuPDF" email to support14:15.55 
  sebras: ugh. bit 6 is more than just annotations. these permissions are icky.14:17.50 
sebras tor8: true, I only read the first part. :-/14:19.34 
  tor8: perhaps ANNOTS_AND_FORMS then. :)14:19.48 
sebras tor8: I read the email but it was you who brought up the PDF 1.5 dictionary, and I don't see a request for support for it yet.14:20.25 
tor8 that one could be handled behind the scenes by the new function, should the need arise14:20.40 
sebras tor8: though designing the API for it is probably wise (probably just a matter of time before we get a request)14:20.47 
  yeah, so I'd simply remove the TODO for now.14:21.21 
  tor8: as I read it the question is only about retrieving the current set of permissions. not setting them or having them checked.14:22.35 
  tor8: so I would say LGTM in addition to what I wrote above. :)14:23.30 
tor8 sebras: okay, revised tor/master14:26.49 
sebras tor8: hm. pdf_document_permissions() exists, but we also have a fz_has_permission(). which interface are we advocating for?14:43.55 
  FZ_PERMISSION_* doesn't have all of the insane PDF permissions though.14:44.13 
tor8 fz_has_permission is the generic one, that we've always had14:58.15 
sebras yeah, does it match EPUB?14:58.24 
tor8 but there are funny weird pdf specific permissions that this customer wants to look at14:58.33 
sebras I'm having a hard time finding permissions in the EPUB spec.14:58.34 
tor8 sebras: none of the other document types actually have permission flags that we look at :)14:58.52 
sebras tor8: oh. :)14:58.59 
  tor8: that explains it. :)14:59.04 
tor8 but if they do, I would anticipate the fz_has_permissions api to be sufficient14:59.17 
sebras tor8: ok. then LGTM on tor/master.14:59.32 
tor8 thanks.14:59.38 
Robin_Watts tor8: If memory serves, you'd LGTM'd the begin_layer/end_layer, hadn't you?15:45.13 
  oh, no, we need java and mutool run bindings for it.15:46.51 
sebras tor8: is tor/ui a preparation for annots?16:15.49 
  tor8: Robin_Watts: do either of you mind reviewing sebras/master?16:24.58 
Robin_Watts sebras: Let me look.16:25.09 
  We used to only load the globals if they were indirect.16:26.30 
  We now will load them whether they are direct or indirect.16:26.42 
sebras Robin_Watts: wait... I suddenly remembered that tor8 mentioned that I ought to have marked the global stream instead. d'oh.16:26.49 
Robin_Watts sebras: I was going to say that our standard mechanism for this is pdf_obj_mark (or whatever it is).16:27.17 
sebras Robin_Watts: yeah, but whether they are indirect or not is not important, the question is whether it is a stream.16:27.19 
Robin_Watts ok.,16:27.28 
  Second commit lgtm.16:27.43 
sebras Robin_Watts: and with tor8's recent changes to pdf_is_stream() is asks for pdf_get_indirect_document() which ought to return NULL for objects that are not indirect.16:28.04 
Robin_Watts I wonder if we should be internationalising our errors...16:28.18 
sebras (additionally it also checks the stm_ofs in the xref)16:28.20 
  Robin_Watts: perhaps when someone asks for it..?16:28.34 
  Robin_Watts: I'm not sure if anyone is actually using the option to receive mupdf's error messages and show them in a dialogbox (except for our own viewers)16:29.02 
  Robin_Watts: gettext is ugh, btw.16:29.18 
Robin_Watts gettext being a lib for internationalisation?16:35.19 
  I was imagining that we'd roll our own.16:35.43 
sebras Robin_Watts: it is.16:35.55 
Robin_Watts but very low priority.16:36.08 
sebras Robin_Watts: basically you surround every textstring with _("hello") and then a tool extracts these from the source code.16:36.21 
Robin_Watts sebras: I was thinking we'd do it epage style.16:36.42 
sebras Robin_Watts: the problem is that we do propagate the error strings from the libraries we use too. how would we handle those..?16:36.42 
  Robin_Watts: enlighten me. :)16:36.49 
  Robin_Watts: error codes?16:36.55 
chrisl Isn't gettext GPL?16:37.42 
Robin_Watts Epage does stuff like Error_create(context, Module_Error, bar, baz);16:37.50 
sebras chrisl: quite possibly, so there might be licensing issues too.16:38.16 
  Robin_Watts: so bar and baz are strings?16:38.33 
Robin_Watts and each module has a list of strings: LoadFailure: Failed to load file %s version %d16:38.43 
  so bar/baz can be any type.16:38.56 
sebras ah, LoadFailure is the Module_Error thing you mentioned above?16:39.13 
Robin_Watts LoadFailure would be 'Error'.16:39.25 
  Error_create(context, DocumentLoader_LoadFailure, bar, bar)16:39.46 
sebras Robin_Watts: that also means we would need to translate all error messages/warnings before every release.16:40.52 
  Robin_Watts: to make it useful.16:40.59 
Robin_Watts If we're smart we can avoid doing the string formatting unless required.16:41.00 
  sebras: We can invite people to submit translations :)16:41.15 
sebras Robin_Watts: yeah, but these are warnings/error cases so they ought to be rare.16:41.25 
Robin_Watts (If you don't have a translation, use the fallback/english one)16:41.40 
sebras Robin_Watts: of course.16:41.48 
Robin_Watts Anyway, like I say, a low priority.16:42.03 
sebras Robin_Watts: mmm, you'd need another argument for ERROR_GENERIC, ERROR_SYNTAX, ERROR_ABORT, ERROR_TRYLATER though.16:42.37 
  or perhaps that would be implicit in DocumentLoader_LoadFailure some how.16:42.53 
Robin_Watts sebras: Yeah, I was just saying what Epage did.16:42.58 
chrisl Or accept that no one reads errors/warnings anyway!16:43.47 
malc_ sebras: i'd argue that fallback should be german (after all it's never your fault given verbs like http://dictionary.reverso.net/german-english/umfahren)16:43.47 
sebras Robin_Watts: new version up on sebras/master.17:40.33 
  Robin_Watts: this one clusters well.17:43.10 
Robin_Watts looks simpler.17:43.54 
  Didn't the previous one fiddle with some error handling too?17:44.25 
  (pulled some stuff into the fz_try)17:44.33 
  but all 3 lgtm.17:45.13 
sebras Robin_Watts: it did, but I concluded it was not necessary.17:59.13 
tor8 I'm with chrisl -- our error messages are technical details, that nobody would read anyway.18:42.06 
malc_ tor8: for the logs: mupdf/include/mupdf/pdf/crypt.h:39:2: error: ISO C restricts enumerator values to range of 'int' (4294967292 is too large) [-Werror,-Wpedantic]23:51.17 
  PDF_DEFAULT_PERM_FLAGS = 0xFFFFFFFC /* all permissions granted, reserved bits set appropriately */23:51.17 
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