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sebras tor8: "Accept NULL in fz_drop_output." LGTM11:09.34 
  tor8: concerning "Use proper encoding for pdf_field_value and update_field_value." I'm worried about the V entry in the group dictionary that you add in toggle_check_box(). on page 686-687 in pdfref17 it seens this should be a name, not a text string..?11:15.08 
  the same also makes me wonder about whether using a text string is correct in update_field_value().11:17.20 
  I can see that both address the encoding which the previous code did not take into account though.11:18.05 
tor8 sebras: page 676 says V is of type (various)11:21.02 
sebras yeah, it depends on the field.11:21.13 
  so for check boxes it is a name11:21.22 
  for other fields it might be something else (I haven't checked)11:21.31 
tor8 and on page 695 for choice widgets it says 'text string'11:21.43 
  ah, wrong commit11:22.03 
  there's another one for check boxes in the earlier commit11:23.02 
  yeah, that just keeps the original mistake :(11:23.07 
sebras yes, perhaps we can fix it at a later time at least. :)11:23.44 
tor8 sebras: yeah...11:24.09 
sebras your patch intended to fix the encoding, and it does.11:24.38 
  tor8: in "Use text encoding for pdf_choice_widget options and values."11:27.37 
  I notice that vals might have a length of MAX(nvals,nopts) but when you free it in fz_always() you only free nvals elements.11:28.14 
  that MAX() looks a bit bogus to me. why is it there?11:28.31 
  tor8: "Don't use constants larger than will fit in a signed int in enum." maybe we can mask out the reserved bits among the pdf permissions but have them be or:ed in when setting the permissions, that way you wouldn't have to set all reserved bits to 1, avoiding the issue with signed/unsigned..?11:31.37 
  so we return the permission bits themselves, but not the reserved bits (would the caller even care about them?).11:32.08 
tor8 sebras: better ask paul about the MAX11:44.26 
  I just made sure to free what was actually allocated11:44.40 
  which is nvals11:44.52 
  maybe winchoiceinput uses it?11:46.12 
sebras paulgardiner: why is there a MAX(nvalx, nopts) for PDF_WIDGET_TYPE_COMBOBOX/LISTBOX in pdfapp_onmouse() in platform/x11/pdfapp.c?12:02.57 
  wouldn't just nvals be enough?12:03.07 
paulgardiner sebras: hang on. I'll take a look in a mo12:03.32 
  I think that may be necessary. I'm not sure what winchoiceinput currently does, but it could allow all the opts to be selected, which would require vals to accommodate at least nopts values.12:11.39 
  using nopts to allocate vals might be okay, but a corrupt file may have more options selected than there are options - if you see what I mean.12:12.33 
sebras paulgardiner: ok, but then when freeing it, we should also be freeing MAX(nvals, nopts) I believe, which necessitates a change in tor8's commit.12:13.23 
paulgardiner That sounds correct.12:13.42 
  Ah no. I think there will always be nvals values in vals.12:16.19 
  winchoiceinput will update nvals. Hmmm, it probably doesn't free ones it drops at the moment.12:17.03 
  I'm confused.12:17.17 
  Implementations of winchoiceinput might be copying pointers to strings from opts to vals, If so, that needs changing too, I think.12:19.01 
  I'd sort of like it to work via indexes into opts, but that's not how the info is held in the file, IIRC.12:22.54 
NilsonT Hi there, it is possible to change annotation icon from library MuPdf?13:32.55 
kens NilsonT I don't undertand what you mean. What annotation icon ?13:49.13 
NilsonT that is, when you create an annotation in a book, I have currently worked on creating it and what I have been able to do with the C library, is change the color, the function is called pdf_update_text_annot_appearance. I explain?13:51.59 
kens What kind of annotation are you taling about ? A Highglight ? FreeText ? Stamp ? something else ?13:52.34 
  Perhaps you could put an example somewhere that we could look at. Its easier to discuss a concrette example.13:53.11 
NilsonT the type of annotation is free text13:54.47 
kens OK....13:55.20 
  So FreeText annotaiotns don't have an icon13:56.03 
  They display text directly onto the rndered PDF page13:56.12 
  So I'm puzzled by what icon you mean13:56.30 
NilsonT no, one sec, I'm uploading class to show you13:56.53 
kens Sorry, I can't help you with code, I'm not one fo the MuPDF developers.14:06.19 
  tor8 paulgardiner ^^14:06.54 
NilsonT OK, who can help me? you could tell me?14:07.00 
kens One of the people I just pinged probably14:07.15 
NilsonT Alright, thanks a lot14:09.27 
kens NP stick around until one of them replies, or come back later and check the logs14:09.45 
NilsonT OK14:10.31 
paulgardiner tor8: you mentioned load_droid_fallback_font. I may be misunderstanding it, but that doesn't look like it's part of the mechanism for loading the base fonts (base could be the wrong word - I know little about fonts)15:27.14 
tor8 paulgardiner: the base14 fonts for PDF are hardwired in (because we really need them to be there)15:28.35 
paulgardiner Ah okay.15:28.51 
tor8 the fallback font mechanisms we have are for non-base14 fonts, such as those used to substitute missing fonts15:28.58 
  fz_install_load_system_font_funcs is the entry point for all this15:29.10 
paulgardiner Okay, so potentially there could be just a few very big fonts that would do for fallback?15:29.37 
tor8 that takes three callbacks, one for regular system fonts, one for cjk system fonts, and one for a last ditch give me a font that can do this unicode script15:29.42 
  the idea is that if a PDF file does not embed a font, the first of these hooks will let the client look through the system fonts for one with a matching name15:30.13 
  if it finds one, it will return it, otherwise mupdf will fall back to using a base14 font as a substitute15:30.30 
  similarly for CJK fonts15:30.35 
  the third callback is for EPUB, when the font we have doesn't have the character set we need it will ask for a font which covers the requested character set15:31.14 
  if you don't care about EPUB, you can just ignore that one and build with TOFU15:31.37 
paulgardiner So is it just this one callback that PDF needs?15:31.38 
tor8 and PDF doesn't *need* it -- we provide it should clients want to dig for system fonts if the fonts are not embedded15:32.08 
  the default behavior is to *not* look for system fonts15:32.16 
  but sumatrapdf used to use this mechanism (but they forked mupdf a couple of years ago, so who knows what they're doing today)15:32.44 
  now, if you want EPUB support, you should ideally implement the load_fallback_font callback to find a proper system font15:33.13 
  otherwise we will only be able to display latin scripts15:33.21 
  (assuming you build with TOFU to reduce the binary footprint)15:33.40 
paulgardiner Yes, so I do need it to keep some sort of parity with non-TOFU builds.15:34.11 
tor8 paulgardiner: yes. but only SVG and EPUB use the 'load_fallback_font' fonts.15:39.29 
paulgardiner Losing me here. Is that load_fallback_font, as opposed to load_droid_fallback_font?15:41.47 
tor8 load_droid_fallback_font is the android specific callback that implements the load_fallback_font interface15:42.22 
paulgardiner Which I don't need for PDF documents?15:42.56 
tor8 you don't need ANY of the callbacks for PDF documents to match the default behavior (regardless of TOFU build or not--pdf doesn't use the Noto fonts)15:43.32 
  you can use the two first callbacks for PDF documents if you want to use system fonts to substitute missing fonts that aren't embedded15:44.12 
  you need the third callback for SVG and EPUB documents.15:44.23 
paulgardiner So TOFU will make no difference to PDFs?15:45.08 
tor8 paulgardiner: pdf_load_font_descriptor calls either pdf_load_builtin_font (for the base14) or pdf_load_system_font (for non-base14 fonts) whenever it needs a font that is not embedded15:45.35 
  correct, TOFU has no effect on PDF15:45.42 
  it only affects EPUB15:45.46 
  (unless you do TOFU_CJK or TOFU_BASE14)15:46.03 
  EPUB calls fz_encode_glyph_with_fallback15:46.22 
  if you start digging from those three functions you should get an overview of what needs what. those three functions are the start points for all font loading.15:46.46 
paulgardiner I'd rather just ask.15:47.29 
tor8 paulgardiner: what if I pretend to be busy next time? ;)15:48.08 
paulgardiner I'll cry15:48.22 
  tor8: is there a distinction here between the tofu make target and the TOFU C flag? The tofu target defines CMAP_GEN= and XCFLAGS="-DNOCJK". I would have imagined that that would affect PDF.16:03.37 
tor8 paulgardiner: yes. there's a plethora of configuration options here.16:07.06 
  for your use, I recommend setting -DTOFU (or just read the top of source/fitz/noto.c and decide from there)16:07.27 
  the 'make tofu' target is for small platforms where building the generated files is difficult16:07.49 
paulgardiner For the tofu target, is there an existing mechanism for using system versions of the base fonts, cjk fonts and cmaps?16:08.45 
tor8 if you implement the load_system_cjk_font callback, you can use -DTOFU -DTOFU_CJK to build with only the required CMaps and base14 fonts (and need a CJK system font for displaying actual CJK text)16:09.06 
  if you do not implement any callbacks, use -DTOFU -DTOFU_CJK_EXT to get the base14 fonts and the smallest CJK font16:09.33 
  there is no provision for using system versions of the base fonts and cmaps16:09.57 
  the base fonts are not even available on android phones.16:10.30 
  at least I haven't seen Helvetica on the phones I've looked at16:10.53 
  and even if there was a font named Helvetica, it probably wouldn't have matching metrics16:11.57 
malc_ tor8: i guess it's pretty safe bet that arial or roboto will be there16:12.00 
tor8 malc_: yeah, but not good enough. we need fonts with the exact metrics or layout will be wonky.16:12.18 
malc_ tor8: i actually bought helvetica from linotype some years backs.. and it doesn't have the exact metrics16:13.10 
tor8 malc_: which is why we embed it and always use our own...16:13.29 
  which we know matches metrics with adobe's16:13.41 
malc_ tor8: our own urw knock off :)16:13.47 
tor8 but of course :)16:13.59 
malc_ tor8: have you ever seen adobe's helvetica? does acrobat ship with it?16:15.02 
paulgardiner Even if not present as system fonts, we may need to support supplying them separately to the binary to avoid their being present four times in the SDK16:15.58 
tor8 paulgardiner: see fz_lookup_builtin_font16:17.23 
  that is what you need to replace16:17.35 
malc_ https://spiekermann.com/en/helvetica-sucks/16:19.51 
tor8 paulgardiner: the base 14 fonts are in CFF format, and they NEED to be in CFF (or type1) format16:20.19 
  truetype will NOT work for pdf.16:20.24 
  truetype fonts behave differently in PDF, so will not work as substitutes16:20.35 
malc_ tor8: what's the difference?16:21.17 
tor8 how PDF handles encodings16:21.32 
  anyway, I need to pop out for a few hours16:21.52 
  pdf_load_simple_font_by_name has a lot of logic that switches depending on whether the font is TTF or Type1 (so as to behave accordingly with the PDF specification)16:22.39 
  the base 14 fonts need to be type1 (or cff, which is just a more compact format of type1)16:22.51 
  paulgardiner: but I doubt the rest of smartoffice will be happy with raw CFF fonts (which is the smallest possible font format)16:23.18 
paulgardiner I think SO can use CFF. I guess I must have known something about fonts back in the past: looks like I wrote the CFF interpreting code!16:28.14 
MacWinner Hi, I am researching web PDF viewers. basically take a .PDF and convert it to HTML5 so it can be displayed on the web. PDFJS uses canvas element which I'm trying to avoid. They also have an SVG renderer, but it's not really well maintained. So now I'm looking for commercial solutions. I came across PrizmDoc and Foxit Web PDF viewer.. Any other recommendations? Is this something MuPDF can help with at all?17:32.55 
  I don't see a web viewer for MuPDF. is there one that I'm missing?17:34.56 
Robin_Watts MacWinner: MuPDF is a native library.19:01.06 
  It can convert from PDF to a bitmap for you, which a browser could display, but that would rely on the browser being able to run a native plugin.19:02.03 
  It can (after a fashion) convert from PDF to SVG that many browsers can display.19:02.19 
  MacWinner: I have to confess not not entirely understanding what you are asking for though.19:03.44 
  pdf.js does the entire processing in javascript and writes to a canvas. As such it runs entirely without using native code19:04.41 
MacWinner Robin_Watts, i have a user upload a PDF and I want to render it on a page using HTML5 (not using a regular PDF viewer). PDFJS renders it using an HTML5 CANVAS element which is not ideal for my use case..19:05.04 
Robin_Watts MacWinner: "Upload" as in "Uploads to your website" ?19:05.33 
MacWinner correct19:05.38 
Robin_Watts So, you could run native code on the server, and serve a bitmap back.19:05.56 
  (say a PNG)19:06.00 
  As such you can use almost any PDF viewer you like. MuPDF is certainly a candidate, and would give very nice results.19:06.47 
  The downside to this is that the free version of MuPDF is licensed under the GNU AGPL.19:07.17 
  Note the 'A' there. That means that if you're using MuPDF as part of a Software As A Service installation (and you would be), then you'd have to make the *entirety* of your software installation available under the GNU AGPL.19:08.03 
MacWinner got it.. some of the tools like prizm and foxit render it nicely so people can highlight text and such19:08.10 
Robin_Watts If you want to use it without that requirement, you'd need a commercial license.19:08.35 
  MacWinner: Interesting. I've not seen that.19:08.53 
  I wonder how they do that? Possibly by sending absolutely positioned HTML text invisibly which can be selected.19:09.31 
MacWinner https://www.accusoft.com/demos/file-type-demo/19:09.39 
  so you can search as well inside the doc19:10.04 
  and it will highlight the result in the doc19:10.26 
Robin_Watts nice.19:11.33 
fredross-perry tor8, sebras - is there a way to get mupdf (at least for Android) to render using RGB_565 bitmaps?20:51.22 
tor8 fredross-perry: no, we can only render to 8-bpc formats22:38.52 
fredross-perry ok thanks22:39.00 
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