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ildar Hi everybody! Some source says that Android Viewer has less vulnerabilities/CVE then MuPdfDemo. Is this correct? I can't find proofs/info09:13.02 
kens It would seem unlikely, since tehy are built on the same core library09:15.54 
ildar a-ha! thanks.09:16.15 
  I suspected that09:16.23 
kens Note that I'm not one of the MuPDF developers, so I can't give a definitive answer09:16.50 
ildar BTW do you know why Android Viewer misses Reflow mode?09:20.56 
kens Sorry, I can't help ,but the various viewers all have different capabilities09:21.17 
ildar FYI https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=69906209:32.29 
tor8 paulgardiner: Robin_Watts: to get a more specific name than what freetype has managed to load into the family+style names you might need to start digging into the SFNT name tables10:43.32 
  there is very little consistency in font family/style naming conventions--seems like every font family has its own way of naming things10:44.13 
  for the base14 we have a long list of aliases we scan for (see base_font_names and clean_font_name in pdf-font.c)10:44.54 
  you probably want a fuzzy matcher along those lines (or just hard code a font file you know is there, along with its TTC index)10:45.36 
  I think Robin's suggestion of if (family is prefix of style) name=style else name=family+style should work well enough10:46.52 
  in order to access the name IDs Robin listed, you need the API I pasted a link to above10:48.43 
  but I'd rather not start digging into those in the mupdf core10:49.03 
ildar guys, I'm lost in MuPdf4Android roadmap11:07.36 
  1. Is MuPdfDemo abandoned?11:07.56 
  2. What's the Fitz thing?11:08.19 
tor8 1. Pretty much.11:29.58 
  2. Fitz is the code name for the original graphics rendering library used in MuPDF.11:30.09 
ildar Then the only 2 things left are Viewer and Mini ?11:30.45 
  BTW latest Play Market apps have CVEs11:31.24 
  that's bad!11:31.31 
tor8 The "Viewer" is a stripped down version of the MuPDF demo code base, refit to use our new JNI library.11:31.32 
ildar MuPdfDemo status changes should be wrote somewhere. I couldn't find any info on that.11:33.07 
  should be written11:33.27 
tor8 it still works. it's just not getting any new features and updates.11:33.47 
ildar emm. You mean build it with new Fitz code?11:34.30 
  BTW does 1.12 fix 1.11 CVEs ?11:35.24 
tor8 1.12 fixes many bugs. whether these have CVEs or not, I can't be bothered to keep track. a bug is a bug and needs squishing whether it has a stupid CVE number or not.11:36.22 
ildar oh, ok.11:36.49 
paulgardiner tor8: re font names, how about if I added fz_font_style that returned the style string? Then the caller could decide how to match based on both family and style. I'd prefer if we could pick out the full name from the font, id 4 I think it was, but it sounds like that isn't straight forward, from what both you and Robin say.11:36.56 
tor8 paulgardiner: I don't think we use the fz_font_name for anything non-cosmetic so mashing them together shouldn't affect anything significant11:37.33 
ildar so generally building MuPdfDemo with fresh Fitz is quite possible and still quite good?11:37.50 
tor8 it might change how we write SVG and some debugging info though11:37.50 
  paulgardiner: and I would prefer to have the full name as well11:38.24 
paulgardiner Yes, but picking a particular way to combine family and style into a name gives less info than providing separate access.11:38.34 
tor8 paulgardiner: right. I have no objections if you want to add an accessor11:38.56 
  maybe one that removes a common prefix when setting the 'style' name?11:39.11 
paulgardiner tor8: oh, hang on, you'd prefer the full name? Should I look into that a little further?11:39.26 
ildar tor8: please?11:40.58 
tor8 ildar: some features don't work properly anymore (I suspect due to changes/breakages in the android system libraries)11:42.24 
paulgardiner tor8: regarding the option of adding an accessor for style, I'm confused about the whole prefix thing. I haven't seen examples of common prefixes.11:42.34 
tor8 but if you build with an older android toolchain it might11:42.40 
ildar I see. Thanks.11:43.26 
tor8 ildar: printing and reflow mode don't work last I tried11:45.19 
ildar â˜º11:45.30 
  then it's no better then the Viewer11:45.48 
  ok, I see11:46.02 
tor8 it can do some annotation editing, but other than that it's pretty much the same yeah11:46.26 
ildar thanks11:46.38 
paulgardiner tor8: there's a commit on my master concatenating family and style, I think using the conditions suggested. I'm about to cluster test.13:01.42 
tor8 paulgardiner: "its name" not "it is name" please :)13:10.05 
  paulgardiner: also, I think you can just get away with a fixed length buffer and fz_strlcpy/fz_strlcat for this13:10.21 
  the font->name is just an array anyway13:10.31 
  the fz_set_font_bbox has weird indentation after you edited it13:11.25 
  the function call to fz_set_font_bbox13:11.33 
paulgardiner How bit a buffer would you suggest?13:13.53 
tor8 200 bytes should be more than enough13:14.13 
paulgardiner Okay13:14.17 
tor8 or just use buf[sizeof font->name] :)13:14.33 
paulgardiner The "it is" thing is just weird... a little worrying!13:20.08 
  tor8: second version up13:54.15 
tor8 paulgardiner: s/namebuflen/sizeof namebuf/ in the strlcpy/cat function calls, otherwise LGTM14:13.18 
  paulgardiner: do you remember where you got the outline/vector/icon thing for the annotation icons?14:13.36 
  the speech bubble icon14:14.20 
paulgardiner I think I made it with GIMP14:27.22 
  I think I still have the GIMP file14:27.35 
  tor8: what's the namebuflen thing? You mean don't put in a variable?14:28.13 
  Oh I see yes. Stupid stupid14:29.39 
fredross-perry tor8 - is there a way in mupdf to stop a long-running render? Let's say I have two threads, A and B. B is running a long render, can thread A interrupt it?15:05.27 
tor8 fredross-perry: that's what the cookie is for15:17.52 
fredross-perry more please?15:18.17 
tor8 Page.run takes a Cookie argument15:18.49 
  if you call cookie.abort() from another thread that should set a flag to let the interpreter know to abort the render15:19.22 
  this is untested territory, but it should work15:19.59 
fredross-perry got it, thanks15:20.09 
tor8 you might need to do some plumbing to add the cookie argument if you're not calling page.run() directly15:20.45 
fredross-perry I am calling page.run(), so good, thanks.15:22.07 
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