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Arno Hello, I do have two recommendations for an improved user experience:11:12.59 
  a) an inverted scheme for night reading (but just invert balck/white not the images that might be included in the pdfs). Not sure whether this selective inverting is possible ...11:14.29 
Robin_Watts Arno: It's open source. Go for it11:15.44 
  And how does that work when you have fonts that are implemented as images?11:16.17 
Arno b) I would appreciate to lock a zoom state and location of the cropped area. This can be used to maximize the content of a pdf to read and let the white borders remove.11:16.18 
Robin_Watts Arno: Again, go for it. We'll consider any patch you submit for inclusion.11:16.50 
Arno Robin_Watts: Sure. :) Im not an expert for pdfs and its structure. So it might not work always in this case...11:17.59 
  I understand. This are just recommendations for features. Although you can buy all spare parts for your car, maybe you can't repair it by yourself ;)11:19.18 
  I like using the mupdf reader for newspaper/magazines. But I read mainly late night before sleeping - an inverted night scheme would be more relaxing.11:21.39 
  Some devices have OLEDs (not mines) but there it can save a lot of energy ... so there are good reasons (even if images are also inverted in a first step).11:22.34 
tor8 Arno: Android has a built-in feature for that. Settings -> Accessibility -> Color inversion.11:23.26 
Arno Ok - good point. I have to check whether it work application specific. My homescreen already use a black background ...11:25.09 
tor8 Arno: I don't find it that useful (it inverts the background and everything else too)11:26.55 
  Arno: but it might be worth trying11:27.04 
  Robin_Watts: there's a bunch of commits on tor/master for review11:27.54 
  everything up to "Add fz_expand_irect function." could do with a review. that one is on my bmpcmp and shows only progressions.11:28.19 
  more text appears in form fields, and I fixed the SVG circle drawing11:28.35 
Arno tor8: thanks for your feedback.11:45.10 
fredross-perry tor8 - I am using the cookie mechanism for aborting long-running renders. I see in the implementation that it checks the cookie between nodes when running a display list. I've got a test file (Acorn_User_Issue_117_1992-04_Redwood_Publishing_GB_text.pdf)20:53.53 
  that's 124 pages with 3 images/page, the largest are 1921x2737, at 72dpi. So I can call for an abort, but it can still take 10 seconds for whatever node is running to finish, and then see the abort signal. Any hope for something quicker?20:53.53 
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