Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/02/27)20180228 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: Where *did* you get that? :)00:10.42 
fredross-perry from Silver.00:22.02 
  it's highly compressed too. I ran mutool extract on it, and got like 372 png images, for a total of more than 700 Mb. The PDF file is 11 Mb.00:23.29 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: Yeah. Flashbacks to a previous life :)00:26.30 
fredross-perry The pngs, once extracted, some of them look like melted artwork.00:29.07 
Robin_Watts We *should* be offering the chance to abort between every image.00:30.42 
  If the images are blocking for that long, we may need to consider somehow checking for abort during the render, which will require some magic.00:31.17 
  might need to stick an abort flag in the error context.00:33.20 
  If set, when we do an fz_try, we could throw instantly.00:33.59 
  and we could have a 'check_if_aborting()' call we could call during the decode.00:34.25 
  We should talk to tor about that.00:34.34 
  bedtime for me.00:34.39 
 Forward 1 day (to 2018/03/01)>>> 
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