Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

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suraj Can anyone tell me how to use mupdf in node js ?07:32.48 
  Hi Jogux08:36.07 
  Do you know how to use mupdf in node js08:36.30 
jogux well yes and no. I suspect if googling "mupdf nodejs" isn't helping you then it's unlikely I can help you either, unless you're a commercial customer?08:39.38 
suraj nope08:41.34 
jogux if you have a very specific question we can probably point you in the right direction.08:43.17 
suraj I want you use mupdf in my nodejs application08:44.57 
  I want to*08:46.06 
RobinWattsLenovo That is not a "very specific question" :(08:48.22 
jogux that's not specific. google will answer that.08:48.25 
suraj Can we get text position using mupdf ?08:50.23 
  means x and y position of each word in PDF08:50.56 
jogux yes, pretty much - but if you want to get that data into nodejs you're going to need someone to write some C code to interface I would imagine.08:53.43 
vtorri hello08:58.54 
mubot Welcome to #mupdf, the channel for MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.08:58.54 
vtorri how can I distinguish mupdf 1.11 and 1.12 at preprocessor time ?08:58.57 
jogux vtorri: I'd guess the only way is checking FZ_VERSION... but you may struggle to compare those in the preprocessor given it has the 1.12.3 form.09:53.50 
  why do you need to?09:54.07 
vtorri jogux because there is an API break between 1.11 and 1.12 and not all of the distro have updated mupdf to 1.1210:05.02 
  jogux it is not possible with FZ_VERSION : it is a string and can't be used at preprocessor time10:05.29 
jogux oh yes, of course.10:06.58 
  err. I'm not sure I see a way how. are you using autoconf? If so you can probably do a test there.10:07.48 
vtorri yes i can, but if versioning was correct, i shouldn't be doing that10:10.49 
jogux Yes. That would be a question from tor8.10:16.38 
tor8 vtorri, sorry, no way to do that yet. I'm adding some numeric version #defines in the next release.10:17.32 
vtorri tor8 ok thank you10:17.56 
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