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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/03/06)20180307 
enometh from tor's comment on https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=699079 it looks like the x11 regression may not be fixed?05:31.53 
  all the "new improvements" in text extraction just do not work they undo all decades of work done before05:45.25 
  but unlike gs, this isnt an easy revert05:53.07 
tor8 Robin_Watts: two bug fix commits on tor master that could do with a review11:36.10 
  no need to bother with the other ones just yet11:36.30 
Robin_Watts ok...11:37.04 
  so the font/cidfont one, and the missing transformation?11:39.02 
  both lgtm.11:39.04 
tor8 the scoping bug in png_write_band one too11:44.52 
enometh tor, in pdfapp_oncopy, after int x0 = app->selr.x0... , after pdfapp_viewctm(&ctm, app), ctm has to be inverted and the points x0,x1.. have to be transformed back to the coordinates in which the text was extracted11:48.55 
Robin_Watts tor8: lgtm too.11:49.26 
tor8 enometh: yes, I've got a fix for that just cooked up and ready to commit.11:49.29 
enometh ah ok11:49.34 
tor8 enometh: and it's pushed :)11:49.47 
Robin_Watts enometh: That's the "missing transformation" one :)11:49.49 
sebras tor8: in 699094 we lose /Filter /JPXDecode in the image dictionary, but we do not appear to have decompressed the image.14:22.34 
Robin_Watts sebras: That seems bad :)14:36.36 
sebras Robin_Watts: yes, in expandstream() we appera to pdf_load_stream_truncated(), but I'm thinking that this loads the compressed stream.14:39.44 
  but I haven't debugged it yet.14:39.52 
  Robin_Watts: oh, so this is because JPX is special cased in the image loading code.15:32.50 
Robin_Watts Ah.15:33.02 
sebras tor8: I think I might have something that fixes 69909416:41.07 
  tor8: there is something on sebras/master, the first one ought to be a no-brainer.17:14.50 
  tor8: the second one is not pretty, but I think it gets things done.17:15.03 
  tor8: I wonder if I have to take softmasks and decode arrays into account in the same way as being done in pdf_load_jpx(). I don't think that would be necessary because the softmask and decode array would remain in the imag edictionary.17:27.33 
n35xdxb0 is there a config file for mupdf? i'd like to change some of the keybindings. is there a way of doing this?23:02.47 
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