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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2018/04/04)20180405 
tor8 Robin_Watts: ping.11:00.11 
  Robin_Watts: ugh. I hate harfbuzz commit cbec0cd65e1787b20ea55dd5583a7444938bd38115:02.24 
  it no longer builds on vs200515:02.28 
Robin_Watts oh, anything in particular ?15:03.22 
tor8 it removes the typedefs for uint8_t and friends15:03.38 
  assuming that stdint.h will always be available15:03.44 
  I *hate* stdint.h and workarounds15:03.50 
  it's headache #2 in our build system15:03.59 
Robin_Watts So do we have stdint_.h which either #defines or #includes "stdint.h" ?15:04.50 
  s/have/add/ ?15:04.56 
tor8 Robin_Watts: doesn't really help the situation with thirdparty libraries15:05.10 
Robin_Watts tor8: Well, it's a single small commit we have to keep merging on a branch in thirdparty libs.15:05.36 
tor8 what we *could* do is add a 'include/vs2005-workaround/stdint.h' and put stuff in there and -I that directory15:05.38 
Robin_Watts tor8: We could.15:05.45 
tor8 it would be nice if we didn't have to keep our own branches in thirdparty libs though...15:05.58 
Robin_Watts It would.15:06.03 
tor8 I wonder if he could be persuaded to revert that commit15:06.08 
Robin_Watts The workaround include seems sensible.15:06.13 
  tor8: I've spoken to him in the past, and he was... inflexible... in terms of wanting to pass a context through.15:06.58 
  Apparently "using custom allocators is a bad idea".15:07.19 
  "An inability of a library to use custom allocators is a huge shortcoming" would be my view, but...15:07.57 
tor8 yeah. stubborn is my impression last time I talked to the maintainers too.15:08.24 
  anyway, gotta go. back in a couple of hours.15:09.18 
Robin_Watts tor8, sebras, fred: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=46407fb9c49a6c4a30dbdf50347bbe60c3f598fb18:58.23 
  That's a fix for a multithreaded store problem that fred ran into.18:58.35 
  It seems to have cured his problem.18:58.47 
fredross-perry I'm testing and it looks good so far.18:59.00 
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